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Sheildbots - a bit weak?

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11 years ago
Just an impression at the moment, but does anyone else think shieldbots are a bit weak since the OPlaw got nerfed into the ground?

Specifically, the lab can no longer play the bulldozer (miss dat thug/OPlaw composition of old...) and now relies heavily on skirmish via felon/rogue. thug has limited synergy with most units besides felon so is seen less. Lab has become much lighter in play.

It feels harder to face up to lveh now too imo. Roach is obvs super effective, but the old OPlaw was a great answer to the ravagers charging point blank into your depleted shieldballs.
+1 / -1
11 years ago
I agree, shield bots do seem a bit weak. The only exception is the bandit, which still beats glaives by quite a lot. If the outlaw could get a damage increase then I think the shield factory would be about right. Since it got nerfed from 50 damage to 20 damage, I think 35 might be about right.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
nah thug/oplaw still works, you just need 2 oplaws
+0 / -0

11 years ago
http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/190183 Me getting totally squashed by shieldbots using lveh.

So yeah, it's possible. Nothing but bandit spam, basically. I think my problem was using levelers over scorchers, levelers are too easy to out-micro with bandit.

I do agree that the nerf is maybe a little bit harsh. I think the outlaw is kind of actually in an okay position, and the bandit still seems really good, maybe something else needs a tweak?
+2 / -0
i don't use outlaws anymore (when nerf came i liked it but if i don't want to use outlaws anymore i guess they need a little (10 dps or so) buff)

my 1v1 with shields is usually made of 70% bandits, 20% rogues and 10% roaches
(felons/aspis are too easy to snipe/emp so i don't make them)

anyway the thug/outlaw combo is still the best counter for those annoying llt/defender walls
+0 / -0
agree with 10dps buff

one suggestion - the Outlaw could be more damaging to units closer to the outlaw. That way, it would retain similar power against units stumbling in range then running back, but would be a little less suspect against raiders that run up to it and engage it directly.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Let's try 5 first
+1 / -0
11 years ago
My guess is that people are too much used to- and thus too dependent on overpowered Outlaws. It just takes time for everyone to learn how useful other units in this factory are.

The only problem I see with new shieldbots is Dirtbag. It's silly how they block kbots. Mini-impulse stopping units from getting stuck on hills was enough of a nerf and a good one at that.
+3 / -2
i do think the out law got nerfed to much. but, when you look at shileds as a whole and not just at a single unit there a force to be recond with.
with the felon and other decent nasties it provides like the roach for example make it quite efective.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
All the cheap hardcounters for shields were removed. Gauss and fire no longer pierce shields, so pyros and gauss turrets aren't a protection. Cloaked crawling bombs are the only ones left right now. This means that the shield factory is a lot stronger (gauss used to be able to easily stop any shieldball for quite a bit more than cost, and pyros could kill early-game thug + bandtits).
+1 / -0

11 years ago
but on the flipside, outlaw was previously the pyro counter and now it isn't
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Now is all about Bandit till mid-later game.

What that "brown star" under your name USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng? Its mean to mark devs or ppl that did donate or something?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
But isn't that the case with all factories? (raiders until the midgame)
+0 / -0
Maybe for 1vs1, but in team games no, depending one map you can go with Slasher, Jack (if a mountain is important shock point), Scythe, Scalpel, Mace, Black Dawn (long time i did not try this, so not sure if possible anymore); with shields you had thug/law, now only bandit micro is viable.

And when Bandit get nerfed (cause every one say it is OP too), it will even harder to play with shields.
+1 / -0
What that "brown star" under your name USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng?

Donator star (min. €10)
There are also silver (€50) and gold (€100) versions.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I think shieldbots aren't weak, i use them often lately. Sure, they could use a minimal buff there and there, but i think they are okay. Especially Rogues, they are very tough to deal with if used properly.

The factory is kinda flexible, just like cloakies and it also lacks an around 1k-2k metal unit and it's fine.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
The current map pool is so varied that is almost impossible to balance out all the different factories.

The fact that some say it is OP and others UP probably means it is OK.

Me personally, i think they are a solid all round factory.

Bandits are the bomb while the roaches still steal the show (see what i did there ^^)

Their cons are the best, they have actual combat value with their shields!

These first three might just be ZK's strongest units.

The felon ball is as potent as ever.

It's AA is cheap, spammable and has epic range.

The assault Thug gives you (almost) free repairs at a dirt-cheap cost price.

Trollbags are still an easy/cheap way to scout. And can still ruin the map for all the other players (remove it from ZK imho, wouldn't make a difference to the factories potential)

Outlaw is not as OP as it used to be. I think the unit might be on the weak side, but given the list above i don't really mind.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Donator star (min. €10)
There are also silver (€50) and gold (€100) versions.

Wow, that escalates... rather fast.
+1 / -0