Thanks for all the feedback & informations!
I tried to watch random replays of battles, mentioned in the forum. I'd recently saw one, where another ZK started, like a virtual machine. So it was a old version, as

GoogleFrog mentioned -> old engine.
But somehow it's not working always. Now I tried to watch, which is a relative new battle. So it should work, but didn't start.
Other battles I tried wo watch are mentioned eg. in the following threads: lots of others, but I cannot remember the threads.
[Spoiler]For my idea that someone with enough freetime & knowledge enough money to spare may do the following ...
- Run VM for every ZK version
- Scraps all replays -> distributes them according to metadate to the right VM/ZK version
- Views all replays -> convert them into videos
- Upload them on Youtube, tagged with alle the metadate of the replays
... I forgot that it's pointless. As random uploaded static videos cannot be watched like a replay in Youtube. And for sure it's not realistic to have someone making manually dozen of videos of replays. I don't know, if may via machine learning it's possible to have an kinda of AI, which is changing constantly the view in replays to have a nice view in the video, where the action is going on.
But still, ignoring all the logic failures: I like the idea.
As well I think this could help
to promote 0k and get new players