With "Selected Units Panel" I am referring to this:

I'd like to see the Selected Units panel expanded. Right now, the info there is somewhat limited and the user doesn't have a whole lot of options for customizing what's available.
I am often comparing stats like movement speed and/or dps, or checking how much damage a unit does per shot vs the health of another unit. That information is fairly readily available ([space]+[left mouse button] on a unit or a unit icon), but I'd like to (optionally) have it be even more available.
Info I would like to (optionally) see in the panel:
Movement speed
Weapon range
Damage per shot
Vision Range
Maybe AoE?
Are there other stats which could be useful?
There is already the burst damage feature, but the parameters in it make so units like a ripper doesn't show damage per shot, so I'd like a straight "show damage per shot feature" as well.