The diversification of bombers over the past year has been great, but it also highlighted some problems with a few mobile anti-air units. This patch tries to
carefully resolve these deficiencies, and to shift things slightly away from Phoenix and towards Magpie. The two bombers finally agree on rearm time.
This update coincides with an AI update and the addition of around two dozen new maps. Try them out, perhaps against the new AI, and give feedback on your favourites. If instead you prefer 1v1, check out
Fight Club later today (Saturday) at 1900 UTC, and on every first and third Saturday for the rest of the year.
Gremlin creeps back towards its old low price.
Tarantula contributes more to mixed anti-air defenses.
Flail hits sooner.
Range 800 -> 820
Missile spends 16.7% less time flying straight up.
Magpie is a bit cheaper to support.
Phoenix takes noticeably longer to shoot twice.
These maps have been added.
Updated the skirmish AI.
Experiment with new lighting on some energy structures.
Added focal depth hotkeys for the depth of field widget.
Added team selection to the cheat sheet (top left with cheats enabled).
The startbox editor can now apply box transforms and save them directly to files.
The skirmish AI no longer crashes if it somehow gains and then loses a factory plate.
Minor fixes for French translations.
Fixed some tips for planet Blackmire.
Fix tiny movement stutter when line-moving over wreckage.
Fix a graphs bug that would sometimes overcount army losses.
Fix spec team change when selecting unseen enemies.
Fix a rare teleport bug
Fix (ie remove) fog effect on a few maps.
Fixed structures with move commands giving up on them before finishing their morph.