Hey look, I'm all in for cool and shiny ... I just don't like where zk been headed in the last time and it's headed in a circus direction far away from well defined RTS
RTS should have predictable and calculatable balance and less gimmicky stuff which outcome is based on rng-jesus and there is nothing you can do to counter/protect from it except to be lucky and favored by rng-jesus.
Let's take ultimatum for example, it's damage output is based on target width and an angle you fire at target - hard to predict and impossible to calculate ahead of time, goes against each and every other unit in zk universe.
Let's take lobster... While throwing units might be fun it's still hard to predict what exactly will happen, because well... cliffs, slopes and other weird terrain do exist and UI is not clear about what exactly is going to happen
I've seen and did too many attempts where lobster just scattered my army across top of the hill/slope which units were supposed to fly over(regarding UI)...
On top of this it adds whole new dimension of complexity into balance, totally breaking some units balance-wise and it's next to impossible balance this nonsence, because we just added a second zk on top of existing one in which -ALL- units are airborn and even those which already were airborn before lobster I bet could have some really weird alterations to their default behavior if you factor the lobstering in the equation(very confused smile goes here)...
For example today I saw

Shaman abusing lobster and newtons to precisely throw jacks into the enemy base across whole map avoiding the whole frontline...
https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/996464in this particular game this did not do any good, but I saw games on this exact map where enemy noticed too late and lost whole eco clusters due to this nonsence...
Is this how zk "supposed to be played nowdays"?
In my opinion good RTS should have no such barely predictable things... or things you can barely protect yourself from no matter what you do(cloaked lobstered ultimatum flying right into your face right over the protective flea screen, uncloaking couple of elmo in front of you and shooting right into your dumb and unsuspecting face)
Can we have a spherical screen of fleas maybe to protect from flying ultimatums? let's give fleas an ability to fly too!
All the way into the circus-k
[Spoiler]sorry, lost it at the end ^_^