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Djinn & Teleportation

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12 years ago
While I like the idea of having expensive long-range transport options like the Djinn, I think the existing scheme is a bit strange. While it makes sense that the Djinn needs to be amphibious, it seems unusual that teleportation as a function is limited to the amhbibious factory- the rest of the units in this factory will also be amphibious. Most likely this means they will not actually need the teleporter the way landlocked units will. I also don't really like the way the Djinn creates a 'beacon' that is not actually a unit. I think the player should be required to construct something to act as the beacon, even if the sum of the cost of the beacon and Djinn matches the price of the present Djinn-only self sufficient teleporter.

I propose a new teleporter structure, which can be morphed into a mobile version (the Djinn) and back again, and reworking the Djinn's teleport system. The structures can be used to teleport units between themselves freely, with infinite range. This is essentially the Djinn's ability now, except you use one of them as the beacon, and a second one as the end point. You can build this structure directly without having an amphibious factory. Also, you can use a Djinn to walk to wherever you wish to teleport, and morph into the stationary structure.

All your teleporters would potentially be able to teleport to any other allied teleporter, creating a robust gate network. A little bit of UI sauce could be created which points one of the teleporters at another teleporter, meaning all you have to do is move units within range of the start point to send them to the end point.

The mobile Djinn could be reworked to have a limited-range "send" or "recall" teleporter, or perhaps even both. This would be useful with a single Djinn, although would have limited range compared to your teleporter network. This also works to increase the dubious mobility of the amphibious factory. Simultaneously, landlocked units still have access the expensive long-range teleportation of the kind they will find more useful.

Because a single Djinn or teleport structure would not be as useful as it is currently, it would need a price drop. You would need two gates to get the same utility as one Djinn presently, so by approximately half, to 800 for either one, seems justified.
+0 / -0
While I don't agree with the two-gate method (djinn risks 100% of the cost if you tele into hotzones), I totally agree with the morph from static.

If cons could build a static Djinn (which has more health or is cloaked say), which could morph to the current one and back, ala shield and cloaker, that would make djinn used more.

On land, you'll usually want a land factory anyway. While amph has its uses even on land, I don't necessarily want amph as my second factory when I am a land player. Usually go gunships.
+0 / -0
It is fine that you are encouraged to go amph if you want this functionality, and that a player who has gone amph is encouraged to use this functionality to support his team. We want amph to be a factory you are tempted to go on land sometimes too.

Sadly, the functionality ATM is way too expensive and really lackluster- the Djinn is slow, often gets caught before arriving, and basically can only set the starting waypoint once.

Transporting in all ways is a massively under-used mechanic in Zero-K. I proposed the teleporter because it would be mechanically easier and less risky for the player to use. The problem with having to use a gui to select your destination is that it just adds an extra layer of complexity. Personally, I'd lower the cost of the Djinn to 300 or so and let it place its beacon -anywhere- on the map (That's only the 'reciever' beacon, ofc).
+0 / -0
300 would probably be much too low. Stop buffing or suggesting buffs of more than 50%. Everyone, PLEASE.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
let the djinn rapid teleport rather then the current waiting times on it.

make it move faster
+0 / -0
12 years ago
* Cloaked Djin should not support a 100% save retreat possibility +1 for one-way.
* Most other units die anyways before you could really act with particular single ones.

Teleporting into combat zones:
* Teleport directly into combat zones:
* * Djin has a low survivability and is easily decloaked by cheap spam units - Riots are a must-have.
* * Most units kill Djin, before Djin could Transport-in enough support.
* Teleport next to combat zones:
* * It need nearly no time for the enemy to arrive once it has been scouted (we have no good scouts which are specialised to recognice incoming fast mobiles and their type)
* * Most advanced units are too slow to reach the combat zone in time if you really build units for the instant-use.

Djin's Lighthouse should be transportable (if it is not).
Djin's movement should be only a bit slow than most other units (to allow enemy to chase it), but if it is very slow, it favors transporters - which are very micro intensive to use.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What about allowing the lighthouse to walk around?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The ability to 'throw' units via teleportation sounds like the most OP thing since Roach + Cloaker.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Thanks for that idea Google
+0 / -0
12 years ago
As another possibility, we could have the Djinn and the structure have roughly the same ability, except the mobile Djinn can only serve as the destination for a teleport. In order to use it to send units back, you would have to morph it into the structure version.

I do like the idea of having the Djinn and the teleporter structure have slightly different but related functions, though. Just a thought. Google may be right that the ability to throw units could lead to some serious shenanigans. A limited-range recall from anywhere in range, however, should be fine, if we can't think of anything better.

I think giving the structure teleporter more HP than the Djinn presently has makes sense. However I see no reason to give it its own cloaker. You can build a cloaker and a teleporter, or bring a mobile cloaker along with a Djinn.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Almost like having some kind of gravity gun that could push a 1800 assaultriot unit across the map, then use its jumpjets to cut its velocity and sail harmlessly to the ground. Outrageous!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If the mobile Djin would have an area cloaker/jammer, you could keep it's cost and it would still be useful.
But if we do this, why should we need eraser?

The static teleporter would especially be nice if it could link shields together or link energy grids (but has not the range of a pylon).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I dont think this feature is too weak. Only problem i have is queing the route setup. I have to catch newly produced djinn before it starts walking to destination to make it drop beacon.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Have the Djinn drop beacon by default once it exits factory?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
+1 jsea - make the factory be the default bacon!

The factory could guard the bacon, then guard the Djin and queue the move order to the destination after this two guard orders.

If the bacon dies (get placed otherwere), Units try to reach the Djin, if the Djin dies, units try to reach the destination.

But teleported units try to guard the Djin this way - it would be even less annoying for you to replace the destination even for units on the way.
+0 / -0