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Violet Rampart Generator v1.4 Featured

By Rafal[ZK]

Procedurally generates map for 3-11 way FFA. Water is acidic. Terrain based on Violet Rampart by qray and Azure Rampart by zwzsg. Skybox from Smoth. Texture generation scripts based on Random Crags by GoogleFrog.
Size: 24 x 24


Downloads: 4545
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- Made gray terrain 20% brighter.
- Fixed gray terrain and minimap appearing completely black in LOS view mode.

Map geometry and terrain:
- Added new terrain geometry for map center (lower terrain with ramps).
- Dynamically increase width of lanes between bases the more bases there is, to make more room for armies moving around center (only on maps with 6 or more bases).
- Made base entrances slightly less wide (width 600 -> 550) so that they are more useful as last line of defense.
- Made bottom deeper (-150 -> -200) so that it is more costly to build there. (Singu terraform cost about 400m -> 550m)
- Removed move-speed penalty on bottom terrain so that it is more suited to be used for bridges etc.
- Decreased ground hardness so that it is actually deformable by large explosions.

- Added single Geo spot at map center (only on on maps with 6 or more bases).

- Fixed rare issue where base "A" would be second from the top clock-wise, instead of the first.
- Changed minimap label to not contain word "Random" as it confused some people. Changed minimap label color.

Example with 5 teams:

Example with 6 teams:

Example with 7 teams:

Enjoy! :)
+11 / -0

3 years ago
Could I ask some nice person with map tagging powers to tag this map as supported, please? :)
Also please set it as FFA map for up to 11 players. Thanks in advance :)
Also unsupport the previous version: https://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/60197
+1 / -0

3 years ago
how come its named violet rampart generator anyway and not azure generator?
+0 / -0

3 years ago
cause it paints the map violet/purple and not blue/azure
+1 / -0

3 years ago
but the map is so much more like azure, maybe we need more colors to pick from
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Hi, awesome map PLrankRafalpluk. I like the procedural thing that gets generated.

I did encounter a bug tho:
Using the setting that disables ground deformation makes the entire map flat.
+1 / -0
9 months ago
for some reasons i often get massive fps drops on this map.
sometimes it goes down to 4 fps making it unplayable.

dumno if it's because i use an AMD graphic card, some drivers, or juts a bad setting i activated in the options...
+0 / -0
Ok so for whatever reason if you take a medium group of swifts, say 12+, fly to the middle then have them fly outwards in a circle and use speed boost, it will kill my game. Leaves it basically frozen. This happens even if I try it in a game with no players/bots. Rejoining or luaui reload doesnt help. I've lost two games like this.
I'd like others to try the same thing to find out if it's just me
+1 / -0
sounds like an issue caused by drawing too much water suddenly.. i made a mod for you to test it.. just make swifts as normal they have full map vison.. map is also flooded.. it may be a good idea to change it to dry aswell to test if thats any different.


nope.. reason 1.. if whole map is water i think its always drawn and not suddenly called into being drawn on fog reveal .. and maybe possibly while being drawn at another loaction simultaniously..

nope.. reason 2.. maybe revealing map with the modded swift does not cause lag ???

yes... reason 3.. maybe this mod will cause extreme lag ???

need test no water to see if its water based.
+0 / -0
22 days ago
just tried my mod and it produced lag on swifts being made.. its the map reveal.. water level being full did not help.. ill test no water soon
+0 / -0
ok so testing your mod: The moment my first swift completes the game hangs for a number of seconds, so i guess your theory could be right? It does manage to catch up to current game state after a bit however, something that never happened in my tests, perhaps because your mod kills the swifts over time so there is no backlog of unit orders to catch up with?
Perhaps other generator maps has this problem as well? Hmmm doesnt seem that way
+1 / -0
yes i made swifts die to see if the lag recovers after they die off =) please can you re test it with the same mod link it now has low watet and does not kill the swifts

but they still have map wide vsion.. lets see if its a water thing

also swifts can boost more often so you can better test boost
+0 / -0
My testing suggests that the Swift scouting latency problem would be completely solved by briefly granting global vision, which the map script could do between terrain generation and commander placement, but which the game host could also do during pregame with cheats.
+2 / -0

21 days ago
yeah it's not the water. On USrankBuckymancer s suggestion I tried turning on and off cheats - global vision before the match starts, and it seems to prevent the issue entirely
+2 / -0
21 days ago
good work. =)
+0 / -0
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