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Dedicated Comm Loadout Thread

17 posts, 1443 views
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Post your Comms here.(Loadout,Price,Intended purpose)
Commander page on zk website shows misleading costs:
For true price, use cheats + quickbuild, Comms will spawn at 1 value. Also useful for testing "making cost" scenarios.
+3 / -0

4 years ago
Any comm > level 2: Metal donation. Cost: Too high.
That look on commorphers faces when they get ultimatiumed or skuttled: priceless.

For everything else, there's GalactiStorage's Metal Donation Card. Sign up today for our `like it or get half your metal back` rewards program!
+2 / -4
4 years ago

Chassis, Engineer
Purpose, Press upgrade when excessing, congratulations you have avoided excessing and also made a better anti excess tool
Price, 625
Target level, 3
gun, light particle beam
3x CarRepairer's Nanolathe

buildpower at level 3; 28

he build, he reclaim, but most important he avoid excess
+6 / -0

4 years ago

Hybrid poke-comm for 1v1 rushes.
+3 / -0
I theoretically have 2 loadouts but I pretty much never remember to upgrade my com or to try to use the loadouts. I'm a com-in-base kinda guy.

It doesn't help that, as mentioned, com upgrades kinda suck. I think going up to level 3 is worth it if you know what you're doing it for, though. A lot of cool things for coms require at least level 3, such as lazarus device.

I might be more interested in com upgrades if there were upgrades useful for coms that will sit in base, but there aren't. I guess things like more BP or speed can help, but its much cheaper to just make more builders.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
sea comms? :O
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I seem to recall there used to be a submarine weapon for coms, but its been removed since. No more sea com shenanigans.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
love using commanders although wish there was more variaty added and same for campaign commanders to be the same as multiplayer and ability to bring your own for to co-op
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I've actually been having a lot of fun with Guardian Comm with 8x range and SLAM rocket. You just kind of walk it around behind your army and occasionally delete a mex or some porc using the SLAM. As long as you space-click it, you can keep doing whatever engineering task you set up while still plinking away at stuff.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
First: commorph is a lobster's game.
Second: I like commorphing. I have three favourites.

Commander name:
Guardian Commander
Level 2:
Metal: 225
Slot 1 (Weapon): Heat Ray
Slot 2 (Module): Ablative Armor Plates
Level 3:
Metal: 650
Slot 3 (Module): High Density Plating
Slot 4 (Module): Ablative Armor Plates
Level 4:
Metal: 750
Slot 5 (Flex Wep): Heat Ray
Slot 6 (Module): Ablative Armor Plates
Slot 7 (Module): Autorepair System

This makes a THICK chunky boy that just melts shit up close. He's useful if people are scything comms a lot, he's almost unbeatble up close vs most other lobcomms and also useful when the opposing air is trying to kill commanders. I like having this guy in porc towers where the lack of range of heat ray is not so critical.

Commander name:
Strike Commander
Level 2:
Metal: 25
Slot 1 (Weapon):
Slot 2 (Module):
Level 3:
Metal: 500
Slot 3 (Module):
Slot 4 (Module): Personal Cloak
Level 4:
Metal: 550
Slot 5 (Flex Wep): Disintegrator Gun
Slot 6 (Module):
Slot 7 (Module):

The simplest, most pared-down d-gun comm I can think of. This I use to counter enemy rushes like Cyclops and Grizz. It's also useful if there are exposed enemy commanders out front. Not really a trollcomm in the classic sense.

Commander name:
Engineer Commander
Level 2:
Metal: 175
Slot 1 (Weapon):
Slot 2 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe
Level 3:
Metal: 400
Slot 3 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe
Slot 4 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe
Level 4:
Metal: 850
Slot 5 (Man. Wep): Multi-Stunner
Slot 6 (Module): Ablative Armor Plates
Slot 7 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe

My usual boi. Since I like porc push, it makes sense to have a comm that can build and repair really fast. The upgrades are cheap and upgrading the first two levels gives me a significant build capacity without spending too much metal.
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Despite what you said the second and third ones look genuinely useful. First is kind of a stretch, I guess being good at not getting murdered preserves those 4 m/s.

BTW, it would increase the price a bit but you could throw in Lazarus device in the last one. Rez your own dead porc and all.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Commander name: Owen Grady
Strike Commander
Level 2:
Metal: 225
Slot 1 (Weapon): Lightning Rifle
Slot 2 (Module): Ablative Armor Plates
Level 3:
Metal: 400
Slot 3 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe
Slot 4 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe
Level 4:
Metal: 750
Slot 5 (Flex Wep): Lightning Rifle
Slot 6 (Module): Advanced Targeting System
Slot 7 (Module): Advanced Targeting System
Level 5:
Metal: 650
Slot 8 (Module): Advanced Targeting System
Slot 9 (Module): Advanced Targeting System
Slot 10 (Module): High Power Servos
Level 6:
Metal: 750
Slot 11 (Module): Damage Booster
Slot 12 (Module): Damage Booster
Slot 13 (Module): Damage Booster

Used in team games.
+1 / -0
I'd like to be able to build more commanders in a factory, and lay upgrades on some of the superunits. Probably mostly would reserve it for AI games, but its good fun to mix and match, then blow stuff up.
+1 / -0
Commander name: sfirepluk Singu rush
Engineer Commander

Level 2:
Metal: 225
Slot 1 (Weapon): Beam Laser
Slot 2 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe

Level 3:
Metal: 400
Slot 3 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe
Slot 4 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe

Level 4:
Metal: 1100
Slot 5 (Man. Wep): Heavy Particle Beam
Slot 6 (Module): Lazarus Device
Slot 7 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe

Level 5:
Metal: 650
Slot 8 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe
Slot 9 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe
Slot 10 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe

A commander I copied from Firepluk a really long time ago (probably some years)
+1 / -0
Being able to build new commanders would be fun, but they would probably suck. Even more than now since being able to make more commanders would require commanders to get nerfed.

Also, from what I recall a dead commander gives you something like 2000 metal in reclaim, which means that in theory their nominal cost is something like 5000 metal. Yeah nope.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
You could charge 5000 metal and I'd build it in an AI game. There should be more upgrades also! And trophies to win for using commanders to do great deeds.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
there are already trophies or do you mean extra trophies specific to commanders?. I think having some pre-loaded options on lvl 1 commanders would help with variety say speed or range or damage boost etc.
+0 / -0