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strategic puzzles

7 posts, 395 views
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Forum Game: In-Game Situation Challenge

Game Rules:

Describe an in-game situation.
The first answer will always win.
The next answer must improve upon the previous best answer.
+2 / -0
5 months ago
no bites.. oh well =P ill go back to modding
+0 / -0

5 months ago

Strategic Puzzle: Air Rush

Strategic Puzzle: Porc Fencer Forest

Strategic Puzzle: Fort Rush

Strategic Puzzle: 'Hostage Negotiations'

Strategic Puzzle: 'Hostage Negotiations,' alt.
+2 / -0
5 months ago
"Hostage Negotiations" well i would say ulti but its not very cheap and i just lost like 5 ulti fighting cyclopse so.. ill try answer a few of these tomorrow after sleep
+0 / -0
5 months ago
Strategic Puzzle: Fort Rush

Solution 1: artillery. Lightly protect against raiders.

Solution 2: flank and raid backlines. Isolate the fortification.

Solution 3: cloaked attack. (e.g. 5 - 10 riots)

Solution 4: Expensive. Build silo and stun the fortification and then use forces to move in.
+1 / -0
Strategic Puzzle: Air Rush

Solution: Make ducks and unleash the quackening

Strategic Puzzle: Porc Fencer Forest

Solution: Make ducks and unleash the quackening

Strategic Puzzle: Fort Rush

Solution: Make ducks and unleash the quackening

Strategic Puzzle: Hostage Negotiations

Dominatrix shieldball is forced.

Strategic Puzzle: Hostage Negotiations Alt

Dominatrix shieldball is forced, Except this time it also counters the enemy factory
+2 / -0
i like the direction this is going. i greatly simplified the op as i feel maybe the point scoring thing is overcomplicating it. you can still include conditions and such as you like. the conditions can state the objectives to each question that way if your looking for an answer that requires a speedy response or maybe a stealthy response you can get more interesting puzzles and not always just cheapest.
+0 / -0