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how do i win a team game single-handedly

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14 months ago
how do i make a difference in the outcome of a really big team game! i wanna be sure im doing all i can to help my team achieve victory but idk whats the best thing to do when theres already so many other teammates doing things
+2 / -0
14 months ago
find an op strategy.. there are many.. and practice it and learn how to mitigate the counters

a good example op strategy for beginners is the shield ball... then skirmish so thet your shields recover.. until a likho or snitch turns up

also get every mex that wont die in 25 seconds because if it does die after that you can reclaim it to make cost

and place a solar next to every mex or grid them using pylons / winds

place lotus in key choke zones and stingers are very strong before heavies show up

making a chainsaw in a good place is nice for team also

making antinukes after ?8? mins to cover alies

reclaiming contested metal so the enemy gets less is important

killing enemy porc with impailers or silo

lots of things help these are just a few examples
+0 / -0
There really isn't any op strategy. Everything has a counter.

I challenge anyone who thinks otherwise to go in lob pot, win a game doing a specific thing that you think has no counter at equivalent cost (or lower for that matter) and post it here. Replay please.

That being said instead of learning one thing and trying to apply it every game, learn what counters what at a lower cost and make a point to give your team vision (owls, cloaked units set on hold fire just to see the front...). Then find which area of the map has the most trouble and use the low cost counter to tip the game, allowing your rigid teammates to succeed where they would have otherwise failed.

The vast majority of lob pot players build units out of the factory they plop for the entire game. Sometimes they have something in their lane they happen to defeat easily and do, sometimes they face what counters them and lose. If you can be that one player on your team that finds the low handing fruits and gets good at countering them, the rest of the team should eventually inch their way into ennemy territory and win.

Low cost strategies that counter well are cloaked crawling bombs, planes (for owls, likhos and maybe odins if the enemy lacks AA while rushing singu), phantoms and relocate to different spots on the map to pick off expensive units, silo for EMP on shield ball/eos eco and berthas... stuff like that. Generally, they're units that are difficult to use and that you can't just mass and attack move to win.

That, or you can be that guy who tries to rush a nuke or other mega project every game and then people get angry at you when they can't hold the front as you do your thing in the back. You then hope that your first shot is valuable enough to reverse the game (it usually isn't). If it succeeds, call yourself a genius. If it fails, find a player that built a storage and ping it, blaming them for everything.
+1 / -0

14 months ago
win a team game single-handedly

probably isn't the best way to think about how to do

all i can to help my team achieve victory

That having been said.

Practice aggressively expanding in the early game with your commander towards the midpoint. This sets up your team to win later. With practice you will learn how aggressive you can be without regularly getting your commander killed. Expect to occasionally take deaths to a Widow, Revenant, or other things like that; if your Commander is dying to a regular army it probably means you over-extended or didn't bring enough protection. If you don't pick Recon commander, you had better keep a watchful eye out for Placeholders.
+2 / -0
14 months ago
make nuke, nuke stuff from orbit. only way to be sure
+0 / -0
i respectfully disagree with the statement of no op strategy..

here is my reasoning
+0 / -0

14 months ago
There's only one guy that used to "win games singlehandedly" and that was Firepluk in his Nuclear mode. He used to rush Athenas and then after that a nuclear silo. He used the Athenas to hoover up every available scrap of metal so that nukes would be online much sooner than normal. Furthermore he used to scout with swifts and if there were antis, build silo to shockley them and then launch Trinity.

Unfortunately he sucked up so much metal that it really affected his team's performance. Frontline fighters rely a lot on reclaim and when its gone the other side tends to gain the upper hand. So if the other team was aggressive and pumping out lots of units, then his team usually lost. That means he was able to lose games singlehandedly too. However, if his team could hold the line or even push, then it was quite likely that he would absolutely wreck the enemy with nuke salvoes.

However, I don't recommend this strategy for new players since you have to be good at several things to be able to pull it off.
+2 / -0

14 months ago
Aquanim probably has the best advice. Push the front as aggressively as you dare and try push over the centre line of maps to secure as many mexes as possible. Make lots of units and slowly ramp up eco as the game progresses.

If you aren't confident as a frontline fighter mixing it up in the trenches with the enemy elite then try to support your team's blue or purple players. If they have tough units like Minotaur then help repair them. If they have ranged units like Sling then use cloaked units to spot for their artillery.

If you aren't comfortable doing that then there's the eco niche. Make sure all mexes are capped. Link metal spots with energy chains liek solar or wind for maximum overdrive. E-producing structures are better than pylons on most maps. Then, if somebody is building a singularity generator help them complete that asap. If nobody is building one, make it yourself in the furthest corner available, and link it to the grid. This provides a big energy boost and hence a metal boost for the team via overdrive. MAKE SURE TO PROTECT the singu with walls, lotus and Thresher anti aircraft guns. Singus are prime targets.

Finished that? Make another and another.
+0 / -0

14 months ago
The issue I see with AUrankAdminAquanim's response is that it doesn't address the question.

If everybody just pushes aggressively in their own lane and the opposite team does the same, then we just have a nomral game. That's a good way to play, but it will not "make a difference".

The way I read the question is what abnormal thing can I do that tips the scales towards my team. Given how little metal a single player is left to work with in lob pot I only really see two things: rush a super (risky and annoying to own team) or perform low cost counters.
+0 / -0


+5 / -0

14 months ago
watch/ask @Kosynthary. He has that gift.
+1 / -0
14 months ago
While I agree that 90% the advice in AUrankAdminAquanim 's answers is relevant, the thing that you can do is wonder what is the team not doing and it is essential to win and do that yourself if you can. Examples can be: eco; air; build aa; build silo against big stuff (like cerb); send some specialists units to another lane to help (like a juggle, cyclops, etc.); prevent people from quitting by telling them about the 99% starlight; etc.
+1 / -0
Every minute (or whenever you got time to) - zoom out and scan the WHOLE MAP for things you can fix/help with. Do not blindly assume someone will grid the mexes and build singu. Maybe send your support units like impalers or emissary to other players that lack in artillery, etc. Team game is not about you pushing in, it is about your team doing well overall.

Do the same before building singu/superweapons/striders. It is far more impactful to have one finished paladin than 3 dantes at 80% completion.

If you see a pile of reclaim and can gobble it up - do so even if you would excess (your team will consume what you excess)

Do not feed the enemy. If you see that you can not possibly hold ground spam markers on the map and retreat (preferably, slowing down enemy forces). In team games attrition is often more important than territory.

Never let enemy move away from your lane. If enemy forces leave - push in immediately (or pretend to) so they remain pinned and can not help allies.

+1 / -0
Win a team game single-handedly

Well.. A team game implies you need a team to win so you can't ever win single-handedly.

Anyway, the lobpot is a completely different type of game where a lot of things can go right or wrong, there is no way around people doing suboptimal strategies like porc pushing, strider rushing, spamming a single unit nonstop, etc... So one thing you can do is make those strategies work by countering their counters in different ways (supporting) which is very effective if done right.

This game is a bit too complex for us to simply tell you "Do X then Y = Win" the most efficient strategies is something you need to figure out per game depending on map, team composition and whether or not your neighbor speaks english.

But most importantly what do you as a player want to do? What is fun for you?
Stalling a 1 vs 3 while your team wins all other lanes like GBrankBLaNKMiND does every so often?
Supporting lanes by finding the perfect counter to the current problem like CArankGalamesh mentioned?
Try out raiding your opponent early game and cripple them like DErankkatastrophe?
Making a strong eco and eventual nuke like USrankNobbester?
Cloaking armies and going behind enemy lines where they least expect like PLrankrookstoo?

You should start with something you like and go from there, the limit here is to not put your own fun in front of everyone else's by rushing Detriment/Nuke in the first 3 minutes for example.

The real OP Strategy is to know what to do, and that comes with time playing and specing games, figuring out how you could win the game faster and more efficiently using the available tools and team wise composition. Debate it with other players in spec chat.
You should imo first start with understanding how the frontline works and how different units interact with each other, what counters what effectively, this will help you a lot whether or not you want to become a frontline player, support or wildcard. (While following AUrankAdminAquanim's advise and putting yourself out there)

I might be complete utter garbage in 1 vs 1 & small teams as front liner but I do know and understand when a front can do a break through, which units are needed to do it, how far they can go and for how long they can hold it in order for me to do my wildcard things. This is the kind of awareness that would enable you to make those game deciding strategies with your team that "singlehandedly" win games. You can't silo the real things without a front line protecting it, you can't nuke without an air and silo player coordination.

The real game ending plays will always involve your team one way or the other. And believe me, you will be frustrated when a single person listening to you would be all it takes to win a game. (And this is why I started prioritizing the strategies that take the least amount of input from my own team)

This game CArankTarkin asked for control of the allied Zenith in order to kill the enemy DRP, had his team mate not done so he would have never pulled off this double silo drain and won the game there and then.

But don't get me wrong, solo clutches do happen, they are just not as game defining and are way riskier, in which case makes you singlehandedly lose the game :)
+6 / -0



+1 / -0
One thing that works really well is to every now and then zoom out and see if there are any open spots that allow you to get into the back of the enemy's base with a few raiders. Often times you'll find that nobody's (on either side!) done any raiding or even scouting to see if raiding is possible. When it is, it can be a game ender. Just need to make sure you don't just feed them them metal and actually cause harm to the opponent. But sometimes the goal of raiding isn't to cause damage, but instead to just distract so that your team mates can step forward. Kiting is also OP.
+1 / -0
you can kinda win single handedly but like you say you still need the team to do its thing so i guess your right.. if you get the enemy to resign from an early devastating blow.. ie a nuke or killing singu / big geo..
sometimes even just wining a front that was abandoned or under-powered can work

so it can be done about 1 in 100+ games you just have to get a massive blow to enemy morale and hope they begin a resign vote..

and these games normally start with failed almost successful resign votes from balance fears right from the get go

Does it count as single handed if you kill 1 enemy commander right at the start and this starts a cascading resign vote?
+0 / -0

14 months ago
One thing that works really well is to every now and then zoom out and see

so you guys play zommed in? thats crazy!
+2 / -0
14 months ago
zoom in until you see there souless eyes
+1 / -0
14 months ago
> disassociating while shuffling lances back and forth

+1 / -0