This update solves a few recent issues with ground targeting. The easy fix was for Duck, which was previously able to fire torpedoes out of the sea and onto land. The trickier changes solve the unfairness of ground targeting widgets by making the interface more powerful in ways relevant to humans, while reducing its power for widgets.
Other balance changes include Felon tweaks and slower transport speed for Jack. The AI has been updated to fix a bug, and all the configs are now based on the previous bleeding edge test version.
Balance and Behaviour
Duck is no longer able to ground fire torpedoes. This is consistent with other torpedo and depth charge weapons.
Bandit now leads targets at close range correctly.
Felon has improved burst and DPS, but less efficient charge to damage conversion.
Reload 0.16s -> 0.13s
Damage 110 -> 94 (DPS 660 -> 705)
Shield energy per shot 80 -> 75 (damage/charge 1.38 -> 1.25)
Reaver aims more smoothly and is smarter.
Aim period 5 -> 3 frames.
No longer automatically fires at walls protecting enemy mexes.
Jinks when fighting units such as Rogue.
Phantom aims faster than it turns to cut down on firing mishaps.
Turn rate reduced by 5.4%.
Aim speed 360 -> 480 (no scope).
Aim period 5 -> 1 frames.
Added the state toggle
Fire Towards Enemies for the following units. The toggle is off by default.
Kodachi fires towards nearby enemies that are behind it, to avoid running into its own fire.
Badger fires in the direction of the closest enemy, whatever the distance.
Many units that could deal damage slightly beyond their maximum range, usually by using area of effect damage, now have reduced range for ground firing with the Set Target command.
Added a weight category - medium - to further differentiate transport speed penalties.
Light units cost up to 500
Medium units cost more than 500 and at most 1000.
Heavy units cost more than 1000.
Transports carry units of each weight at the following speeds.
Charon transports Light/Medium units at 70%/50% speed.
Hercules transports Light/Medium/Heavy units at 75%/65%/50% speed.
The light and heavy speed penalties existed previously, they are unchanged. The medium units that were previously light are Jack, Skuttle, Felon, Phantom, Minotaur, Emissary, Lance, Impaler, Siren, Envoy, Aspis, Iris and Djinn.
Campaign and Coop
Updated the skirmish AI to fix an idle factory bug - for real this time.
Removed time constraints on bonus objectives for the first five planets of the campaign.
Units can now be told to fire towards an enemy or location. To do so, issue a non-area Set Target order with the Ctrl modifier. This behaviour is paused when enemies are nearby, unless the unit is set to hold fire.
Improved the smart nano turrets widget Auto Patrol Nanos v2. This is still disabled by default, pending more live testing.
Improved some widget descriptions.
Added an option to hide chat.
Added explode on victory modoption.
Fixed the example model scaling gadget for dae.
Added an unused root to the piece hierarchy of Glaive, Iris, Conjurer, Gremlin, Scythe to allow for easy model scaling.
Exposed Spring.Utilities.CommandNameByID(cmdID) and Spring.Utilities.Traceback() to widgets.
Saved some memory in the UI framework.
Fixed torpedoes sometimes falling through the map.
Fixed imaginary numbers in the ballistic projectile solver.