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u wut banned for wut?

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PENALTY: B974842: Be nicer to your teammates, and definitely don't teamkill.
Lobby blocked
Issued on: 10/18/2020 10:23:00 PM (5 minutes ago)
Expires on: 10/21/2020 10:23:00 PM (2d 23h remaining)

for him? he is not a team8 not being nice iam trying rylly

is tahat the game ? he did not commit to the strategy he is to blame GRASS

just ban me for life iam shure i can crack this lua scrpt kidde shiet

and i wonna know who is banning me show your slef

and rly u r making me angry now...

i like project i like motivation no yes yes do me i do U

remove this unfair ban asap

+1 / -5

4 years ago
I banned you for playing very badly, reclaiming allied construction and finally teamkilling an ally with Skuttles.
+5 / -0
i banned u for playig very badly ?

how can u?

lol banned for playig bad according to whom?
and i did finis his fck pala with him so i piaid more for this sht
+0 / -0
4 years ago
we can play i gladdly explore this
+0 / -0
To be fair, building eco isn't playing badly
if that is so, a lot of people will be guilty of that, that include purples

"be nicer to team" is also subjective

SGrankweiweiwtf was seen spamming cons in recent games. That is playing badly, yes? He then continue to persist. That actions can be translate to being unhelpful which also equivalent to being not nice to your team. Did the staff punish him?

USrankpatrician were seen being playing badly in many games, that include useless troll coms that die without killing anything or spamming cons, most of the time spamming strider where often die without making costs (if he managed to build them before team dies). Is it helpful to the team? No.

The moderators' and even admins' ambiguous moderation standard has been bothering me. Why do their fun (trolling, building big things, cheesing, etc) be more important than others?

Lastly, I am not saying GBrankczesio did is not wrong but it is understandable where his/her rage coming from. It is something related to https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/31865 and what are the moderators/administrators gonna do regarding these people who make the games unfun for others?
+3 / -1
wow, GBrankczesio played like Firepluk and USrankpatrician...

Honestly, just cross the "playing badly" part out. The teamkilling is enough to justify the ban.

"playing badly" as a reason makes this look more like admin-despotism for the reasons SGrankLu5ck has already pointed out.
+0 / -0
"Playing badly" was not in the ban reason itself, only in the context which CHrankAdminDeinFreund provided. Playing in a way which is disrespectful to your team, and having a bunch of reports and modactions in the last week or two, are pieces of context which result in less leniency.

Remember that https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/32223 happened half a week ago.

Sufficiently bad and disrespectful play, on its own, might in some cases be sufficient to get you modactioned, but that is not what has happened here. The cases of a bronze and a rusty gold SGrankLu5ck has brought up are pretty uninteresting in this regard.

just ban me for life iam shure i can crack this lua scrpt kidde shiet

Your first smurf has already been banned and your original ban has been extended. I suggest you do not try again.

+0 / -0
"Playing badly" was not in the ban reason itself, only in the context which CHrankAdminDeinFreund provided.

Honestly, just cross the "playing badly" part out. The teamkilling is enough to justify the ban.

Lastly, I am not saying GBrankczesio did is not wrong but it is understandable where his/her rage coming from.

The cases of a bronze and a rusty gold SGrankLu5ck has brought up are pretty uninteresting in this regard.

exactly those statements are what makes it look like despotism.

GBrankczesio please mate, i know you are a nice guy. please don`t do anything more that is just going to harm yourself.
+0 / -0
The teamkilling is enough to justify the ban.

The teamkilling justifies the ban in as of itself but the context contributes to why it is a three day ban rather than potentially less. I do not see a reason to provide less context rather than more.

exactly those statements are what makes it look like despotism.

The highest level of arbitration in this community is, in fact, the best judgement of the admins and the moderation team. If you are determined to describe that as "despotism" then have at it I suppose.

To be more explicit, I have no reason to think based on that description that SGrankweiweiwtf is not playing to the best of their abilities. (Constructor spam is honestly top-tier if it is done right... anybody remember SKrankSvatopluk ?) USrankpatrician is a little murkier but I have not to date witnessed myself or had referred to me any particularly disrespectful play from them.

wow, czesio played like Firepluk and patrician...

Despite whatever your opinion might be and whatever my personal views might be, there is a substantial fraction of the community (even if not a majority) that is of the opinion that Firepluk's style of play is broadly acceptable and that they enjoy playing with and against him. That makes it pretty damn difficult to justify moderator action with respect to his style of play alone, outside of cases where he plays at the most useless end of his range (which doesn't happen that often).
+0 / -0

4 years ago
@ Admins

maybe consider to make the paladium event avaidable more often. it`s hard to find decent team-games that are worth putting efford in.
- consequent application of the "play with your team"-thing is not going to happen, (for understandable reasons)
- bluntly said, there seems to be a number of people that are addicted to this game, so just "stop playing" is no easy
- For a very long time now, the paladium has not interfered with the All-Welcome-Host, participation is low enough.

GBrankczesio can be expected to behave in a decent manner.

but looking at this:

if there is a group of people that constantly gets ignored and declared unimportant by you, while you neither provide alternatives nor showing the will to alter your position even the slightest, then you are effectively telling them to leave the game. This is neither fair nor productive or useful.
+3 / -0
you neither provide alternatives

!proposebattle, tournaments, private rooms, etc. exist. The single-balance room was tried and may be tried again in the future. Smaller player limits were tried and may be tried again in the future (though probably in a different way).

What you mean to say here is not every one of your personal demands was satisfied to the letter.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
What you mean to say here is not every one of your personal demands was satisfied to the letter.

Not sure how to understand this. Do you dismiss my arguments becaue of their source, e.g. my person?

1. Do you really think it is just about me? If so, how can i convince you it is not?
2. I don`t see why trying to get ones needs satisified without hurting others would be bad.

Back on topic:

- !proposebattle is clunky and i am not sure how many games it has produced overall so far.
- tournaments are rare and i am not sure if we ever had a tournament that featured bigger teams than 4v4.
- passworded rooms are a hazzle to set up and maintain, the password needs to be send in diverse private messages and the
room would be invisible for many people that don`t have the option "hide passworded rooms" disabled. So their existance
would have to be announced in chat constantly. Hard to do if you actually want to play.
- Sortie-Matchmaker is as rarely used as !proposebattle and doesn`t feature anything above 6v6 either.
- Single-Balance solves a problem that has nothing to do with this one.

+1 / -0
banned for wut?

no fun allowed here

if u wanna have fun find another game
+0 / -2
Regardless of how GBrankczesio talked to his teammates or how good Solars into Singu is, he showed a complete lack of respect for USrankpatrician by sneakily reclaiming USrankpatrician's Paladin to fuel his third Singu. When USrankpatrician called GBrankczesio out on this he switched the Caretakers away, so he certainly knew what he was doing. This escalated into reclaim from USrankpatrician and Skuttles from GBrankczesio.

CHrankAdminDeinFreund provides a bit more context (perhaps there were a few more games I didn't see as well) but did include "teamkill" and later elaborated with "reclaim" and "skuttle". The battle link is in the ban description so, if anyone is going to stick their oar in and embark on some backseat moderation, they could at least have the decency to watch the battle rather than having others explain it to them.

GBrankczesio played the game so surely knows what he did. The title has got to be a lie. The community will be better off if people can avoid being baited by "I'm banned but I'm so innocent" threads.

SGrankLu5ck you've been taken in by GBrankczesio's attempt to make the whole thing a question of what "good play" or "being nice" means. None of that is relevant here. You can watch the game for yourself and see the sneaky resource stealing and teamkill. You can have the conversation you want to have, but don't have it in a clear-cut ban-whine thread. No matter how off-topic this thread goes, it will still have a kernel of reference to this particular ban. Making your case with relation to GBrankczesio will just make your argument look terrible.

DErankkatastrophe was right with "The teamkilling is enough to justify the ban." and potentially right with "Honestly, just cross the "playing badly" part out.", but arguing the latter seems fairly pointless. If you demand perfect wording every time then you demand that the moderators spend a lot more time doing a thankless task.

What I said to SGrankLu5ck about finding or starting a new thread (because this one is terrible) goes for everyone else too. Attempts to have a decent discussion here are tarnished by misrepresentation by GBrankczesio in the OP, and the attractiveness of memeing the OP for jokers like GBrank[Fx]Drone.

+4 / -0