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who administer justice to admins?

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This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
i just spoke to licho by the recomdation of saski and when ask if the admin have to follow rules he said there are no rules (first i do understand the code of conduct still aplies) but when it come to admins powers there are no rules pertaining to this.

should there be an overiding force for admins when they refuse to see there own errors????

i am not looking for your admins opinions as i allredy know what there opinions are( and im sure everyone else does too)
+0 / -10
+1 / -1

11 years ago
I think a quote form TeamLiquids Code of Conduct is in place. It might not be ours, but just think about what it says.


from Team Liquid:

You are our guests. We will make all attempts to treat everyone with due respect and to accommodate everyone's wishes as far as reasonably possible. But, this is a private site. We are not funded by any governments. This means we run the site the way we see fit. We are not obligated to observe anyone's notions of "free speech" or even "fairness." We try of course, and that's why we're consistently considered one of the best gaming sites on the web, and you are always free to give us suggestions. But, we have our limits. If we don't like you, we simply ban you.


All other things being equal, we will give preferential treatment to site members who have been with us longer (as reflected in their post count + length of time with us as a registered member). It's a simple recognition of the quality of these people. Longevity and contribution are prized commodities around here. In a similar vein, "known" pro/semi-pro players will also be treated with deference (yes, quite a few hang out here). Don't complain - these guys have earned it.

Remember: we ban little kids all the time because they sign on thinking they can say and do whatever they want to whomever they want right from the get-go - just like they're used to doing at other sites. That attitude won't work here. That's a promise. As far as new users are concerned (i.e. anyone with less than 1000 or so quality posts to their name), this site is Holy Ground. The veterans are the users who've consistently shown respect to the site and to others and that's why they're still here. Show them some respect.

In practice, this policy means a user who has thousands of posts may be able to get away with a few minor transgressions in etiquette with just a warning. If you're at 50 posts and you try the same kind of stunt, then we may just ban you. Harsh? Yes. Unfair? Most definitely. But that's the way life is. Learn to live with it.

This also means you should think twice before calling that guy with 5000+ posts a jackass. If the guy's been with us that long, chances are YOU'RE the one being an idiot. Some battles are just not worth fighting - just move on.

Just comes to mind. Thought i'd share it.

This is not a supreme court. This site is run by volunteers who run this game and site in their spare time. (for your entertainment!) They can do whatever they see fit. You've made your point about a thousand times now, it has been heard, move on!
+11 / -0
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
i've made my point. but you choose not to do any thing. i dont see admins making a best effort on my behalf. i see admins making a best effort on the behlf of admins. and like i told licho. he just lost a player.

bann me if you like. and you say thats why your the best gaming sites first this applies to team liquid not zero-k but if you did apply it. your player base does not support this acusation of the best. and you will loose more player too becuase of this issue im sure there have been others and well you keep that stuff quiet im sure. but you have lost a player now. if admins have no rule they have no acountabilty. plain and simple!!

oh and spring if you runing this site is the us you are required by law the fredom of speach and if you try to stop fredom of speach then well the government steps in does it not?? if your not operating in the us then yes your crect you dont have to cater to free speach. teamliquids code say they try.and i bet they do. but doesn't apply here. you are trying the excact opposite.
+0 / -6
who administers the admins:
the superuser?

+0 / -0
From what i understood when its time to administer punishment they usually talk amongst themselves to reach a conclusion.

Theres not that much difference in what your looking for... your looking for a vertical heirarchy instead of a consensus administration. In the end if there was a guy above them and he disagreed with you, youd be complaining where is the guy above that guy who disagrees with you... till you find someone that agrees with you.

If an admin was trully misbehaving I'm sure action would be taken by the rest of the community.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
first i spoke to licho he is the creator owner of the server is he not?? like i told him he lost a player. every one makes mistake. not just newbS, not just experienced, not just me, not just you, NOT JUST THE ADMINS!!!


and licho just told me admins are free to do what they want becuase he has no inttnetions of corecting any mistake made by the admins of this game. so go wild admins the only thing you have to follow is the code of conduct. if you wish to use your admin powers go ahead. as there is not any rule regarding your powers of admins!!
+0 / -5

11 years ago
if you told him he lost a player then why are you still here?
+5 / -1
11 years ago
i just spoke to licho by the recomdation of saski and when ask if the admin have to follow rules he said there are no rules (first i do understand the code of conduct still aplies) but when it come to admins powers there are no rules pertaining to this.

should there be an overiding force for admins when they refuse to see there own errors????

i am not looking for your admins opinions as i allredy know what there opinions are( and im sure everyone else does too)

"Skasi told me to talk to licho, so i did. I asked if there were specific rules that admins had to follow on top of the code of conduct that everyone else has to follow. This was not the case. The admins have no rules to govern how to use their powers.

I wonder if the admins should have rules, so they are limited in how they can respond to situations by a predetermined amount.

However, i only want to hear what the players have to say, not what the admins have to say, because in my mind i already know what they are going to say."

My personal response to this, is that the admins are probably picked based on who is trustworthy. Whoever picks admins trusts them to do their job, and trusts them to make the right decisions. I am not sure if any admins have lost their admin status, but that would probably be the repercussion they'd face for abusing that trust.
It would be pointless to add a bunch of hardcoded rules to what admins can do. What if the rule was "If someone spams, kick them", and then someone spammed so much that a ban was needed? The admin would be breaking the rule if he banned in that situation. It is better to have admins rule by common sense, and then pick admins you can trust, rather than codify all admin conduct.

i've made my point. but you choose not to do any thing. i dont see admins making a best effort on my behalf. i see admins making a best effort on the behlf of admins. and like i told licho. he just lost a player.

bann me if you like. and you say thats why your the best gaming sites first this applies to team liquid not zero-k but if you did apply it. your player base does not support this acusation of the best. and you will loose more player too becuase of this issue im sure there have been others and well you keep that stuff quiet im sure. but you have lost a player now. if admins have no rule they have no acountabilty. plain and simple!!

oh and spring if you runing this site is the us you are required by law the fredom of speach and if you try to stop fredom of speach then well the government steps in does it not?? if your not operating in the us then yes your crect you dont have to cater to free speach. teamliquids code say they try.and i bet they do. but doesn't apply here. you are trying the excact opposite.

"I have already said everything I have wanted to say. However, the response to this has been too slow to arrive for my tastes. I don't see admins agreeing with me, I am only seeing them agree with other admins, so I am leaving as has been previous communicated to licho on a private channel that you were not privy to.
I am in agreement that you can ban me at any moment, and I am powerless to stop you. Also, despite never claiming you were, Zero-K is not Teamliquid and you cannot compare an apple that has been proven to be tasty to one that has not been tasted. Also I pretend to speak for the entire playerbase when I say you suck, and I believe I am correct in assuming that others have left before me and others will leave after me as a result, and that there is ongoing labour to cover this fact up. I intend to leave Zero-K over the fact that admins are in charge and there is nobody high enough that I can complain to.
If licho is running the spring site from the US he is obliged to hold up free speech [comment by translator: this is not true in any sense], if you are in violation of this the government of the united states has a specialized division to police the internet for breaches of free speech occuring on sites based in the US. Needless to say this of course does not apply if this site is not hosted in the US.
A completely unrelated website states that they try to uphold free speech, however i am convinced you are stifling it purposefully."

I'm not even sure how to comment on this beyond some minor translational bias.

first i spoke to licho he is the creator owner of the server is he not?? like i told him he lost a player. every one makes mistake. not just newbS, not just experienced, not just me, not just you, NOT JUST THE ADMINS!!!


and licho just told me admins are free to do what they want becuase he has no inttnetions of corecting any mistake made by the admins of this game. so go wild admins the only thing you have to follow is the code of conduct. if you wish to use your admin powers go ahead. as there is not any rule regarding your powers of admins!!

"At first I proceeded to communicate with the highest level of organization i could find. I personally communicated my grievances to him. I particularly emphasized the flawed nature of the human race, and how everyone contributing to this community is a member of the human race, and thus flawed.
Then Licho responded in such a way as to lead me to interpret it as giving admins free reign over the community, placing his trust in them fully.
The best of luck to all admins, you are bound only by the same rules that bind any other member of the community. You are free to administrate this community, as there are no rules limiting your functionality."

Vulte, if everyone makes mistakes, why is this such a big deal to you? You got banned. You can be forgiven for what you did, and return to the community and function like normal. If the admin made a minor mistake, could that admin then not also be forgiven and return to his duties like normal?

+5 / -0
yes he could be forgiven but when you dont even acknoledge the mistake you are not ask or even saying you need forgiveness. yes i can too but his about how the game is admistered. and bsically unless it its a major and i mean above any of this (what you call petty bs). i am not looking for punishment of there actions i am looking for a guarenttee that admins are not abusing there power. and the fact that i know andmins ignored my report but imediatly acted upon the report of my bad behavior. there for not treating me an pat equally. now when i went to get more carification i got more detais about your proceedures. and thye only cover the player base not the admin as they dont really have any they can change the way they do anything at anytime.and they are not held acountable as there are no, not even one, rule governing them. there are many post i see on here any one who trys to adress the issue of admin powers get locked. and it was spring comparing he posted it i was only refuting his comprison was. any keep giving you ideas as this is was this thread is for.

as for they are fre to adminster as they see fit not as the rule book stae as there is no rule book. they are free to abus there powers of admin too not abuse other player but then again that debatible as to what abuse is. so if i say hi to pat i know he dont like me some could debate that im harrasing and abusing him, or i told some one that "thats a newb move" that is also debatable as if it is abuse. just like you said i suck that is debatable on if that is abuse read in a nother thread was about [doop]fortala (if spelled wrong sorry)iot told him calling some one a newb is abuse. so agian no rules means they aplied the rule as they wish and put the rules to the wayside when they wish. so atleast in zero-k becuase there is not one rule governing admins. there is no such term as favortism or abuse of power. they do not exist in the perview of zero-k.

as for this satement.

What if the rule was "If someone spams, kick them", and then someone spammed so much that a ban was needed? The admin would be breaking the rule if he banned. in that situation you just said the rule would warrent them being banned but then by banning him your breaking it???? them you make this comment; "It is better to have admins rule by common sense" you have no clue what commen sence is as these statements point that out!! the admin would breaking the rule if he DIDN'T ban!!
if you will here me out.

i suggest pick three of your most honorable admins and have it there duty to check up on the regular andmins they only deal with admins the regular admins deal with the players and the "super admins". this creates a check and balance does it not??
+0 / -1
The guy that run the server (i.e. Licho).

If him really insist in doing something him can do it, at least till we change server, then the new "server guy" is the "King", repeat ad aeternum.

I like "system of check and balance", but will it happen? No, cause people that have the power to do it, simple do not care or do not have time.
Best that can happen is what we have, i.e. some for of consensus (look like need 3 devs/adim to agree?), doubt system will get any better cause it would require more "work".

But who know, some time ago we did not even have the "Code of Conduct"...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
exactly why do we have some one at the top of the chain that doesn't care????
+0 / -10

11 years ago
make it stop! I keep downvoting but it won't stop posting! it just won't stop!
+5 / -1
You were muted in #zk (by me) because you kept flogging a dead horse. You kept insisting that some players (specifically the high Elo ones) were given preferential treatment, despite your only piece of evidence showing nothing of the sort.

You repeatedly alleged that your reports being overlooked could only be the result of favoritism, laziness or incompetence, and you made it quite clear which you thought was the case, even after I presented you with a known psychological phenomenon that explains the results without recourse to such words.

You accuse us of refusing to consider any arguments you make, which as the record shows is a case of a man pitching stones in glass houses.

Also, your logic and reading comprehension skills are beyond terrible.

Well, that's all I have left to say on the topic. Enjoy your matyrdom forum ban.
+9 / -0

[Rafal[ZK]] prepare for 9001 threads about admin abuse
[Blackdutchie] can we place bets on how many?
[Skasi] place bets on how many question marks the first post will have
[Skasi] winner gets 1 kudo (the kudo is a lie!)
[Anarchid] 8
[KingRaptor] 13
[Blackdutchie] 18
[[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng] 7
[PryoGx] Is there a buy-in for bidding? If not; 6
[CarRepairer] 14

Actual number: 4
CArankPryoGx wins! 1 kudos has been credited to your account.
+7 / -0
@[V]vulte it was funny for quite some time, but the assumed individuum's name is not
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Actual number: 4
CArankPryoGx wins! 1 kudos has been credited to your account.

lol ^.^

@[V]vulte +17/-93
+0 / -0

11 years ago
This thread is one of the funniest things i've seen in a long while. Props/Kudos to FRrankBlackdutchie for that "translation", i loved it.

vulte: Licho pays ZK. If you don't trust somebody who spent years of his life and considerable amounts of money for this game that he makes benevolent decisions, then there's no point in arguing with you.

Not that there would be any point in the first place, but we had fun doing it i guess. Could you point to another community member that thinks like you?
+3 / -0
11 years ago
Common guys, maybe @[V]vulte just want to play some game...

@[V]vulte, lets just play games and not ban another person whether he innocent or guilty. Lets just forget about this. :)
+1 / -0