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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.13.1.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 2087872
Started: 2 months ago
Duration: 5 minutes
Players: 18
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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2 months ago
Player cemahseri team killed geo on purpose, around minute 5
+0 / -0
2 months ago
Player Arjack has abusefully vote kicked player Trojaner for no reason at 0:49 right after stealing his geothermal
+0 / -1
2 months ago
I didnt steal your geo, I made it before you, you started reclaim it, you get kiked that's the rules
+1 / -0
Thats not what happened. You saw me digging geothermal hole and also placed it on top of where mine was queued

>steal my geothermal
>my comm helps you build it because it was queued
>i reclaim because i accidently helped build it and because it was still my spot
>you manage to vote kick me on top of it by lying to people i was griefing

the trolling is real with this one.

Anyway, you have been reported and hopefully the admins will deal with you.
+0 / -3

2 months ago
There’s a “Contact Administrators” button you should use to report other players. This allows admins to make unbiased decisions, rather than creating forum posts and blaming each other.
+3 / -0

2 months ago
Go to the page of the user you wish to report, click the button there, explain the issue with the player, and attach any relevant evidence.
+1 / -0
TRrankTrojaner_ and TRrankcemahseri have been banned.

Reclaiming a friendly nanoframe is teamkilling.

I'm not really interested in arguing the toss on whether TRrankcemahseri technically teamkilled. Jumping a Skuttle into a hole with a friendly Moho demonstrates clear intent.

That being said, placing a geo in a hole somebody else is terraforming is not a very polite thing to do.
It does not justify teamkilling, but nevertheless I would suggest you not repeat it.
+2 / -0