quote: Win a team game single-handedly |
Well.. A team game implies you need a team to win so you can't ever win single-handedly.
Anyway, the lobpot is a completely different type of game where a lot of things can go right or wrong, there is no way around people doing suboptimal strategies like porc pushing, strider rushing, spamming a single unit nonstop, etc... So one thing you can do is make those strategies work by countering their counters in different ways (supporting) which is very effective if done right.
This game is a bit too complex for us to simply tell you "Do X then Y = Win" the most efficient strategies is something you need to figure out per game depending on map, team composition and whether or not your neighbor speaks english.
But most importantly what do
you as a player want to do? What is fun for
Stalling a 1 vs 3 while your team wins all other lanes like

BLaNKMiND does every so often?
Supporting lanes by finding the perfect counter to the current problem like

Galamesh mentioned?
Try out raiding your opponent early game and cripple them like

Making a strong eco and eventual nuke like

Cloaking armies and going behind enemy lines where they least expect like

You should start with something you like and go from there, the limit here is to not put your own fun in front of everyone else's by rushing Detriment/Nuke in the first 3 minutes for example.
The real OP Strategy is to know what to do, and that comes with time playing and specing games, figuring out how you could win the game faster and more efficiently using the available tools and team wise composition. Debate it with other players in spec chat.
You should imo first start with understanding how the frontline works and how different units interact with each other, what counters what effectively, this will help you a lot whether or not you want to become a frontline player, support or wildcard. (While following

Aquanim's advise and putting yourself out there)
I might be complete utter garbage in 1 vs 1 & small teams as front liner but I do know and understand when a front can do a break through, which units are needed to do it, how far they can go and for how long they can hold it in order for me to do my wildcard things. This is the kind of awareness that would enable you to make those game deciding strategies with your team that "singlehandedly" win games. You can't silo the real things without a front line protecting it, you can't nuke without an air and silo player coordination.
The real game ending plays will always involve your team one way or the other. And believe me, you will be frustrated when a single person listening to you would be all it takes to win a game. (And this is why I started prioritizing the strategies that take the least amount of input from my own team)
This game

Tarkin asked for control of the allied Zenith in order to kill the enemy DRP, had his team mate not done so he would have never pulled off this double silo drain and won the game there and then.
But don't get me wrong, solo clutches do happen, they are just not as game defining and are way riskier, in which case makes you singlehandedly lose the game :)