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A mobile gravitation unit

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14 years ago
The gravity weapon is an incredibly cool & unique concept. However, right now the only units using it are Newton and Jugglenaut, and those both get used only rarely. I'd love to see a "normal" unit with the weapon, it'd be great for a riot unit, and great fun as well.
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14 years ago
A normal unit with a gravity weapon? What would we do about Newton's third law?

But seriously, we don't have a cheaper gravity riot unit because impulse did not work in older spring versions as well as it does now. It was too unreliable.

Maybe Jumpers could have such a unit as they don't have many units with range, although Moderator already sort of fills the ranged disable role. Anyway I'll keep it in mind as it would be pretty cool.
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14 years ago
I thought about giving attract rays to krow, it would lift unit into air, holdit there and then pierce it with jack's spear.
+0 / -0
14 years ago
>A normal unit with a gravity weapon? What would we do about Newton's third law?

Well, maybe it could fire only when stationary, planting itself on the ground. :)

>Maybe Jumpers could have such a unit as they don't have many units with range, although Moderator already sort of fills the ranged disable role.

I think the unit would be fine short-ranged or medium-ranged. Short-ranged it'd be more riot-y, medium ranged it'd be a fun support unit.

Moderators are cool though, and I don't think these 2 ecxlude each other even in the same lab.
+0 / -0
14 years ago
>I thought about giving attract rays to krow, it would lift unit into air, holdit there and then pierce it with jack's spear.

Sounds epic! It wouldn't exactly be a mobile newton, so I think they could coexist.

The gravgun is such a unique and still little-used feature, that I think it deserves more utilization.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Hmmm That Would Be Interesting But I Think There Would Be A Few Problems With It I Think I Tried Something Like That Before But It Make Word Better On These New Versions
+0 / -0
13 years ago
So what you mean is you want a Newton defence device to be morphable to mobile like the shield can?

I think it is important to keep Newton's third law in effect for as much as we can. If we have a small unit with the gravitation beam it should be pushed back by the larger tank coming near it and that is more of a disadvantage then an advantage xD
+0 / -0

13 years ago
The slow morty (Moderator) origionally had a newton weapon. It was decided that it didnt work, partly because impulse is a tad screwy and really does so much damage that its more effective as a damaging-weapon-vs-light-targets, than as a 'keep away' special effect.
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13 years ago
A snatch, Grab and anal probing Krow. Should rename it into a UFO.
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13 years ago
Perhaps we can add a gravity gun with attract to the heavy transporter.

So it can catch units faster and unload it soft.

Or we should give Jack an attractor.

Maye we can build tractor rays like in StarTrek
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13 years ago
This is interesting idea, if someone is willing to code that, go ahead :)
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13 years ago
I'm not - for the moment.

I work with some alternative shield code, but the collision dedection is problematic.

but maybe it would be a nice Idea for an other one of you
+0 / -0
13 years ago
For some time i played Supreme Commander FA ( but I didn't know about zk ).

There are transporters with a heavy slot whitch can be splitted into two medium slots.

The two medium slots can be splitted into two light slots.

And weak units like glaives in zk are able to shot while transporting.

I think it would be a good Idea to add this in zk too, but I'm also interrested into http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/280 .
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13 years ago
A light melee unit with an attraction beam might be interesting, the idea being that it pulls itself towards the enemy rather than the other way around (because it's so light).
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13 years ago
Face hugger
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13 years ago
some kind of crawling bomb with that kind of concept like a facehugger would be interesting
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