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Dekloak and outlaw radius

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It's annoying to get slowed by a outlaw that is 500km far, is there a way to see the max distance at which its attack/slow start damaging ur unit? I just want a red circle or something xD
The same with dekloak radius (or is there already a way to see it?)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
outlaw attack has a delay so it can get you even if you are out of the attack range of outlaw due to the way splash damage is simed
+0 / -0
i thought decloak radius is the blue circle, when you press shift while hover mouse over the (own) cloaked unit. i might be wrong.

oh and this is for units which have a own decloak device. does not work with eraser cloaked units i think.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
decloak device

All units have a decloak device...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I hate and love the Outlaw. It's so unpredictable. The attack GFX has no representation of what it attacks or what is being hit.

The damage and slow doesn't seem to take effect immediately. You can notice this with fleas or roaches. They can walk through the wave for a few seconds before actually being "hit" by it.

Someone needs to redesign it, because right now it's such a chaotic unit. You never know if it will work or not.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
:P thats just your inexperiance talking

my outlaws allways work
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Dekloak and outlaw radius

Btw, you made two types in your spelling of "Dethklok" :P
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Btw, you made two types in your spelling of "Dethklok" :P

Shit... now I must kill myself with boiling coffee
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Use green tea instead. It's healthier.
+0 / -0
I'd like to see a dotted or dashed circle around outlaw and in addition to that an attack particle effect that does not lie and instead shows exactly where and when damage is dealt.
+0 / -0
an attack particle effect that does not lie and instead shows exactly where and when damage is dealt.

That would be so nifty. Currently my mind-model of estimating what happens when unit enters outlaw zone is totally probabilistic.

It would seem that actual shot event, wavefront propagation, and displayed animation are totally out of sync, both for frequency of pulses and speed of propagation.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It is currently about as good as it gets.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What about changing the weapon to hit units instantly until the "unit takes damage based on an old position" bug is fixed? Decrease range or fire rate to keep it balanced.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
...until the "unit takes damage based on an old position" bug is fixed?...
I think a solution to that would be very computational heavy if it would be needed to check every frame to see if every unit in the game has moved or not. Any unit could potentially enter the explosion area after the explosion and you would have to check it I guess.
The SupCom implementation sucked. It basically checked outwards incrementally with the result that if you walked straight against the nuke explosion you might survive and if you walk away from the nuke explosion you might be hit twice. :P

I'm not exactly sure a how an implementation that isn't very computationally heavy would look.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>I'm not exactly sure a how an implementation that isn't very computationally heavy would look.

Instant shockwave? It would only need to calculate the distance one per shot of the weapon. Problem solved.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Antelope: You don't bring anything new to the table. That implementation is available currently.

Would also need to rebalance the Outlaw. Outlaw would hardcounter ticks, roaches, Spies, Scythes and Raiders.
If Outlaw would get serious damage nerfs it could work.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The SupCom implementation sucked. It basically checked outwards incrementally with the result that if you walked straight against the nuke explosion you might survive and if you walk away from the nuke explosion you might be hit twice. :P

Same way as one-hit piercing weapons do?
+0 / -0
The problem is that we have no mechanism to have delayed damage - weapons that hit X but don't actually hurt X until a moment later. Closest thing is on-fire, but that's a mess for a bunch of reasons - it doesn't stack, it's fixed-power.

Delayed damage is counterintuitive in some ways, but it's very useful when you have a weapon that you want to be accurate and powerful but incapable of preventing a fast-moving unit from attacking before it dies.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
One way to solve random-and-invisible delayed damage problem is to spawn cegs on units that are about to be *influenced*.

Like units caught in outlaw fire zapping with felon-like purple lightning until damage is taken.
+0 / -0

The SupCom implementation sucked. It basically checked outwards incrementally with the result that if you walked straight against the nuke explosion you might survive and if you walk away from the nuke explosion you might be hit twice. :P
Same way as one-hit piercing weapons do?

Piercing weapons hit once atleast.
But likewise piercing weapons are more likely to do more damage if the target is going away from the the attacker and less when going against.
+0 / -0
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