In zero-k there are units that can move and units that cannot, with the latter being often loathed by many for their lack of mobility along with those who seem to love them deeply because … statics “ Never gonna run around and desert you” (Or so I suspect)
I wish for peace and understanding to exist between these two groups so that we may all wage war and blow stuff up in harmony.
For this we need a bridge to unite the mobiles and the statics, they both have one thing in common (apart form shootiness and such), they can morph, and as the union between Eraser and Sneaky Pete has proven this can not only bring them together but also add flexibility to the game and it is well known that flexibility is the raw material from which spring forth new possible strategies and thus new tactics of great awesomeness with many a big boom in them and feats of great trolling thy enemy with many a great lulz
[core idea]
I believe it would be great if at least some of the static defence structures could morph into mobile units of similar design and/or caliber, a few ideas I had:
Faraday -> venom
Stardust-> warrior
Razor`s kiss-> archangel
DDM-> Dante / Crabe
awaiting oppinions and sugesstions on other morph possibilities
[/core idea]
did you never wish you could put to good use those defences that often ednd up behind the frontline for a bit of an extra push? in this way you could
to prevent abuse morphing a static to a mobile sould require a reasonable aditional cost when compared to just building the said unit in it`s designgnated factory (as total cost, not building+morph not just morph so morphing is still cheaper (or at least not more costly) than building the unit, but you “loose” the building ) and /or an xp requirement where aplicable
For example a DDM could be able to morph to a Crabe for say 1000-1200 metal from level 0 and to a Dante from level 3 with a similar “penalty”
it would also be cool if venom could also morph to faraday for defensive purposes basically allowing you to re-locate the faraday at a cost while giving the spiders some aditional defence against raiders (and perhaps gunship rushes)
I realize this may seem as too big a change for some but please just run a few scenarios with the possibilities it opens up and I am sure you will see at least a few worthwile possibilities, places and situations where things would be more interesting if such a sistem where in place.