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Planet Wars remake?

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Yeah its true that most of the times the ideas i have are verrrrrrrrrrrrry bad, i wont be offended if som1 will repeat that to me, i got used to it.
I playid a a few browser games and i saw some interesting things there, but also a lot of flaws that this game Zero-k can complete it.

1.http://plarium.com/, here you see total domination a verry nice game, that makes you see the whole idea of a base and a big world view


Both games as browser games have simple attack and defend commands, where a computer calculates the attack/offence power of armies and decides precisely who won and who lost.

If we manange to combine Zero-k with a browser game and remove the planetwars, or better improve the planet wars we will have a strong game with constant players that grow in number.

Example in case we try to implement it:
1.lobby will remain the same but wont affect the planetwars at all(you will still be able to play normaly)

2.Each player will have a planet and he will be able to eco up and take mexes there, but in a much slower rate in comparison to the normal games. For example mexing, ecowing and stuff and building big units like bantha for example will need like 10-15days to store the metal and e needed.

3.The pozitioning of the planets to each other will be the same like we have in the normal planetwars. Only problem is that we will need to make 1 planet to be generated to each player that loggs in and thus we will have a map similar to this:

So planets will look like that, and we need to form up sectors, for example one sector can have 100 planets.(100 players).Beside the galaxy sector we will need to make planet sector so each spot on you own planet will have a name and enemy will be able to drop units there and advance to your pozition.(Berthas and long range artilery will need bigger range.

Capturing other planets and invading will be possible with space shutle technology( expensive building that you make ingame)

Stoping invasions and raidings will be made with longrange radars that will show invading armies from the distance, except the cloack ones.(using djin in this kind of planetwars will be efficient)(also we will need a internet or facebook widget that will ring your cellphone in case radar spots armies).
So you will have the standard radars, both of them and the planetarry radar that will show all units near your planet that move and do other stuff.

4. In case a raid landed on your planet or 1 strong army , battles will be done with lobby if you chose to or you can battle with the webbrowser(armies will be shown as radar dots without the lobby), but ass all browser games if the attacked player is not online he wont have the chance to micro his units.
So from planet to planet the army will have this road to make:

A)First of all is making the units
B)Via Planetary transportation they are transported step by step to the other planet(i wont mention the cloack system and the radar here)
C)You chose a spot on the planet to land( can be close to his base or verry far away)(each planet will need to have 30-40 sector spots, and 1 sector will represent a big map from the loby game)
D) After that you chose to close in the enemy and attack him and if you defeat his forces you capture the planet, and its yours.

Each planet will have like 10 mexes maximum and a few geospots so taking on the mexes in your map( each mex will be placed on different planet sector) and each mex will give like 0.1 m/s or less in case we want a long browser game:).Grids now will be vital for the planet and we will need to make Pylons have more range or we need to remake them in a way.

So instead of attacking the main and killing your enemy you can simply raid his 1 mex from a specific planet sector just to tease him and to make him lose income.

Capturing and harvesting asteroids will be i think 1 esential role in the game cause they give lots of metal.

The problem that i see from the ideas i mentioned are:
1. People will need strong internet connection because 1 planet will have like 100 mb/s of download from all the sectors(when you scout it and when you want to see the pozition of enemy)

2. WE need a widget that creates planets and makes the new logged in player wait a few minutes+ more minutes to download his home planet map.
In that time he can play on lobby to get use to the game

3. Galaxy sector map will be like in this picture i show and each of it will have its own strings and stuff.
. I dont think it will need lots of internet speed to reprezent a simple immage with floating planets on it.

4.Chosing to play with radar dots( or web browser) or via lobby will be up to the decision of the player. Via radar dots you can micro units well if you know them but for a newbie it will be verry hard.

Here i think that lobby will have a bit of a problem to load like 30-40 planet sectors( 1 represents a standard big map in zero-k) so we need to come up with an idea to solve this).Maybe a zoom in detail and zoom out radar spot option will be needed here.

5. The server, because a lot of players will join and make it built lots of planet maps it will need a lot of resources and strong internet speed. How much does 1 strong hosting cost?

6.Game will be a bit similar to planetary annihilation and they will hate us or maybe lawsuite us because of that.

7. Tons of unit spamming and how we will deal with them...in case som1 has like a galaxy sector and can build armies with 40 m/s and 40/e second. Of course they will appear as radar dots in the first place but when som1 scouts them and wants to have a clear view of the units there ,how fast will the game crash?

8. THe manpower to remake this planetwars thing.

9.Because the game will be a bit transformed into a space game we will need new units like battleships and others to have the space fight similar to EVE ONLINe
and other games alike.

Transforming zero k, or more precisely adding to it the web browser game ttribuite will make it more wanted on the internet so what do you guys need to implement this thing?

+0 / -0

10 years ago
so what do you guys need to implement this thing?

200k$ should probably be a nice start.
+8 / -0

10 years ago
Interestning, if we still talk about money, How much does zero-k cost ? in case som1 wants to buy it?
+0 / -0
Oh, it's not about buying ZK.

It's about being able to work for a year or two non-stop full-time as a team of at least three people (below market price, assuming it's financed volunteer work and not greedy programmers for hire).

Probably more. And some spare cash for any outsourced services that would be procured.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
SO no chance to buy zero k and make it a private property like most games are?
+0 / -0
It's ambiguous to what extent names, trademarks and even some art content interacts with GPL. Firefox is open source, but you cannot use the name or logo if you distribute a modified version.

But yeah this proposal is massively over-reaching and fixes none of the problems with the Zero-K/PW interface and ensuring frequent, balanced games.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
What about space battles whit space ships!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
planetwars is lame. I THINK YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO STOCKPILE/ TRANSPORT COMS ONTO OTHER PLANETS so you can attack with like 10 coms
+0 / -0
for pw, we need a new grand duke first. someone voted yes to recall the previous glorious one. this means we are totally guilliotined. nobody reigns. chaos prevails. wait. im totally fine with chaos.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I think Forever's idea is good, bit it is sooooooooo big and difficult to make.
In my opinion the main problem of PW is that most of players are not really involved in PW except playing some silly unbalanced battles. So I think that EVERY play should feel like he can really affect PW.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
So what does this have to do with ZK as a game? I'm sorry, did i miss anything?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
+0 / -0
You didn't get me correctly.

Let me rephrase: Does this have anything to do with the actual ZK gameplay (as in "spring engine mod")? Or is it just about using the term "Planetwars" for some fancy new browsergame which happens to copy a few ZK game mechanics?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Yes. It is a fansy browser game in which all battles are actuall zero-k battle. So you send ur ships to conquest a planet, open ur zklobby and join a Planetwars room to conquest this plannet in an epic battle with other palyers.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
To be more specific, a game that combines zero-k (when you want to have battles and when you want clear view of all units) and a browser game that has the AI micro for units( that is not that strong as human micro) where all units can be shown as radar dots so cpu wont be a problem on mobile phones and low pc-s.

So it will be the call of the player when he wants to capture another base to use the standard attack and see all stuff and micro all or just the radar dots wars where you just point out where to attack using fight command(all radar dots will be specific[like we already have] for each unit and they can be used easily on webbrowser in case you dont want a more clear view of the battle). THis will make the game more faster as webbrowsing and more easier to control via internet other than lobby.
Manually microwing radar dots will be aproved as we have in the normal gamez of zero-k , only problem is that you wont see the clear detail of units, where sometimes it can help. Immagine trenches and other stuff that will make the attacks or defence more stronger.

The only problem that i think about ,and this really gives a realistic perspective, is when you want to capture/defend more planets from enemies. How will you micro all? I gues most of them you will use radar dot technology and only the most important with full micro zero-k lobby optimization.

Besides all this facts i remind the problem in making a big planet that will contain like 30 sectors where 1 sector will be a standard big map in the normal game( thus will take like 100 mb to download so lobby will start to show the clear view of your battle).

Creating the AI that will make all these maps with specific flaws/attributes in a balanced way for each player (Chicken presence, windspeed, tidalspeed, watter/land presence, special effects like snow, rain ,acid rain(where units take slow amonth of dmg over time and so on).

I playid to much Endless Space and thats why i have some of these ideas. Did some of you playid this game? If yes you will understand how to make the planets verry different to each other.

+0 / -0
instead of making a game from scratch, can we just ask those web game to let us fight their battle. it can be on an experimental server.

like player A attack player B, lobby spawn a room with the players constrain (1v1,2v2,...,10v10) by the amount of units both player put in. and the winner side let say player A side win then player A gain 50% bonus attack (or some advantage) for the web game battle. if noone fight that battle or battle exit, web game battle happen as normal. the advantage can be correlate with how quick the battle is won. the quicker the better. like battle won under 10 min is 100% advantage, under 15 mins is 50% advantage etc.

this way we are all just general and if we can maintain contact with the web game players we can become their alliance in house general and do not fight against them.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
What you are proposing is just planet wars, it's the same as planet wars, we've done it a dozen times, it doesn't work very well.
+0 / -0
What i propose AUrankAdminSaktoth is online planetwars that is not restricted by turns. Players at any time can send theyir armies at enemy( of course it will take time that depends on the distance+ when army is in reach of planetary radar you can see theyir direction)

If for example som1 attacked me and i dont have time to play the game to counter the attack my army will defend itself as i let it be in the first place. A mail message will be sent to me when planetary radar spots anny enemy that comes within range, and you have like 3-4-5 hours to react or to go to the pc and try to take care of the enemy using lobby or lobby that shows only radar dots of all armies present on the battlefield.

I didnt understand 100% what AUrankSortale wanted to say, but i dont agree with him.
I want it as more realistic as possible, and i dont think its hard coding the stuff i mentioned.

What will take a lot is to make automatic program that creates rondom planets for players that consists of 30 big zero-k maps(30 planet sectors).

Try play a bit of total domination please and see how the game mechanics are in there, using those kind of game browser mechanics like they have with the 3d combat system zero-k has will result in one impressive game.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
what I meant was "scrap the PlanetWar idea entirely"

we just want some more tangible result on our victory compare to normal all welcome team room. That's the whole idea behind planetwar right?

so now we can cooperate with a webgame and have our battle result affect their war. and if we can promote the communication between the 2 it would be a unique experience.

Zero-k player will feel that each battle is worth something for someone. In essence a purpose in fighting other than winning.

the webgame player will have a real feeling of having a general fighting their war.

if done right , It can promote both game.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
have you guys ever used Hamachi? Its a interesting program that creates a lan connection with anny ip you put there. Maybe we can use this program in colaboration with zero-k and the future planet wars just to make things less buggy.
+0 / -0
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