Hey all,
Is there a widget that would display ranges in the style of Supreme Commander? I mean three things specifically: (1) a button to display the range of everything, (2) a thicker ring, (3) overlapping rings converge.
I expect (1) might already exist, but I can't find it. The use-case for this would be to hold a button to reveal how much area is covered by anti-air, or by shields, or by jammers. I expect (2) would be very easy to implement - I never actually looked that one up. But (3) is the one I find most important... it would make the UI so much cleaner when moving an army around - there wouldn't be 30 different overlapping circles, instead you'd just have one blob of danger.
If it doesn't exist, would I need to mess around with LUA to make it happen, or Zero-K's source, or Spring's source?
Here is an example:

Thanks :)