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Wishlist item: Expanded "Selected Units Panel" info and options

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3 years ago
With "Selected Units Panel" I am referring to this:

I'd like to see the Selected Units panel expanded. Right now, the info there is somewhat limited and the user doesn't have a whole lot of options for customizing what's available.

I am often comparing stats like movement speed and/or dps, or checking how much damage a unit does per shot vs the health of another unit. That information is fairly readily available ([space]+[left mouse button] on a unit or a unit icon), but I'd like to (optionally) have it be even more available.

Info I would like to (optionally) see in the panel:

Movement speed
Weapon range
Damage per shot
Vision Range
Maybe AoE?

Are there other stats which could be useful?

There is already the burst damage feature, but the parameters in it make so units like a ripper doesn't show damage per shot, so I'd like a straight "show damage per shot feature" as well.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
How would you handle groups of different units? Currently, numbers of units are added which would make sense for DPS. Would you show the rest only if it is all the same unit?

Adding DPS takes a little bit of extra coding to iterate through all weapons of a unit and to consider EMP, disarm and slow. How would you show weapon range and damage per shot if a unit has multiple weapons? The space click menu has a scrollbar for this that you probably don't want in the Selected Units Panel.

You can take the Selected Units Panel from Github, modify it and then include it as a custom widget.
+2 / -0

3 years ago
"Selected Units Panel"

While we're on the subject, some of this data has been cut off for me for a while, I haven't found a suitable setting for it, so how do I fix it?

And another question with which application is the best way to make a screenshot of Zero-K with [Print] - key + paste I somehow only get screenshots of the lobby.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
And another question with which application is the best way to make a screenshot of Zero-K with [Print] - key + paste I somehow only get screenshots of the lobby.

Zero-K can take screenshots of matches without any additional programs. The following defaults can be changed in your zk_keys.lua:
Screenshot (png): F12
Screenshot (jpg): Ctrl+F12
+2 / -0

3 years ago
Movement speed
Weapon range
Damage per shot
Vision Range
Maybe AoE?

I'm not sure whether this is a good suggestion, but I am sure that it is currently ill-defined. What is the movement speed, range etc.. of a mixed selection? Is the DPS of two Glaives the same as the DPS of three Glaives?

While we're on the subject, some of this data has been cut off for me for a while, I haven't found a suitable setting for it, so how do I fix it?

I don't think we have the maintenance or testing capacity to handle UIs that resize themselves based on the size of previously static text. I think the most reliable solution would be to pick shorter words.
+2 / -0
can we have a status icon or progress bar here?

jump reloading/ready,
weapon reload,
plane bomb available,
dgun reloading/ready

so you can control units better when zoomed out
+1 / -0

3 years ago
Jump and special weapon reload exists. Main weapon reload sounds spammy but perhaps makes sense for Scalpel and up. Bombs makes sense too. These can be PRs.
+2 / -0
How would you handle groups of different units? Currently, numbers of units are added which would make sense for DPS. Would you show the rest only if it is all the same unit?

Adding DPS takes a little bit of extra coding to iterate through all weapons of a unit and to consider EMP, disarm and slow. How would you show weapon range and damage per shot if a unit has multiple weapons? The space click menu has a scrollbar for this that you probably don't want in the Selected Units Panel.

I'm not sure whether this is a good suggestion, but I am sure that it is currently ill-defined. What is the movement speed, range etc.. of a mixed selection? Is the DPS of two Glaives the same as the DPS of three Glaives?

It makes sense to add DPS together. I would probably show the other stats as a range, maybe with an average in the middle:

x: lowest stat.
y: highest stat.
z: average.

x to y
x / ~z / y

but, that almost certainly needs Hoppili's issue to be fixed, so it probably just ends there.

I sorta hoped a dev would think my suggestion was amazing and would implement it, tbh. Good talk though.

While we're on the subject, some of this data has been cut off for me for a while, I haven't found a suitable setting for it, so how do I fix it?

You could set the language to English, I guess.

which application is the best way to make a screenshot of Zero-K with [Print] - key + paste I somehow only get screenshots of the lobby.

I used [print] + paste into mspaint btw.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
DKrankHazy_uhyR: You could set the language to English, I guess.

How? I already set this to English:
+0 / -0
3 years ago
+1 / -0
3 years ago
Yes, it really can be confusing. You've set one language and the game insists on using another... I guess for now, a mention about this in the manual will have to do. I'll try to put that in later.

Just another wishlist item: Make the lobby language selector select language for everything. I know the answer though: This is better as a PR.
+1 / -0