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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome (32p)
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K
Engine version: 105.1.1-841-g099e9d0
Battle ID: 1466778
Started: 2 years ago
Duration: 13 minutes
Players: 6
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 41.2%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 58.8%


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2 years ago
Is Blaze of Glory just a different name for Kamikaze Award?
If so, when did it change?
+0 / -0
i noticed this too. maybe because "kamikaze" could be seen as "offensive"?
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I don't get why everything has to be offensive nowadays. Let your words be known, if someone feels offended, that's their problem, not the damn game's.
+3 / -0

2 years ago

Let your words be known, if someone feels offended, that's their problem, not the damn game's.

Or, alternatively, it's your problem because you said something insensitive and offensive.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Thanks for the explanation.

Both Forever and Aquanim are right.
If you say something that's offensive, yes, it should be your problem because you shouldn't be saying things that are offensive. However, I don't think Forever is talking about normal people making insults. If I understand it right, he's talking about how a lot of people find normal things offensive these days, which, I agree with him, is ridiculous in a lot of situations. Some people think that random things as simple as "hey how's it going" can be offensive, and then somehow persuade people in power to ban whatever it is they think is offensive, which is ridiculous. All the while, if any sensible person read what they thought was offensive, they would not think it's offensive at all.

Although, I don't think that the name was changed because it was offensive. From what I understood when I read the github, it was changed because it didn't make sense for "Award" to be in the name of an award, but at the same time, just "kamikaze" sounded weird by itself.
+1 / -0
If I understand it right, he's talking about how a lot of people find normal things offensive these days, which, I agree with him, is ridiculous in a lot of situations.

And in a lot of situations, what one group of people finds "normal" is genuinely offensive to somebody else, for reasons that make sense if you're capable of putting yourself in their shoes for a minute - which a lot of people seem not to be capable of.

I am not sure about the renaming, but I am fairly confident the award icon was changed from being a representation of the Imperal Japan flag because somebody found that offensive. I don't care about it one way or another, but I can respect that somebody with deeper connections to the Pacific front of WW2 than I have might find either or both offensive.
+2 / -0
2 years ago
Also I think there is also a scale on "how much the rest of the world cares and understands the point" about offensive things. If I do not care (like in this case) and someone might not enjoy seeing it (maybe because remembers a painful memory, does not like popularizing the idea of popularizing the term, etc.) and there is a good alternative, then why not change it?

If suddenly someone would be offended by the word "Defeat" because his national team got defeated last month, I would personally strongly oppose changing that...
+2 / -0

2 years ago
Thank you, Malric, that was what I was trying to say.

In this case I don't really care what the name is either, they are both fine.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
I am not sure about the renaming, but I am fairly confident the award icon was changed from being a representation of the Imperal Japan flag because somebody found that offensive. I don't care about it one way or another, but I can respect that somebody with deeper connections to the Pacific front of WW2 than I have might find either or both offensive.

Changing the image if it is offensive because it uses their flag is fine with me. It is actually illegal for people to disrespect national flags, as we have laws that punish them, but in our case, it's not actually this. What about the name change? During WWII, Japan developed the kamikaze ideology. It's actually the definition that was constructed around it.

Anyways, I find it offensive from now on if AUrankAdminAquanim doesn't address me with "My liege", so please consider this a COC infringement, since I feel offended already. How can he answer my post without him addressing me properly?

If we keep changing stuff based on what the minority thinks is "offensive" then the majority is stupid to listen to the change. There are already too many stupid people in our world today, and it has nothing to do with brain matter, but with stupid choices based on feelings without any rationale.

The conclusion? Balance feelings and reason and you won't be stupid. If some people can't balance these two that doesn't mean we have to agree with them on everything they invent or find "offensive".
+1 / -0

1. since you already say:
There are already too many stupid people in our world today, and it has nothing to do with brain matter, but with stupid choices based on feelings without any rationale.
, then you surely can explain the difference between your demand towards Aquanim and the (still hypothetical at this point) demand to take away the imperial japanese flag in a computer-game. Because there is a difference, and ratio tells us to treat different things different.

2. Lets say, we buff Krow-health by 50, would it be a good argument against the buff to say: "If people keep giving Krow more health, it will be totally op." In genral, those arguments are not very valid for the issue itself, that being the 50-hp-buff in this example.

3. The rational conclusion one would come to in case of the main topic is that it does not affect us in any way, exept if one might be a genuine japanese imperialist. Given that, do I need to point out the irony of an irrational, emotionaly driven rant about "stupid choices based on feelings without any rationale"? ESPECIALLY when the offense was based on pure assumption:
maybe because "kamikaze" could be seen as "offensive"?

which seems to have been disproven by GBrankdyth68.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Why is this still ongoing?

We have the commit it was done in, and it was done because "Award: Blaze of glory" sounds better than "Award: Kamikaze award".
+3 / -0
Oh well, I'm just tired of everything "offensive" these days, which is why I got confused about this change and started posting. Since this is a game battle, I'm going off topic too much now.

What I want to prove with the things I mentioned is to not change things because 1 person finds it offensive while 1000 people don't. It's not ok...

, then you surely can explain the difference between your demand towards Aquanim and the (still hypothetical at this point) demand to take away the imperial Japanese flag in a computer game.

Since you mentioned this DErankkatastrophe now I feel offended by you and I demand that you call me "Master" from now on. Please don't you dare address me from now on without telling me that first or I will raise a COC complaint :D. All hail individual mindless sensitive offensive personality disorder!

+1 / -0
2 years ago
What I want to prove with the things I mentioned is to not change things because 1 person finds it offensive while 1000 people don't. It's not ok...

It's ok if the reason for the change was not ONLY that someone finds it offensive. Otherwise will not do any change by the logic "let's not change if someone finds something offensive".

Demanding something is always fine (in this case you demanding to be called master), but we are in a community that might take you serious or not.

I do feel that there is sometimes too much discussion (generally) about "X is offensive to Y what should we do" but my opinion is that it is mostly done by people having nothing better to do or wanting to interact socially (and considering I am participating in the discussion I include myself here).

In the end, we could have some things completely customizable (it's software!) "theming", in which awards are completely offensize to one group or the other... Everybody sees their own version and is happy! But where is the fun in not having something to argue about :-p
+1 / -0
So, the difference between your case and the case about the flag is that you demand something clearly humiliating to others, while I do not see how the flag-thing would scratch you in any way.

FRrankmalric USrankLawesome9
I do definitely share your points. What I would like to add is that it is necessary to put thought into the specific issues. This has already been pointed out:
And in a lot of situations, what one group of people finds "normal" is genuinely offensive to somebody else, for reasons that make sense if you're capable of putting yourself in their shoes for a minute - which a lot of people seem not to be capable of.

I would very well understand if someone whos relatives were forced to commit suicide in WWII would find the symbol tasteless. This community has also banned Hakenkreuz-maps for example. Putting myself in the shoes of ROrankForever, I can only see 2 possibilities
for his claim: Either you genuinely believe you are entitled to mandatory be called master, which would point to some delusional narcicism, or you are just pulling some desperate, ironic example for what you think goes too far out of your butt. I am pretty sure we have the second option here. In this regard, ROrankForever has done a good job in demonstrating what kind of people should not be taken too seriously.

I also share @Malrics point about there being too much discussion, but it is very enlightning to look (not just in this thread) who actually started the discussion. This thread could have been just USrankLawesome9 asking and someone else that actually knows what is going on answering and that would have been it. But someone was obviously offended by the possibility that others might be offended by something without knowledge what was going on, without putting themselves into the shoes of others and without good arguments for the specific subject of the thread. This is how we end up here.
+2 / -1

2 years ago
How would you call me "Master" DErankkatastrophe is humiliating? Its actually a sign of appreciation :D
+0 / -0
ROrankForever are you actually interested in a rational exchange of arguments with the possibility that both can change their opinion, if even just a little? I do not see how meming and being silly are worth my time, nor do I see a way in which it helps to strenghten you points.
+1 / -1

2 years ago
Why is this still ongoing?

We have the commit it was done in, and it was done because "Award: Blaze of glory" sounds better than "Award: Kamikaze award".

+0 / -0
about there being too much discussion
I like discussing just about anything, if it can lead to some new point of view. But I also try to be not much involved emotionally.

The skill to put yourself in other people shoes is complex/hard/something to be learned. A (distant) alternative is a community in which people have some level of involvement and people can consider other different/opposing ideas because they have some connection.

I do agree with ROrankForever that sometimes the "offensive" discussion goes to far (not in this forum/game), but generally I think best is to hold your ground and ignore the noise. For example in software development is currently a move to replace the terms "master/slave" with alternatives like "leaver/follower" (or alternatives). I find this honestly perplexing and annoying because master/slave describe well the relations between some components. Luckily I don't need to use this terminology much, but would still use what I think it's most descriptive if I need to. The fact that we "kill a unit in ZK" does not mean we think "kill someone" is ok and people should easily discern between the cases...
+3 / -0

2 years ago
FRrankmalric I totally get you. In this case my questions for the topic would be:
1. By what logic are the terms master/slave as used in your field connected to humans? (Do they actually describe the relation perfectly? Do hds usually get paid?)
2. What are the downsides of changing terms? Are Lead/Follower actually worse in describing what is happening?

And as always, be ready to change your opinion IF the answers you get seem reasonable. "Standing ground" in a good way is to stick to your principles, "Standing ground" in a bad way is to have a pre-manufactured opinion and not willing to potentially change it in the face of new knowledge.

To be clear: I am annoyed by these discussions as well, as I am actually a part of the academic section of them, and they nowdays take up a lot of my time. At university, I usually take a stance that is leaning more towards yours and Lawesomes views. There are multiple things that do not make sense to me. But with most of them, the only reason I can find if I think about it a while is that I personally don`t like it, which does not seem like a good, rational argument. I am aware that not everyone has the time to read a few hundreds or thousands of pages of people that actually put a lot of thought into their ideas. This is why I feel like it might be useful to say something in threads like this.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
+4 / -0
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