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Maintained by AUrankSmokeDragon
Last updated 2 months ago
Created 6 months ago
download JSON metadata of greed
this is my new greed mod.. it aims to fundamentally change the games feel while keeping units mostly unchanged..

you start with 80 innate income E and M

all eco except for wind is prohibitively expensive.. and this essentially locks the game into a fixed income battle for 5-10 minutes
you can make mex and they do provide 10x normal incomes but they cost 10k each..

you can make energy but it costs 100x more and provides 100x more..

this creates a unique tech advancing feel where the game has a sort of slow ramping up.. and reclaiming and fighting are the focus.
ultimately resulting in ridiculous infinite metal but without removing the low metal battles that metal maps normally cause

actual changes:
wind gens = 1 health
wind gens = 10x cost / income
solars -> singu = cloaked and more health
all energy except for wind = 100x cost and income
innate +80 income E/M
mex = 10x cost and income
mex have some passive defenses (more hp, anti tactical missile shield, push blast on death (wont hurt units + wont hit allies)
storage's are also 4x better and built into factories
athena = makes all cloaks, stronger rez/build speed
funnelweb / strider hub = tech advancing, much better build power

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this is my new greed mod.. it aims to fundamentally change the games feel while keeping units mostly unchanged..

you start with 80 innate income E and M

all eco except for wind is prohibitively expensive.. and this essentially locks the game into a fixed income battle for 5-10 minutes
you can make mex and they do provide 10x normal incomes but they cost 10k each..

you can make energy but it costs 100x more and provides 100x more..

this creates a unique tech advancing feel where the game has a sort of slow ramping up.. and reclaiming and fighting are the focus.
ultimately resulting in ridiculous infinite metal but without removing the low metal battles that metal maps normally cause

actual changes:
wind gens = 1 health
wind gens = 10x cost / income
solars -> singu = cloaked and more health
all energy except for wind = 100x cost and income
innate +80 income E/M
mex = 10x cost and income
mex have some passive defenses (more hp, anti tactical missile shield, push blast on death (wont hurt units + wont hit allies)
storage's are also 4x better and built into factories
athena = makes all cloaks, stronger rez/build speed
funnelweb / strider hub = tech advancing, much better build power
+2 / -0

5 months ago
Interesting, so any economy is a big step in escalation. It is weird that wind is unchanged though.
+1 / -0
yes i agree.

this is because the windgen income is not something i know how to edit using unit tweaks
my tests with "windGenerator" unit def both in and out of customParams failed.

energywind = {
metalCost = 350,
customParams = {
windGenerator = 25,

im also stuck editing unit names,
and descriptions.

and since i cant edit scripts using unit tweaks i also cant change units into cons without changing the model + script but then they wont look like the correct units.. the more i edit things the more limitations i find in unit tweaks.. i realize its time to learn how to json mod
+0 / -0

5 months ago
There is an energy multiplier modoption. See whether you can chase down what that does.
+2 / -0
ok i can do it thanks to your advice by combining energy multiplier 10x (what i want wind to be) and adjusting the other values to fit the remaining 10x

big bunch of updates thanks to testers.. made funelweb and strider hubs good at building again.. funnel can build at 6k.. strider hub can now build at 24k

yes thats a detriment a second
+3 / -0
3 months ago
fixed broken coms.. buffed late game defeces inline with how late you get them

here are changes sorry i didnt convert the unit names i hope you can work out what they are:

+1 / -0

2 months ago
the simplicity is alluring
+0 / -0
cerb was overpowered it now costs slightly above funnelweb metal value for dps vs funnelweb shield regen. making it only viable if your winning on eco.

bertha is the same but slightly better.

both can nolonger outpace pure funnelweb spam if enemy has more eco


strider hub is nolonger sometimes too busy to construct things while auto assisting
+0 / -0