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People destroying lobby with map votes or refusing to start

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2 months ago
if you ask me, voting for a specific map should be disabled in autohost lobby and just have the "!map" to vote a random map

people keep spamming weird maps that nobody wants to play and people leave the lobby
+6 / -0

2 months ago
But don't you still have to vote to change the map to whatever weird map they chose?
+0 / -0
2 months ago
i mean, yeah, but either people vote a map that nobody wants, or they refuse to vote start, this goes on for several minutes and people leave lobby...
+0 / -0

2 months ago
People just leave when they're tried of playing. You can't demonstrate that it is because someone casted a map vote.
+0 / -4

2 months ago
The admin of the room can force start a game
+0 / -0

2 months ago
*admin : the owner
+0 / -0
2 months ago
there is no owner in autohost lobby, please read the post before answering...
+0 / -0
2 months ago
also, why would people complain in chat about the constant vote spam, and then leave "because they are tired of playing" ?

doesnt make much sense now, does it?
+1 / -0
2 months ago
I think a solution might be to reduce how long votes actually last, currently each one seems to be 30s? Feels like an eternity honestly.
Maybe if it had a timeout after the last NEW player that votes of 5-10s or something. Then if nobody is voting it just ends. It can't be triggered by any vote or it would be abusable.

On a side note:
There was a room called "Tech-k Chickens" yesterday, which unknownrankaioeieoiao (the host) managed to kill by refusing to change any options.

The way to change options by a vote is a massive pain if you are not the lobby host having to look up what the setting is then create a poll to change that option. "!poll setoptions chickenwavemult=2" (or other option) is not a user friendly command and is not documented in the lobby or helped by autocomplete. Ideally the options menu would create this poll automatically if you are trying to change an option and not the lobby host.

Also there was many people coming into the room with said name and saying to change the game to teams or future wars or whatever nonsense, trying to change the map, etc. Lobby voting is anarchy lol. Maybe a solution would be to allow multiple votes at the same time so the nonsense votes can be ignored while getting stuff done?
+5 / -0

2 months ago

People just leave when they're tried of playing. You can't demonstrate that it is because someone casted a map vote.

I've seen it hundreds of times, someone polls a stupid map 3 times in a row and it slowly goes from a 30 lobby to 12. Also there are freaks that keep pressing !start on a map no one wants to play.

Casting dumb votes kills lobbies. If the game doesn't start then the lobby dies, simple as that.

There is literally no reason to not disable specific map polls from auto hosts. In my entire time playing this game I could probably count in one hand the amount of times this poll was actually successful in changing the map, and the times it is successful it's people voting yes just to start the f****** game.

- Disable specific map polls on auto hosts. You can possibly make it work if it's under 12 players.
- If a !start poll fails 2 times it automatically runs a !map poll.

Thank you, happy new year, lobsters.

+10 / -0

2 months ago
Grand claims IMO.

Is the issue that it's possible to cast votes or that there are bad actors vote spamming?

Bad actors tend to find multiple ways of being a pain.
+1 / -0
votes for maps do delay the game.

some maps are not loved or known by all players and it may cause some to leave.

i think perhaps it may not always be about the voting system or even bad actors (as the intentions may be good)
i believe its maybe more that some players get time to realize they they are hungry, tired.. ect

or because they dont know a map very well.. or they dont want to download another 20 gigs of maps they will play only once. im not really sure the reason can be just one thing as there could be many reasons sometimes simultaniously among a plethra of moods, situations and personalities..

on the other hand voting for a broken / untested map.. could be seen as gambling at the expense of the trust we afford eachother.
+0 / -0
So do we
let the heart decide where we go ♥
use community divides ♣
maintain order through moderation ♠
fix the !map command option ♦

Shrines where everyone is allowed to do what they want
often reveal the problem. ♥ ♣ ♠ ♦
+1 / -0
2 months ago
CArankGalamesh grand but correct claims. ive been in there enough to remember that i was annoyed several times due to this problem
+0 / -0
2 months ago
imo these people are just spamming the vote in bad faith, because they dont want to play large teams and want to kill the lobby
+2 / -1
Such as who?
+0 / -0

58 days ago
We've added a system where you can't start a vote in a large autohost if your previous vote failed within the last 30 seconds.
+12 / -0
thanks, this is great!

but 30 seconds sounds a bit short, maybe should make it 5 minutes instead

if its just 30 seconds, the mumble squad can spam votes anyways because someone else will just start the vote, but with longer delay, it will at least limit the amount of spam
+0 / -0

58 days ago
If it's the mumble squad then report them. My impression was that random clueless people could spam votes, which reports would not stop. You should still report anyone doing this though, so we can see the actual problem.
+1 / -0

57 days ago
Great change
+0 / -0
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