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Interaction between Screamer vs shields and com-drones.

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13 years ago
You can discharge a screamer for free - you only have to let your com make com drones.

Massive shield spam - about 15 Aegis per screamer can drain about 30 or more shots out of a Screamer.

If used well, you can retreat your Krow with mobile shields and make cost against Screamer missles - Without any chance to loose a Unit.

My suggestion.
* let screamer penetrate shields.
* let drones, some or all gunships and maybe aircraft flying at a higher altitude, because the AOE kills ground stuff under Low-altitude air targets - especially com and carrier drones.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Maybe someone have an alternative idea - if it is so, pls post it.
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13 years ago
This is actually a problem, and has been for a while, Carrier drones do the same thing. The fact blasts and gnats also do this so easily is a problem too.

You really need to just holdfire screamers, this is the way we've been doing it basically for as long as screamers have been stockpile. But it is really hard to set your screamer to fire at will in time to stop a bomber attack.

I believe there is already a fix that makes AA do its full (air) damage to shields instead of its reduced ground damage? If not that's a problem. To me though, 15 aegis per screamer sounds like you're really not making cost- did you actually test this or did you just make that number up? I know it can be strategically worth it with a krow though.

A better solution would be just to put gnats, blasts and drones into their own category which screamers don't fire at. The question is whether its worthwhile to drain screamers with fighters or banshees as well? Probably not.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
90 metal per shot
it is only worthwhile if you can ressurrect something.

You also need 10 missles to kill Krow.
900 metal
Screamer + 900 metal = about 4 Chainsaws.

4 Chainsaws do 1k damage per second, can't be emped/skuttled/tacnuked so easily and don't need metal to fire.

Sure, they have less range, but you can spread them a bit.
If they get attacked by Krows, just make 2 Chainsaws instead and 6 Razzors in front of them.

The AOE doesn't really matter - Krows are too larget to be AOEed.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
That comm drones do this is annoying.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
i gotta agree with neon screamers are too expensive to be usefull. The fact you gotta pay alot to build it and then alot to make the missiles is the very reason you never see it in games (unless its a nub).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I once build screamer specially against krow, well I didint know that it need 10 to kill krow so krow drained missiles and went back for repair. Maybe missiles should be free? Its expensive turret and actually it is even more expensive.

By the way 10 missiles to stockpile thats huge ammount of time isint it?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
By the way targeting problems are kinda solved once you see krow to hold screamer fire and target krow, but again krow can safely move in and if player isint blind after eating few shots just go back = still allive.

Another solution would be to make those missiles do much more damage.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I agree that Screamer isn't efficient at all at the moment. Only its range is a good thing. But damage and stockpiling time sucks. It can't even kill a krow properly. I had a screamer in FFA with about 20 missiles stockpiled and set on hold fire. NeonStorm sent krow, I set screamer to attack it, Krow went down to 20% and retreated. He repaired it and did the same thing again, and could do it faster than I could queue new missiles.
It seems that mass chainsaws and flakkers are a much better option at the moment, deal more damage per cost, and cant by killed or disabled so easily.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think Screamer needs a faster stockpiling time, and better DPS (so more damage per shot or faster rate of fire). Also it needs a widget that somewhat lets you set minimal target cost for it, so it doesn't need so much micro.
Missile cost can be higher to compensate if they are actually made useful.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The Screamer just feels like a heavy chainsaw to me. To be honest I don't feel like it's a part of the "Every Unit is unique" of Zero-K. It's just a more expensive heavier chainsaw. Maybe it should be completely replaced by something else?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think it's fine, I provides an anti-Krow zone if used correctly and completely destroys other aircraft.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It's the only real AoE AA you have, it can rip through packs of rapiers or, if an enemy leaves their bombers/fighters too close together.

To explain googles cryptic 'if used correctly', you should not hit it the moment it enters the range, since you'll be holdifiring anyway. You should wait until it is deep enough within your territory that you can kill it before it retreats (To do this sucessfully, you should be using other AA, like Razors, to get its HP down).

IMO it is not a power issue so much as the cost and the drone countering.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
It should make NO AOE - If you need "aoe", use the short ranged air-riot which is called chainsaw.
If it isn't sufficient, you have not made enough of it.

If the enemy attacks your chainsaws, spread them or make Razzors/Hacksaws.

If Hacksaws or Razzors are too spamy, make Screamer and sniper Bombers and each gunship above banshees and AA-gunships.

If you want to attack AA-gunships or banshees, you can manually attack them.

+0 / -0
13 years ago
Making chainsaws is more cost effective than screamers. 4 chainsaws means that area is pretty much completely air free and you dont pay for the missiles unlike the screamer. Thats why you never see them ingame. Why would you pay for a expensive unit that only counters heavy units or bunch of units and costs resources to fire if you can make something that does that all for free?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Screamer has 25% more range, even that is vitally important. It pushes back fighters further or can afford to be safer. Now for comparisons vs Krow.

Krow can fly in and kill 3 Chainsaws (2700 cost). Krow dies on the way to Screamer about 400 elmos away (2400 cost + 880 in missiles) and has more range.

No turret is plainly better than the other and each has a role. Screamer isn't something you would make every game (except against Jasper) because it's like a better balanced Annihilator.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
4 chainsaws makes 1000 dps
1 Screamer makes 1750 dps

dps is the only reason.

If you have more damage per shot it will make too much overkill against bomb drones.
Because It is not every time possible to avoid the waste with chainsaws in front of your screamer - so far at the front, that they have more "range" than the screamer while a single missle has to be more expensive, because they kill brawler/blackdawn with 1 shot instead of 2.

It would take less time too, so that another player could notice his 3 or more brawlers to be shot down and lose 2 or 3 instead of 1 if he retreat.
If we double the dps, we need to make a missle cost 2*125 metal instead of 1*90 - also because it would make 3500 damage and only 100 damage less than the max. capacity of Aegis. That would let them penetrate shields.

Screamer needs to be one of:
* AA-arty : kills cheap stuff all over the map ( 200 to 400 dps, no AOE, 10 metal/shot, 25% more range )
* Long-range Anty-Heavy : ( 1 shot each 2 seonds, 4 times dps, 400 metal for the missle, fire only at >300 metal targets.
* * make it possible for chainsaws to fire first at some small targets - reduce the range, or only attack if enemies come closer than 1/2 range and keep fire until no enemy is anywhere in it's range - manual fire at one unit don't lead to auto-cleaning area.
* Riot-AA : really huge AOE, only fires if there are more than X targets where X is toogleable between 5, 7, 9
* * let the missle explode AOE-radius*0.75 above the top of the target to NOT damage ground units, or add an example to the no special damage rule.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
To google frog but if you saw that enemy has krow it is simply too late to make screamer since it wont stockpile enough missiles anyway, if you make it earlier in advance if someone might go krow... this will be considered porc, and if very if you pack 3 chainsaws at one place than krow might kill them, normally I think thats impossible. 2 chainsaws really scare krow away + some other shit it becomes dead.

+ 3 c hainsaws = no air will be here + no hassle over hold fire + no bomb drones whatever and no metal waste for stockpile.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
4 chainsaws kill a krow in like 18 seconds. Thats will really scare him off. Also everything can hit a krow so having 1k extra dps in a area vs krow will make it a non krow zone.

On top of that they also stop all other air. Screamer takes a long time to kill a krow since it has to stockpile its missiles. Because of that screamers wont make cost. They most likely be killed or wont have enough missiles stockpiled by the time krow comes. I believe 10 missiles takes over 10 mins to build. Thats like 1/3 of most games?!?!?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Screamer is the most efficient way of preventing Krow in a large area and it also prevents everything else in a large area. Of course with an expensive structure you have to know that it won't be wasted.
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