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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.11.10.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-1821-gaca6f20
Battle ID: 1745853
Started: 16 months ago
Duration: 41 minutes
Players: 31
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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16 months ago
+4 / -0
16 months ago
In a perfect world someone would have pressed pause and the athena player would have been told to move it the f away. That was not cool staying there man, seeing its obviously wrong.
+2 / -0

16 months ago
For those not watching video... a not strafing athena positioned itself inside a spired partially built zenith by flying over it and stopping directly above. Swifts (or any other unit really) are unable to target it.

Since it's an enemy, it's reclaiming the zenith unimpeded.
+0 / -0
16 months ago
I've seen this bug dozens of times, a flea gets inside the building with the same results, allies destroy own superweapon by shooting flea inside it. There is no honor exploiting this bug and anybody can judge you.
+1 / -0
This isn't a "bug". The athena is simply hiding in the collision volume of the Zenith. The only way to "fix" this would be to make athena fly higher, which would have other unintended side effects. It's undesirable behavior, though as it is frustrating.
+1 / -0
nanoframes could push things out of itself. as for this case, use AA with splash damge, like copperhead?
+1 / -0

16 months ago
Would need AA with AvoidAlly off.
+0 / -1

16 months ago


nanoframes could push things out of itself. as for this case, use AA with splash damge, like copperhead?

Does it have anything to do with the wireframe though? I haven't tested, but I would expect the shape of the Zenith is such that a flying unit can be stuck in the center of its "cannon".

Does the zenith beam do damage? I don't even know.
+0 / -0

16 months ago
Also I would be curious to know if impalers and racketeers could shoot at it.
+0 / -0
Also I would be curious to know if impalers and racketeers could shoot at it.

No, they cannot. Only units with AvoidFriendly off can. Again, the problem here is that the enemy athena is inside a friendly unit's collision volume. Attacking it would deal friendly damage which most units will avoid. The only units that could attack it are:

- Ultimatium (defeats the purpose)
- Zenith (defeats the purpose)
- Starlight (defeats the purpose)
- Outlaw (probably the best)

Maybe a few others..
+0 / -0
16 months ago
Firewalker best bet? or maybe a skuttle if the zenith has the hp to tank it....
+0 / -0

16 months ago
Am I missing something?

+4 / -0

16 months ago
How can something hide in the hitbox in the first place? This is a bit too macro for superpositions.
+0 / -0
Am I missing something?

What if you spire the zenith? Maybe it was spired high enough that ground AA could not target the athena.
+0 / -0

16 months ago
CArankGalamesh, flail is too much of a chad and really doesn't care lol

+4 / -0

16 months ago
How can something hide in the hitbox in the first place? This is a bit too macro for superpositions.

Athenas are aircraft, which do not have collision (as this would create really janky behavior, or so I can guess). I've done it before with silos but that's another beast as that's foot print exploiting rather than collisionless. You can replicate this with the really good energy spire maps. Energy spires have notoriously high disparity between colvol and footprint (iirc their footprints are about 2x2, which is the equivalent of lotus). The colvol of the energy spire spreads out to be about the size of a thug's shield iirc. This means that units can hide in these colvols and get blocked by the engine's targeting (as most units have avoidFeature on).

So when you have a tall colvol like Zenith and a colissionless flyer, bad things are going to happen. Athenas don't need to check for pathing; they can fly straight through units!
+0 / -0

16 months ago
Hm, then one could maybe set another extra-rule for AA: even more diminished friendly-fire-damage to allied buildings. I know we don`t like those exeptions, but AA already has a few them and aircraft doesn`t have collision, so such an extra rule would at least be in an area where it is in good company.
+0 / -0

16 months ago
This is unintended behaviour, but I don't think it warrants an external rule disallowing it. We almost never have any rules against using any combination of ingame actions to try to win (ingame actions draws the distinction between using mechanics and doing something socially, like kicking players or harassing people).

I put a high value on having no rules against doing anything you want at a game-mechanics level. It helps the creativity aspect of ZK when people feel able to experiment and find stuff without getting banned or told to arbitrarily stop. So, I expect this to get fixed, but I don't want to tell anyone to not do it in the meantime.

A big part of my reasoning is that it just doesn't seem that effective. An Athena has to make it into a superweapon, which already seems like a low-percentage proposition, and then there are a bunch of ways to kill it.
  • Inferno and Blastwing can kill it with DoT fire.
  • Missiles that shoot directly up tend to ignore allies. So Flail, Trident and Racketeer work (and Impaler with some fiddling).
  • Outlaw works, and there are probably a few more solutions. Gunships seem to be able to knock it out.
+4 / -0
16 months ago
It's probably always been and issue.

Maybe the correct action would be to fix AA and not the Athena.

But I agree with AUrankAdminGoogleFrog if it's a mechanic we shouldn't disallow it.
+0 / -0