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overpowered cheap units, which often bring game to shit from beginning

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Fucking ducks should be made less powerful, and even more fucking repulsers should be some way weakened (for example, significally decreasing of fire rate).
2 edits.
Recluse - 3-missle spider (wrote wrongly "repulse").

And Penetrator should have lower speed.
+0 / -3
By "repulsers" do you mean newtons, archers or something else? I wouldn't have said either of those two needs a nerf at all.

...Ducks are pretty ridiculous though.

Puts me in mind of this little rhyme (possibly not SFW):
+3 / -0
10 years ago
I only see one or two newtons occasionally. unless you're referring to the amphib that pushes things away with water. that one's kind of strong but depending on the map I'd rather it have power behind it's shots than to be a fancy water fountain, lol
+0 / -0
10 years ago
"baaaaa"/rage thread?
+1 / -0

10 years ago
"quack", maybe.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Ducks being able to almost completely shut down glaives is in fact very annoying.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Ducks being able to almost completely shut down glaives is in fact very annoying.

This. I think the glaive's DPS and HP should be doubled to compensate.
+0 / -0
This. I think the glaive's DPS and HP should be doubled to compensate.

Seems balanced.

Maybe tweak Duck's damage so it doesn't quite one-hit a glaive on its own (but the splash from multiple will punish clumped Glaives anyway). Might need to buff its attack speed a tiny bit if 230 -> 190 is too large a damage reduction (duck would still easily two-hit daggers, though).

My vague recollection of playing cloaky against amph is that you build Rocko and pray. Is that more or less accurate? You could probably do work with Tick, and Sharpshooter can onehit Buoy and Scallop (that's... actually pretty good, now that I think about it). I feel like Buoy will horribly wreck Zeus - but maybe Rocko and Sharpshooter are enough, and you can get away with just not building Glaives.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
duck already has much worse stats by comparison, alpha and ae are the saving grace. not sure why it would need a nerf.
+0 / -0
Alpha and AoE are... pretty big saving graces on a raider. IIRC duck beats warrior for cost with some micro (in low numbers, anyway).
+0 / -0
Cloaky vs Amph is in general pretty annoying. Glaives vs Ducks means that raiding will only be sporadic at best. Duck's immense alpha means it can be cost efficient against Warrior. Rocko being able to outperform Glaive against Duck means that Buoys come out earlier, starting a skirmisher war.

Sharpshooter shuts down everything except Grizzly and (sometimes) Duck, but killing Grizzlies with Sharpshooters is a slow and tedious process that doesn't guarantee that the Grizz will ever in fact die.

Everything seems to conspire to make it as long and tedious as possible.
+0 / -0
sure ae+alpha is good, but ducks pay dearly for it by beeing abysmally slow, and having bad overall stats. so maybe they are too good at killing glaives, but fail against most other raiders, as well as in catching up or avoiding them.

maybe they should just be more like other raiders, with speed somewhere in the 3+ range.
+0 / -0
...I can't think of a raider Duck loses to reliably. Dagger's a bit of a coinflip (IIRC larger numbers favour Dagger), but Dagger shares the high alpha and currently questionable balance of Ducks anyway. You probably have to kite Bandits and in low numbers might lose, but in larger numbers I think the AoE of ducks will win out. (Amph vs. Shield is dreadful for other reasons, though.)

I'm not sure I've ever played amph vs. jump but three ducks onehit a Pyro and cost only marginally more so I can't imagine that going too badly. They might lose to Scorcher or Panther but I doubt it - and they definitely scale better. Admittedly these latter two can abuse their mobility, but there are very few maps on which you could plausibly see that matchup in any case.

They are indeed slow but healing/hiding underwater is useful (if there's no water why did you play Amph?).

If you're proposing a buff to Duck without any nerfs to compensate I think I'm just going to have to laugh at you. It's possible they don't need a nerf but they're definitely on the powerful side of balanced.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Ducks are the slowest raider so some power is understandable. Other raiders have the option to not engage.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
That's true. Even so, of the units in the game I think I'd put it pretty high in value for cost and sheer game-winning potential.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Perhaps alpha is not a raider virtue. Maybe one alpha-raider is enough.

What if Duck launched its missiles sequentially instead of as a single salvo? They would still kill Glaives very fast, but the Glaives would have some extra half-seconds to live. Maybe it could even reduce overkill.
+1 / -0
Maybe one alpha-raider is enough.

Maybe one is too many. Hover vs Cloaky is, if anything, an even more horrific matchup than Amph, in my experience.

Actually, here's a question: has anybody seen a Cloaky > Hover game in which the two players were of anything resembling even skill?

(Apologies for this attitude, I guess I'm just having a moody day today. The question stands out of curiosity, though.)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
It would probably be a good idea to log fac stats to get such info easily. Logging these should be easy enough game-side but it could require additional site facilities.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Duck is no problem at all, it overkills like mad. Archer on the other hand would be something to worry about if it wasn't so useless against statics.
+1 / -0
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