Setting Up a Game
Most useful commands;
- !help, gives a list of all commands.
- !map <mapname>, to set a specific map, if you enter !map without <mapname> a poll start with 4 relevant maps to the game mode you are playing.
- !spec/!specafk, !spec <playername> will move said player to sepectators. Without <playername> it moves all afk players to spectators.
- !endvote, ends the current poll.
- !type, changes the room type. Values are <FFA>,<Teams>,<Coop>,<Custom>.
- !resetoptions, resets custom options
- !title, changes room title, !title <yournewtitle>.
- !kick, kicks a players; !kick <playername>
- !start-!poll start, starts a game, !poll start will start a poll to start a game.
- !y-!n, is how you vote.
- !maxplayers, changes maximum players for the room.
- !force, force starts a game.
- !exit, exits a game.
- !balance, balances players in 2 teams. You can also !balance <numberofteamsyouwant>.
- !predict, gives a prediction for the current teams.
- !password, passwords the room, !password <password>. To remove the password enter !password without value.
- !notify, notifies you when game ends
Playing with Friends
For a Skirmish match go to: Multiplayer, Battle List, Host Game, set a password, Game Type: Custom.
For Campaign co-op: Go to Steam friends list, click your friend and press invite to lobby, now select a planet on the campaign screen and press Start
Propose Battle
You can use the propose battle command (see below) to propose a battle with certain characteristics, which will be hosted and populated once a number of players have accepted to join. The command will show a link, that has to be clicked by other players to accept the proposal. By default the game will be hosted with a password, but you can use !password to make the game public. For other useful commands check above.
- !proposebattle' can be followed by the parameters minelo, maxelo, minsize and maxsize. For example '!proposebattle maxelo=1600 minsize=6 maxsize=6' would propose a six player game for players with rating (maximum of teams and MM) below 1600.
- !endproposal stops a proposal and prevents people joining a hosted game if they have the link.
Note: proposal links do not work until the proposer looks at the lobby, due to command buffering while in-game.
Battle Options
Left of the current map preview there is a button; Options.
Here you will be able to change the game settings in many ways. For example set a metal multiplier, or allow players to spawn anywhere on the map.
See Battle Options for details.
Disabling Units
In Adv. Options, tab named "Start"
Enter in the name of a particular unit from the List of All Units. Separate multiple entries with the + symbol.
Playing Unsupported Maps
All maps:
If you are trying to play a certain map and the lobby isn't changing to that map, you have probably selected an unsuported map.
In order to set it you need a private/passworded lobby. Enter !password <passwordvalue> to make it private. Now go to the website and click on PLAY ON THIS MAP, or type the command !map <mapname>.
You can now remove the password by entering !password without a <passwordvalue>.