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Morphable scout glider

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5 years ago
I have been thinking a bit about the jump in scouting viability that comes with the construction of a Plane Factory. The ease of scouting is at least part of the power of Planes as a second factory. In a 1v1, if it's switch time and you want to scout your opponents switch it often good to just switch to planes. In a team game the difference between knowing everything and nearly nothing is a plopped Plane Factory.

Owl could be nerfed, but it is hard to nerf Swift in a way that makes it a worse scout. My wacky solution is to give radar tower a morph to a light scout plane. Here is a rough idea of the type of attributes it could have.
  • Cost around 200. Note that the 55 metal cost of a radar tower is discounted from the morph.
  • Speed around 200 elmos/s. This is fairly slow for a plane.
  • Sight range around 800 to 1000. Radar tower has 800 sight range. Owl has 1400.
  • Possibly no radar or sonar. Sight may well be enough.
  • Definitely no jamming.
  • Very little health.

The glider may even motivate a little light AA, which would prepare players to defend against a plane switch. What do people thing, is this the right kind of idea? Is scouting fine as is?
+6 / -0
5 years ago
Make a radar, get dots, waste 200 metal to lose radar dots and send a very weak slow glider into enemy forces? I'm not skilled enough to appreciate this.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I support nerfing the absolute need for airswitch.
And I always thought owl was really good.
It should probably survive atleast a picket since this is a (pricey)plane and its going to get itself shot while swirling around at the edge of enemy range.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Please don't make it a plane.

Owl is good, but it feels messy to use because it constantly flies in and out of opposing air control. I would much prefer a gunship that can hover in place and give reliable vision of a specific area without it feeling like its ai is handicapping you.
+3 / -0
Just set it to patrol. I'm sure some sort of unit AI could be made for better aircraft idling.

I don't want to make it a gunship because gunships are generally slower and don't fly as high. I also don't have a gunship model.
+0 / -0
If Eclipse could be scaled down a bit. It doesn't have to fly low because it is the only blimp in the game and isn't in the gs fac so there wouldn't be confusion imo.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Sorry - I didn't mean an actual gunship. Just something similar to trident that hovers there (in my mind I was thinking something simple akin to the gnat model).
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Make windgens morph into a plane, they already have a propeller :^)
+4 / -0

5 years ago
All air units are technically either planes or gunships.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Does that technically matter?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Having a flying scout of some form in each fac might be more consistent?

Glaives with jetpacks..
+0 / -1

5 years ago
Acting like a gnat sounds well and good. Your idea makes me imagine a unit called the hummingbird that morphs the big old radar dish apart into 2 lil wings that constantly struggle to keep it in the air.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
what I did on mf was add a 200m air scout factory, that builds 80ish cost small air scouts.

the radar morph seems an annoyance. If you want to send out a swarm do you need to make a swarm of radars and morph them?
+1 / -0
How about some sort of medium range intel static artillery? You build it a certain distance from the enemy, it shoots a non-damaging projectile that reveals a radius on impact.

If the projectile hits a shield, it doesn't work.

Alternatively, a scouting tactical missile.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
How about give each factory artillery unit a flare ability. Which will fire flare at the select location and reveal that area for limited time? Also it will have limited range
+0 / -0
5 years ago
is adv radar worth it right now? i never see good players make them.. good players told me "waste".. "reclaim it".. "no need get regular radars" .. maybe if adv radar was map wide or ground penetrating the dots would be enough to not overshadow actual scouting but allow any player to notice enemy movements.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I also don't have a gunship model.

This failed to prevent Claymore, so...

+7 / -0

5 years ago
My vote: Make it morph into a fairly high flying gunship (350 elmo or so?) and keep its previous radar range.

Also, like AUrankSmokeDragon mentioned, might be good to make advanced radar ground penetrating.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Sounds a bit like that scout balloon shit we discussed. Anything that increases variety in facswitch options is an idea worth exploring. If you solve the owl/swift scouting necessity, all that's left is somehow fixing the 5 raven rush lust. The global econ went a way towards making it easier to live with - but didn't stop it from being overly popular.
+1 / -0
Aaand model done (not script/particles/etc)

files here
+12 / -0
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