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No-Ramp Jumpbot Cannon

9 posts, 473 views
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3 months ago
Here's a jack cannon design that doesn't require terraforming a ramp, and is pretty reliable. I level the ground before placing for consistent launches, and it takes relatively little metal to do. I prefer this design to ramps because it lets you precisely aim the units by jumping into a specific spot, rather than hoping the unit gets pushed in the correct direction. For Pyros it should take less newton turrets. The solar panel is not necessary, just a reference for measurement on a distance that I have found works well for the back newtons.

+4 / -0

2 months ago
The jackage must continue.
+0 / -0
2 months ago
18 Newtons each 200 something metal and the jump is on cooldown. Im not sure if that specific design is so great.
+0 / -0

2 months ago
Wow, they reload by the time they cross the map?
+2 / -0
2 months ago
18 Newtons each 200 something metal and the jump is on cooldown. Im not sure if that specific design is so great.

Bear in mind for large maps where this works people usually build 10-12 newtons anyways so it isn't as expensive as it appears. For the remaining turrets you're only spending ~2 minotaurs worth of metal which in lobster pot perspective isn't too bad. Also this doesn't cost anything for terraforming which I see people dump a huge amount of metal into not only building but also tweaking.

Wow, they reload by the time they cross the map?

Barely, I think if you rearrange the turrets so it pushes the jacks further upwards instead of forwards you can have better luck getting them to recharge their jump earlier
+3 / -0

2 months ago
That's the real engineering chat I'd expect from a REAL Zero-K discussion forum!
+1 / -0
2 months ago
This is amazing.
+1 / -0

2 months ago
this is cool not cost effective though..
+1 / -0
I find jumpbot cannons about the most rage worthy tactic in the game. I quit the game several years ago because it was done in almost every game of 4v4 or more. I would not complain if jacks were totally removed from the game. They become raiders with a 6k hp pool - very annoying. In my opinion, anything that flies should be vulnerable to AA. In other words, chainsaws etc. should start shooting these as soon as they cross into range - completely ignoring height.

Either that or it should cost 10k metal to build a jack cannon and it should just be a building instead of newton engineering.
+1 / -0