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Anti-cloak system

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13 years ago
Cloaked units can do much harm, one or two sythes easily blows fusions on big maps, snipers can kill unguarded comm without problem, etc. etc.

Many other mods have anti-cloak system, like Intrusion Countermeasure System, which spot cloaked units as radar dots.

I know that cloakies arent so powerful and can be spotted by raiders and wise placed cheap towers, but... Please consider this
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Ever heard of fleas? Swarm the area with them and snipers are gone. If you dont wanna get raided by scythe make llt. It costs like 90m.
Also making a cloak tower will make it alot harder for snipers (and arty) to hit you.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
If something is OP abuse it until the devs change it. They have been good about nerfing OP units in the past.

Chances are, if you are the only one who thinks something is OP (like in this case) then you need to learn to counter it better.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I'm adamantly against some kind of area decloaking system. It would be too easy to counter cloaking.

If there is a specific unit that is too powerful then abuse it. This applies to cloaker + any unit combinations.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I am totally against any kind of decloaking system, because it would nerf all cloaked units (scythes, sharpshooters, infiltrators, skuttles, ticks, fleas, athena, sneaky pete, stiletto) to uselessness and would defeat a rock, paper, scissors balance.

Cloaked units are already:
1. expensive for their DPS
2. very brittle

If you go by this reasoning you might as well put a cap on the size of raiding glaive parties, because those glaives are so damned fast :) Or cap the number of hammers managed by a single player because arti is so bothersome.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The only cloaked unit that's really hard to counter without a shitload of micro are snipers and they've got a pretty nice range, so they wouldn't be spotted anyway. (well, would depend on the uncloak range of course)

Almighty emperor! May I suggest the following?
Order your allies to construct fifty Fleas, or have your emperorish facilities construct them. Then order your imperial Fleas to form a line behind your front, reaching from one end of the map to the other. This line will be invisible and uncloak any invisible unit that dares to trespass your borders! You might also wish to order this wall of Fleas to patrol over a short distance (use a custom patrol formation just a few hundred elos off the move formation) to more actively look for intruders. Too long patrol routes can cause sporadic holes though, so caution is advised!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
lol. We know how to counter cloaked units, and it isnt ropic "PLS NERF CLOAKS CAUSE I CANT BEAT THEM".

I just suggested to think about anticloak system. BA for example have just few cloaks, which are used very rarely, but it have intrusion countermeasure.

Ahhh, we remember when Jurgens were stealthy in Tech Annihilation... Good time for Imperium it was.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think that a system to declocke is to much.
But i want to sugest that a cloacked unit gets visible by
passing a shield. Not inside the shield and not long. But in the moment it
passes it may be detected because the shield is not on this place in the moment when the unit is there.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think the effort required to make shields cause decloak outweighs potential benefits (I can't see many).
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Shields are already used enough.

Here is a great game of google using his classic cloakbot tactics against me. He takes out a -lot- of stuff. 3 mexes and a con at the start with 1 bot, my com, a fusion. Its worth checking out to see good scythe play and a very good back and forth game.

Scythes can be damn annoying if used well, and i honestly dont like that the effective way of countering them is that you rub up against them. Though its worse than some of the other things you can do with fleas (like countering everything in the tank factory). Maybe bringing back the dragons eye, or an incredibly weak mine, so its not always just fleas (or cloggers), would be good.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Emperor, I did not tell you how to beat them I told you about an anticloak system. ZKs anticloak system is getting into range or damaging them so they will uncloak. Stop arguing that you can't spot cloakers, because you can! :O

I'll just repeat myself: It's not cloak that's op, but the fact that the cloaklab has more units to choose from than any other factory. Some say that's why all of its units should be nerfed, but I don't think it's a good idea to balance units based on their factory.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
lol, empress Skasi. We know how to spot cloaked unit and we talk about units that can make invisible themselves, not about units from Cloaky Bot Factory.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
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13 years ago
^ ... and when they receive damage.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
It says so, Google. Open your eyes! :P
"come too close to an unfriendly entity"
+0 / -0
13 years ago
We played a couple of games on the TinySkirmish map the other day.

One was won by spamming skuttles to kill enemy commanders, factories and other expensive (tremor, fusion) gear.

And lo and behold what happened next game? A barrier of fleas was formed (there were only 15 or so, given that it is such a tiny map) to detect and counter the skuttles. It was very effective.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I really hate it if allied units walk BEHIND my snipers - I lost many hero snipers this way...

They don't decloak at the first shot, but if they are in the path of the second projectile in a short time it is really annoying.

I suggest to make snipers as fast as hammers !!!
so that things like bandits take about 2.4 times to reach a sniper running away !!

what's about a widget where you can order guarding units to attack the murder / attacker of the guarded unit?

then it would attack the sniper !!!

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