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spectacular precision with newtons

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3 years ago
i newer use newtons but i seen them in "action" when somebody is sending 100's sniches just to miss all targets whole game making no cost...

so in this game hoppili sends hand full towards my singus and all of them land 1st time bang on target or very close to it...

how is this possible???

+1 / -0
3 years ago
Snitch ramps are a different newton launching setup than the newton cross with lobster onto raised platform setup
Also, with jumpiest you get some kind of aiming ability with respect to where you land
+0 / -0
there are 2 types of jumpers:
1) jets to jump (pyro, jack)
2) legs to jump (jugger, archangel, skuttle)

for 1) to reliably execute jump, according to AUrankAdminGoogleFrog, it is mandatory the jump order disables any other physics. without disabling physics, any 'normal' jump would be prone to error, units bumping/falling of cliffs after a jump etc.

in this case, the newton-induced speed while flying is negated by jumping: the unit stops midair and executes a jump. using this feature, landing anywhere with absolute precision is possible. like with a jack on the head of a singu with some training.

jumps with legs cannot do this midair for whatever reason.

i am with you on that. it is just stupid.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
This is a nice example of Newton-Lobster Jack ramp by Thomas.
+5 / -0
for 1) to reliably execute jump, according to AUrankAdminGoogleFrog, it is mandatory the jump order disables any other physics. without disabling physics, any 'normal' jump would be prone to error, units bumping/falling of cliffs after a jump etc.
Could jump order initiation be limited to only the moments when the unit has zero speed?
+0 / -0
3 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
Quite frankly newton turrets add very little to the game so removing those turrets would fix the problem without effecting game play much at all, until an actually fix is found.
+2 / -9

3 years ago
DErankAdminmojjj I think you have misinterpreted me or put others at risk of doing so. I don't recall anyone asking me about removing orbital Jack so I haven't said anything about it specifically.

for 1) to reliably execute jump, according to AUrankAdminGoogleFrog, it is mandatory the jump order disables any other physics. without disabling physics, any 'normal' jump would be prone to error, units bumping/falling of cliffs after a jump etc.

I have said this in relation to replacing the current jump system with a more physicsy impulse based system. It has little relation to orbital jump.

This confuses me:
jumps with legs cannot do this midair for whatever reason.

i am with you on that. it is just stupid.

I don't know whether you are saying that Jacks being able to jump midair is stupid, which has no come up so far, or whether Skuttle not being able to jump midair is stupid, which is the topic of a thread or two.

The distinction between jumpjets and jumplegs exists because I err on the side of not removing things. Orbital Skuttle had to be removed (due to cloak) so it gained jumplegs. Then other things gained it because their jump has a windup time, or just because they looked like they had legs.

There is no technical impediment to removing orbital jump.
+1 / -0
newtons cant target thrown units because they travel too fast.. i made a pillar with a newton on top set to repulse they never even fire.. just kept getting hit
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Really the only thing I find bad about this is that frequently jacks will land on whatever they are attacking in a way that renders them untargetable by faradays or by gnats which is the supposed counter to flying jacks. I know there are ways to build to avoid this, but this isn't widely spread knowledge.
+3 / -1
Really the only thing I find bad about this is that frequently jacks will land on whatever they are attacking in a way that renders them untargetable by faradays or by gnats which is the supposed counter to flying jacks. I know there are ways to build to avoid this, but this isn't widely spread knowledge.

It's even less widely spread knowledge than building a newton launcher in the first place, which is already rare.
+0 / -0
um ok AUrankAdminGoogleFrog .

well then, remove orbital jacks. few mastered this technique, rest is just mad. losing singus or superweapons which should be out of direct risk when build at backside, with no possibility to defend (jacks just have too much HP and can most times not be targeted when inside the building hitsphere) is frustrating.

Multiplayer B1140148 29 on Archsimkats_Valley_V1
Multiplayer B1139458 32 on Tabula-v6.1 (or Multiplayer B1137927 32 on Tabula-v6.1 ? dont remember)
+5 / -4
also jacks can fire when underwater seen often on isis when geo is not protected when terra is -100 jack have no problem to hit geo when in hole but non other unit can target jack...

on small map like isis lots of structures aree build in blast zone of geo


so maybe the solution is to work on geo and singu hit box so units cant just seat inside of it or betwean terra wall and singu or on top of it

+1 / -0
3 years ago
+3 / -1

3 years ago
I think that it makes sense that certain units can't jump in midair, and certain units can, because, can you jump in midair?, no, it would make no sense, because the units that cAn jump in midair (as far as I know) jump using rockets, which would make it possible to jump in midair, but if you didn't use rockets it would make no sense if you could jump in midair because you would have nothing to jump off of, except air.
+2 / -1
another spacejack timewaste Multiplayer B1140770 24 on Archsimkats_Valley_V1
+1 / -0
3 years ago
what if charons on patrol would auto pick up enemy jacks
+0 / -0

3 years ago
After seeing somebody else use a ramp with more than one slope, I firmly believe this mechanic is right where it should be.
+1 / -1

what if charons on patrol would auto pick up enemy jacks

Can you not do that already? If you set a ferry route where the pickup zone is a sunken fusion, wouldn't anything that can carry attempt to pick up whatever lands on the fusion?

EDIT: Or does ferry route only account for frienly units?


I'm making this far more complicated than it needs to be. For some reason I can't make ferry routes work at the moment, even for my own units. Ohwell.

What you can do is have a handful of charons move over singu/fusion/anti... once they're there, set them on repeat command and order them to pick up by click and drag to define a range that covers the building you want to protect.

Since the charons have 1 order only, pick up, when a jack lands it will get picked up and the charon will hover over the building. At that point llts or any other non splash tower can dispose of the jack. While I was testing I found that jacks can kill charons that try to pick them up. I'm not sure what the target priority is, especially depending on if the launcher player manually controls the jacks or if they just make them jump on target and forget about them. If I were you I'd use the heavy transport instead, just to make sure the jack doesn't first dispose of the transport trying to abduct it.

Here's a demo: Bots B1140869 1 on TitanDuel 2.2
+1 / -0
can charons pick up units, which are

a) underwater
b) inside a building hitbox

+0 / -0

Ferries are for friendlies only.
sometimes you need to move units in the circle again for them to detect the ferry.

repeat charon is suprisingly good, just dont want it to pick up a defender


inside a unit hitbox yes
uw no BUT

anything that lands in a geo hole can be lobstered out with a lobster dwelling inside the hole or at the edge, this works for singus too
you can also put faraday in each corner of a singu hole to make it immune to single jack lauche

(i think lobsters exist they make the tactic possible and they break it, as long as you keep track of your skies and have 4 faraday 4 lotus 1or 2 charon 8 gnats and 1 lobster at each singu/geo/whathaveyous (ovekil) then you fine ]

reminder while you just command move a lobster there and are free to go the launching player is sweating from every pore or his existence, aiming pixel perfect launches with bare eye , and ofc none stop microing sometimes multiple launches at the same time to ensure reaching at least 1 target and that very difficult comapred to firing a lobster when the jack lands ++

+5 / -0
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