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<5 minutes no ELO

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13 years ago
Hey, I recently played a game versus Godde and he obviously finished me in less then 4 minutes. What bothers me is that he didn't get any ELO due to game lenght. I think that with the increase in 1vs1 matches due to the game juggler Zero-K games will get faster and faster, the 1vs1 games I have playes are faster then ever, and I think the no ELO unser 5 minutes rule is outdated due to this.

Also, in last game I played, my opponent, while I was winning left at like 4:30 resultes in no ELO. While my opponent left in good spirit because he left to eat, but this is open to abuse!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I had that too. We glaive rushed the other team succesfully and ended the game in like 3 mins and we got no elo and ip but ships where gone.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It's done to prevent Elo/XP farming.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
But why you dont get ip, xp and ships are gone then? Some ppl even use this mechanic to waste other players ships

Better way to prevent xp farming would be to not give xp if 2 <5 min games happened in a hour. Having 2 extremely short games within a hour is very very rare. But having 1 <5 min game does happen occasionaly.

Besides is xp that important that you have to prevent farming it? Elo i can understand but xp?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If this problem translates to Planetwars that's just bad, especially if ships do get lost.

If you just do a search for replays of +-5 minutes you will find a lot of games. I think we should embrace the speed of Zero-K 1vs1, because playing fast games is really fun, and in my opinion you learn most from these fast games, and it would be silly to not have it count towards ELO if you finish the game fast.

Maybe only re-introduce the XP? It's not like people would farm ELO, since all ELO does is help balance the game. I don't see reason for people to raise their ELO just so that they will have to fight more difficult opponents.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Dont you think it is uber cool to have your name listed on the homepage ;-)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Oh yes, that's really cool, but my point is, that it's cool because of what it represents; being one of the top players. I don't think the game will be abused to tank ELO, because there is no profit in doing this. It's not cool or benefitial in any way.

Maybe lower the time to like 3 minutes?

Also Floris, when are you going to take that first place :p? You climbed the ladder really quick. I did a small climb too lately :D sucks that I can't watch ladder to see my place.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
never, beating newbies doesnt give me elo anumore :(
+0 / -0

13 years ago
The planetwars problem is that Licho linked IP gain directly to XP gain because it uses a similarly appropriate equation. I said a while ago that they could use the same equation but be determined independently such that the anti-farming time for XP does not apply to IP.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Usually, if a game ends in less than 5 minutes, someone did something seriously wrong. I guess when you're playing against Godde it isn't hard to get utterly crushed for a small mistake, but it probably wasn't a 'fair' game. People probably shouldn't get IP, XP or Elo for that.

The fact you lose ships is a serious problem though, and I have no idea why Licho hasn't fixed it.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I also have no idea why nobody hasnt fixed it yet.
Someone should get dirty and find the bug, I cannot do everything in this circus.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If a game would count more for XP if it lasts longer ( more ingame time ) it could solve 1/3 of the issue XPs.

Elo-Farming isn't that bad, because it's very often the early game which decides team games.
And if you play FFA, or 1v1 or against chickens, yuor elo doesn't matter.

If a battle ends in less than 5 minutes and you won because they resigned, you should hold your ships, if you have resigned to prevent that they get IPs or destroy any structures, it is only fair if you lose your ships.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Give xp based on playing time then?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
What is to understand? IP gain is based on XP gain, and you do not gain XP or Elo unless the game lasts more than 5 minutes (to prevent farming). But Planetwars still advances the turn and destroys ships and planetary defences. Make it not count 0 IP games or change the 5 minute rule.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
The XP equation gives no XP if the game ends up to 8 minutes into the game. XP gain then linearly increased to max at 12 minutes into the game. These are real world minutes not ingame minutes which means loading time, startpositions and pause a counted.

Anyway the important bit is the linear increase, it prevents a simple switch between sending and not sending ships. Anyway players could still prevent a game by resigning continuously and clogging up PW.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
That is not nearly as bad as losing ships for no reason.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The game can easily be determined in under 5 minutes. Especially with rushes.
Rushing com and jack for example.

Should people stay ingame 5 minutes in that case just in order to be polite to exchange elo even if they know they have lost?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Ofc they wont do that. More chance they resign on purpose to prevent elo loss or losing a planet.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
"Usually, if a game ends in less than 5 minutes, someone did something seriously wrong. I guess when you're playing against Godde it isn't hard to get utterly crushed for a small mistake, but it probably wasn't a 'fair' game. People probably shouldn't get IP, XP or Elo for that.

Maybe I haven't got that much of a view on how bad I was crushed since I am no top player yet, but to be honest I was not utterly crushed. I raided him early in the game, and he raided me back early, beating me with a rushed leveler at exactly the right time. Here is a replay of FlorisXIV and Godde playing, where FlorisXIV gets beaten in less then 5 minutes, which surely isn't because FlorisXIV is such a noob that makes such big mistakes.


On top of that, 1vs1s are ussually very polite with players just Resigning if they notice they are in a position they can not win any more, because we all want to play as much games as possible, and not clog up other people's time by hiding our last glaive somewhere for them to find. I think this is something Zero-K should encourage, and by requiring games to be at least 5 minutes you are encouraging the opposite: have gamers clog up at least 5 minutes of the other player to make sure they get ELO.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Also 50 minutes ingame give you more expirience than 10 minutes.

It pevents newbes from team games and makes them playing against bots or 1v1 games only, because team games lasts much longer
+0 / -0
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