quote: Technically Lance and Phantom could be made to attempt to avoid shooting through allies as much as they do now, but not actually collide with allies if they happen to hit them. It would degrade the authenticity of the projectile physics and unit AI (why avoid shooting allies when your projectile passes through) but maybe that is a price worth paying.
I think it isn't. Reasonably life-like physics that occasionally backfire are one of the cooler aspects of Zero-K.
On the subject of berthas, I have observed they seem to have a poor understanding of what they can actually hit. Recently I have seen a Bertha trying to hit an enemy base and hitting a hill on the way instead, where there were allied units. Fun times.
I suppose its on purpose, since they can flatten terrain so sooner or later they will start hitting the intended target, but it can lead to hilarious amounts of wasted shots/friendly fire.