I think a solution might be to reduce how long votes actually last, currently each one seems to be 30s? Feels like an eternity honestly.
Maybe if it had a timeout after the last NEW player that votes of 5-10s or something. Then if nobody is voting it just ends. It can't be triggered by any vote or it would be abusable.
On a side note:
There was a room called "Tech-k Chickens" yesterday, which

aioeieoiao (the host) managed to kill by refusing to change any options.
The way to change options by a vote is a massive pain if you are not the lobby host having to look up what the setting is then create a poll to change that option. "!poll setoptions chickenwavemult=2" (or other option) is not a user friendly command and is not documented in the lobby or helped by autocomplete. Ideally the options menu would create this poll automatically if you are trying to change an option and not the lobby host.
Also there was many people coming into the room with said name and saying to change the game to teams or future wars or whatever nonsense, trying to change the map, etc. Lobby voting is anarchy lol. Maybe a solution would be to allow multiple votes at the same time so the nonsense votes can be ignored while getting stuff done?