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Still 0 XP after 3 games

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10 years ago

I have to admit that I'm quite new to this game. I've finally managed to play my first three games yesterday - and lost of all of them. Yay! :D

But the logs for the individual games state that I should have accumulated quite some XP - enough for a level up, I guess. But I still see the XP bar in the profile at 0. What's up with that? Am I missing something or is there a genuine bug?

+0 / -0

10 years ago
Hi, seeing as the battle logs say you get XP and you have 0, looks like a bug to me.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Hey, you won once!
Maybe it's related to a problem with the server. I've seen people who had trouble logging in on zero-k.info. Sometimes hosts are reacting slow. Though the problem you report is completely new to me. Your profile page shows three battles, each with a nice xp gain so the battles were recorded, but your account still shows up as level 0. That's strange.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
To me it appears that the only game to have given XP is the one vs bots on Eye of Horus. I am not sure why.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Hey, you're right! That's the lastest game I played. And that's the only one I set up using Autohost. The others were set up through "NEWBIES only".

Does that help to narrow things down?

+0 / -0

10 years ago
We are currently transferring everything to a new server. Apparently the database has to be transferred as one large block so for about 8 hours it could not be written to. I don't know exactly when that was scheduled for but from your report it seems to have happened.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
If it's the database all players should have been affected in this timeframe, right? And why do the games appear on my profile? Is that a different database?

Can I ask someone to fix the XP counter for me? I'd appreciate that :)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Just play a couple 1v1s against SErank[Er0]Godde, GBrankPRO_rANDY or any other top10 players and you should be getting tons of xp. Not like it's really important now that the game is less comm-centered.
+4 / -0

10 years ago
Good point, playing against humans gives much more xp points then against bots does
+0 / -0
10 years ago
As well as increasing XP faster, you will learn significantly faster in 1v1 than teams. Most of the 1v1 players are very helpful and teach you how to improve. I found myself going from 1600 elo to top20 (1900+) within a few months from playing 1v1 against some of the best players. Good luck!
+2 / -1
10 years ago
I don't know when this xp problem started but it's still affecting me.
Three battles against other people and I'm still level 5 with 0xp.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
USrankhspadafora: XP is spent when getting unlocks, though the total earned to that point determines your level. That being said, it does looks like you are a little short, given your battle history.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Maybe I just need to play online matches with more people.

OH. Another xp problem I have is that I got the e-cell commander modual and now the e-cell has been removed from Zero-k so I just lost 300xp. I should have reported this problem sooner.
+0 / -0
USrankhspadafora you didn't lose any xp. The points for Ecell were paid back. (You have to distinguish between the total xp you ever gained and points for unlocks.) As you are on lvl 6, you had 20*6²+80*6=1200 points to spend on unlocks and that's exactly what you already spent (200 for Strike com + 200 for Beam laser + 200 for Nanolathe + 300 for Radar module + 300 for HMG). You had 21 battles, so you got ~60xp per battle, which is quite normal. Playing small teams/1v1 will give you more xp than big teams.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
XP available to spend is not simply a number stored somewhere. It is calculated from XP gained and the total cost of all the things you currently have unlocked. So if something no longer exists (for example E-Cell) then it is no longer something you have unlocked. In effect your available XP changes automatically.
+0 / -0
I found myself going from 1600 elo to top20 (1900+) within a few months from playing 1v1 against some of the best players. Good luck!

Sorry, no longer works. now u can be 2k elo pro in 1v1s, but u'll be 1100 elo noob in teams anyway. Sorry :(

you will learn significantly faster in 1v1 than teams. Most of the 1v1 players are very helpful and teach you how to improve

Oh, and someone could understand this as - "Play 1v1s only, becasue in teams room u won't learn anything. Teams guys are just ragers who will kicku immediately after you join."
So well... You know... Youre scaring away new players.
Every1 already knows u think everything bigger than 1vs2 is laggy clusterfuck game, so cut this off, plox, youre hurting the playerbase.
+1 / -2
10 years ago
+1 / -1
10 years ago
That inane rant is illegible. What are you talking about?
+1 / -1
10 years ago
Kickbanburneat @Hower! He did it!!!
+1 / -1
10 years ago
l2read then. U know what I am talking about.
+1 / -1
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