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Incandescence 2.2 Featured

Planet Muphrid

By qray, TheMooseIsLoose

Rock island (~14x14) surrounded by lava. Up to 10 players (north west vs. south east) - metal income adjustable. Licence: Scripts GPL 2.0, map CC BY 3.0. Credits: Skybox - Beherith. Detail textures - Beherith, jylhis (http://jylhis.deviantart.com/). Volumetric clouds - Anarchid, jK. Lava - The_Yak, Knorke, Beherith, Anarchid, Kloot, [BoS]nixtux. Using map blueprint by jK.
Size: 16 x 16


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4 years ago
2.2 fixed lavasplosions, darker lava trails

+2 / -0

4 years ago
This one has the same disappearing cegs for Kodachi/Ogre issue as Zed 2.4
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I just played a game on this map and have an incredibly difficult time seeing the cliffs, in particular in the game I could not tell that the northeast cliff ledge was unpathable at any point along the wall for my tanks, so I repeatedly ordered them to go somewhere they couldn't path to and they got killed pretty stupidly. Is there a game setting I should be changing to make it more visible? I was trying to play around with my settings later but wasn't having any luck.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
F2 Will show pathing extents for the selected unit, but what you're describing is a known issue (among others) that desires repair by a new map texture.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Thanks, I guess for now I'll just go with upping the contrast on my monitor itself, at least that seems to work.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
The solution is to improve the aesthetics of the map.
+0 / -0
This line needs to be gone from lava.lua in this map:
Spring.SetMapRenderingParams({voidWater = true, voidGround = true})

It adds nothing, but it also sets voidground to true for this map. This in turn causes all cegs that require ground=true to spawn to not spawn - e.g. commander laser targeted at ground will just end abruptly with no endpoint flash.

More to the point, the first effect to happen in most ZK games - facplop flash - is also blocked by this.
+4 / -0

4 years ago
Do these issues mean I should find a replacement map for MM?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Apparently the problems are persisting so I'll remove this from MM for now.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
On this map, any flame effects are invisible, which makes it really weird to play on, considering it often devolves into arty-escalation-war.
+0 / -0
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