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Watching old replays

13 posts, 1518 views
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Good day fellas,

I tried to watch replays, which are more than 6 month old. So from older ZK versions. But it's not possible. 1.8 and 1.4 something. The current one is

Already downloaded the .sdfz file and put it manually into the right folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\demos

I use windows & steam. May I should switch to Linux, but the OS seems not to be the problem - but the ZK version, right?

Any advise? Couldn't find something in the forum.

Bzw: Would be awesome to have some tool, which is scraping all the replays and puts it on YouTube with all the battle metadata to filter.
+4 / -0
Replays over a month old with no comments are compacted into amazon glacier (at some point, not immediately) and noone wrote the retrieval function yet.

Additionally, for really old ones, there's the issue of engine build availability. ZK still serves the dozen or so most recent engine versions the game used, and Spring itself hosts all release versions, but all develop engines between those would have to be rebuilt from source.
+3 / -0

3 years ago
So if a really old replay has a single comment, you can still watch it?
+1 / -0

3 years ago
You need the replay file, the engine file, and the game file. All are technically accessable, but there's no automation to it. That's what Anarchid said.
+2 / -0

3 years ago
Is it possible to run the replay if you manually dump the replay, game, and engine files all in the same folder?
+1 / -0
Is it possible to run the replay if you manually dump the replay, game, and engine files all in the same folder?

Yes, you'll just have to provide command line arguments with their proper locations because by default the engine looks for replays in ./demos, for game archives in ./games or ./mods, and for maps in ./maps -- not actually in the same directory as itself.

All are technically accessable, but there's no automation to it.

There is no manual access to glacier either unless you have the private keys.
+3 / -0
3 years ago
Replays over a month old with no comments are compacted into amazon glacier and noone wrote the retrieval function yet.

Actually you can fetch unmarked replays from up to 4 months ago, give or take. Dunno if something changed, or it's just how it was-is.
+2 / -0

3 years ago
If you have the replay file and it is less than a year old it should run. All the old engine versions for the last three or so years are hosted here. Maybe rapid was down, preventing autodownloading of the right game version.

Upload the replay somewhere and link it here so others can have a go.
+2 / -0
Thanks for all the feedback & informations!

I tried to watch random replays of battles, mentioned in the forum. I'd recently saw one, where another ZK started, like a virtual machine. So it was a old version, as AUrankAdminGoogleFrog mentioned -> old engine.

But somehow it's not working always. Now I tried to watch http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1132386, which is a relative new battle. So it should work, but didn't start.

Other battles I tried wo watch are mentioned eg. in the following threads:



Also lots of others, but I cannot remember the threads.

+1 / -0
3 years ago
A "follow player view" thing for replay watching would be useful.
+2 / -0
3 years ago
I have been thinking of writing a directed camera widget like what dota 2 has. This would be one of the steps to making system that automatically makes videos of replays.
+4 / -0

3 years ago
You can follow player view, there is widget that does that, somewhere. It has a microscopic UI for 4k screens, I think.
+0 / -0
No hard feelings USrankfloomby, but: <3

//An app for watching replays on the mobile phone would be awesome, although some user might would get problems on their job. :)
+1 / -0