B1776498 32 on Supreme_Lake_Dry_V5 I noticed that an odin fired at a jugglenaut wireframe on a jumpy factory. The result was that the jugglenaut got instantly deleted, but the factory took 0 damage. It just prevented anything from being built for the duration of the thermite.
I made a custom game in an online lobby... not sure why the replay wasn't posted, but this should be easy to replicate.
I gave one inactive AI one of each factory and ordered to build the largest unit they had on each.
I gave the other inactive AI a plane factory and made a bunch of odins.
From memory, I think the cloakie and shieldbot factory get taken out even if the unit wireframe gets targeted. I think one other factory (oh, also gunships... and then at least one more I forget) also gets destroyed, but the others (including ships) take zero damage. Only the unit wireframe gets destroyed. In the case of ships, the thermite even falls to the bottom of the water pool and so only the current wireframe is affected.
Also for planes, if the unit wireframe is targeted instead of the factory, the odin will refuse to fire and nothing but a potential odin sacrifice will happen.
I can think of two general ways to analyze this. The first one is that the effect should be consistent and that, if a factory type gets destroyed, all factory types should get destroyed.
The other way is that this is a player issue and picking targets for a 1500 unit should be done with care. This could lead to issues if clicking on icons when zoomed out however, which is a legitimate way to play for a given scale/state of game.
Maybe the thermite could expand in size enough so that all factory types get destroyed?
Either way, we're talking about a 800 metal target for a 1500 unit... an argument could be made that if you get to the point you can afford an odin, there probably is a better target than a factory to shoot at. Overall, I think the redesign is fine. It's just one quirk I noticed.