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Patch Notes List

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I'm tired of trying to find the history of balance changes so I'm going to leave this here. Maybe it will get elaborated on, hopefully I will update it when new patches are released.

At this stage it only includes patches which were marked by a forum thread so some may have been missed. The descriptions touch on what seem to be the most important points (some in hindsight).

This page on Github has a (mostly?) full list of balance changes by patch but is long.

---//--- - 13 January 2018 - Lobster added, Siren reload time increased, Racketeer nerf, Archer water-tank mechanic removed, All slow waves damage enemies only (Limpet, Com slowbomb, DRP), Gunship cliff behaviour improved - 22 October 2017 - Unit renames and minor tweaks - 24 September 2017 - Claymore tweaks - 17 August 2017 - Athena made a strider, Faraday weight increase - 26 July 2017 - Flail nerfed, Angler buffed, Hacksaw changed - 2 July 2017 - Defender cost decreased a bit, Limpet added, Overslow added, Claymore rework, Siren range reduced, Shiparty nerfed, Reef disarm missile, - 2 June 2017 - Defender cost increased a lot - 21 May 2017 - Firewalker and Penetrator speed reduced - 13 April 2017 - Disarm fixes - 9 April 2017 - Buffs to Banisher, Copperhead, Hacksaw, Jack, Mace, Roach, *Rogue*, Skuttle, Sumo, Tick, nerf to Dagger, Scalpel, Flail, Glaive - 8 March 2017 - Glaive and Rocko buffed - 5 March 2017 - Commander HP increased, Slasher AI improved, Racketeer cost increased - 20 February 2017 - Wyvern reload time increased, Hawk buffed, Rapier and Flail nerfed - 14 February 2017 - Defender reload time increased - 1 February 2017 - Tremor buffed - 13 January 2017 - Initial storage moved to commander, Goliath slowbeam buff - 22 December 2016 - Siren nerfed, Shiparty projectile speed increased, Mistral missiles replaced with rockets, Dominatrix buff - 9 December 2016 - Siren cost increased and flex-AA capability nerfed, Duck torpedo range increased, Corsair reload time decreased - 8 December 2016 - Sea/Ship rework, Sonar roughly equal to LoS, Serpent removed, Siren added - 1 November 2016 - Raven dives only as far as necessary, Commander Lightning Gun nerfed, changes to burst laser and rocket firing AI, Reef no longer has antinuke, Advanced Radar no longer decreases wobble - 18 September 2016 - Bantha and Detriment larger hitvolume, overkill prevention for artillery/rockets against structures (with next patch) and for Placeholder - 7 July 2016 - Racketeer nerfed, Commander Plasma Artillery removed - 1 Jun 2016 - Wasp becomes Gunship constructor, Freaker -> Constable, Target behaviour changes. (Also from Swifts pull up from strafing runs.) - 25 Apr 2016 - Raven dive-speed buff, user interface buffs - 12 Mar 2016 - Warrior nerf, Valkyrie nerf - 28 Feb 2016 - Commander weapons tweaked, Warrior partially nerfed back, Hammer and Pillager accuracy improved - 13 Feb 2016 - Warrior, Angler and Hacksaw buffed, Lightning guns made more accurate (affects Zeus, Commander, Scorpion and Bantha) - 2 Feb 2016 - Dynamic Commanders, nerf to drones - 20 Dec 2015 - Small Rocko and Spectre (Sniper) buff, Dagger and Mace buff and Scalpel nerf, Duck range decrease and sonar increase, Pyro death sets fire to ground, Recluse range buff, Unit AI improvement - 11 Nov 2015 - Skydust nerf, effectively increased minimum range - 09 Nov 2015 - Doomsday Machine hit with the nerfbat - 31 Oct 2015 - Blastwing fireball explosion, Line of Sight changes - 19 Sep 2015 - Removed personal jammers, units cannot jump out of water, Dominatrix targeting improved - 19 Aug 2015 - Kodachi LoS increased, Panther HP increased, Vulture jams - 15 Aug 2015 - Starlight targeting and Transport behaviour fixed perfectly and forever, Valkyrie accel/deceleration buffed - 13 Aug 2015 - Circleguard implemented, Zenith gathers asteroids - 11 Aug 2015 - Panther and Dagger range increased, Pillager and Zeus more accurate - 29 Jul 2015 - Constructor and commander metal shared - 28 Jun 2015 - Wyvern missile no longer homes, but predicts movement better - 23 Jun 2015 - Wyvern missile homes - 21 Jun 2015 - Scallop underwater damage and reload reduced (overall less DPS), Blastwing has better accel/deceleration - 16 Jun 2015 - Units may now jump onto buildings, Antinuke behaviour improved - 11 Jun 2015 - Jumpfac units buffed, Ship units generally buffed, Sniper nerfed, Recluse buffed, Firewalker shotgun, Scallop shorter range - 3 Apr 2015 - Raven speed nerf, Slasher overkill prevention - 28 Jan 2015 - Nano-shielding removed, Vandal overkill prevention - 24 Jan 2015 - Weaver buff, Rocko health nerf - 17 Jan 2015 - Overpowered Missile Update - 11 Jan 2015 - Damage fixes and small health tweaks - 6 Jan 2015 - Banisher lighter and rerole, Sumo buffed, Funnelweb nerfed, Gauss regen, Wolverine nerf - 30 Nov 2014 - Reef remodel, Mace nerf, Dagger range nerf, Sonar heavier - 31 Oct 2014 - MORPH REMOVED, Bomber rearm before repair - 30 Sep 2014 - Superweapon changes - 8 Aug 2014 - Duck range halved, Claymore heavier, Ship tweaks, Kamikaze wreckage - 3 Aug 2014 - Dagger cost increase, Mace speed nerfed, Lveh nerfs partially reverted, Wolverine fires backwards - 30 Jun 2014 - Bandit cost reduced, Outlaw speed increased, Dirtbag armed (IIRC its attack was quickly reduced), Pyro HP reduced, Jack cost reduced slightly, Rapier slow, Brawler range buff, Trident rework, Rocko nerf, Sonar range drastically reduced, Ships reworked. - 1 Jun 2014 - Rocko speed reduced, Gauss pierces water, Commander Gauss removed, Duck buffed, Urchin nerfed - 23 Apr 2014 - E-Cell removed, Wolverine mines cloak fixed, unit renames - 7 Apr 2014 - Sea balance; Claymore added

Stopping here is largely an arbitrary choice based on it being entirely before my time, and changes beyond this point probably aren't super-relevant today.
+28 / -0

9 years ago
Next patch: Banshee regen works when moving (it has Glaive style quick regen but can't really use it because it resets on movement). Reef anti actually works. Banisher OKP.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Heh you forgot unexpected Brawler mega buff then its nerf and rerole. You also forgot the Banisher rerole.
+0 / -0
quote: - E-Cell removed, Wolverine mines cloak, unit renames

This is inaccurate. Claw was cloakable already in 2010. The changelog probably referred to the idle_cloak customparam, which would have allowed widgets and AI to know about this behaviour.
+0 / -0
This speaks to the larger issue of patches (balance changes in particular) being hard to track as a player.

The forum posts are really nice (when we get them), but they're partitioned by version, whereas typically someone looking for this information is interested in a particular unit or type of change. Having a searchable, browsable "feed" of individual balance changes all in one place would be very useful for the type of analysis we do in the 1v1 scene.

Typing "dagger nerf" into the forum search box (or bugging a dev) shouldn't be my best bet for researching such a thing.
+0 / -0
I doubt every small change will ever be documented in great detail.
Since it seems somewhat common question...
How to look up balance chances:
(for players, without previous knowledge, without installing anything)

1) units files are stored in this folder

2) There is no file named "Dagger", so where to look at:
2.a) Use the search at top of the page, just type in "Dagger".

Sometimes code-store-web-sites remove/disable their search (because can be abused), so another way is:
2.b) Go to http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide & look up "Dagger"

Its picture is named: corsh
(does not alwas work, but often)

3) Click on

4) Click on button:

5) Click the (...) to expand the details. If dev has entered a decription to the change, you can just read it.
(Sometimes multiple files are changed at once, and description is a combination of that.)

6) So on Nov 22, 2014 one can read:
  • Range 220 -> 205

7) Sometimes the description is not very detailed:
On Aug 8, 2014 it just reads:
Sea Rework V2

8) On right side, click the button with the
funny random numbers.

9) Now you see for units/corsh.lua what got changed, even without description:
- sonarDistance = 300,
+ sonarDistance = 250,

Most balance-relevant variable-names are self-explaining.
"red minus" means deleted line/old, "green plus" means new line/new.

10) Repeat until balanced.
+11 / -0

9 years ago
Nice, I didn't even think about git history. Great writeup DErank[2up]knorke
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Heh you forgot unexpected Brawler mega buff then its nerf and rerole. You also forgot the Banisher rerole.

I missed the Brawler nerf(s), but its original buff and the Banisher rerole are there, if not explained very well:
quote: - ... Brawler range buff

quote: - Banisher lighter

This is inaccurate. Claw was cloakable already in 2010. The changelog probably referred to the idle_cloak customparam, which would have allowed widgets and AI to know about this behaviour.

Having re-examined that patch it was a fix to Wolverine cloak, not an introduction.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Does anybody else feel like patch notes are like Christmas? But like... in a good way?
+4 / -0
9 years ago
Sometimes they can also be like bad nightmares though.
+5 / -0
Perhaps this should be here:
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Thanks, updated.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Don't forget the LOS change. That is a planes and gunship buff. Probably mostly planes.
+0 / -0
I'd add Reef antinuke removal for the latest patch. To me the advanced radar wobble removal seems more important than the commander lightning gun change, but less critical than Reef.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I... uh... forgot about the antinuke change lol
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Where's the "Detriment now has no sonar", was it reverted or does Detri still have no sonar?
+0 / -0
As of Detriment and Ultimatum have sonar equal to vision radius. I didn't put it in the summary.
+0 / -0
8 years ago

AUrankAdminAquanim , can you add "sonar station was removed", since I think this is a big deal
+0 / -0
Sonar Station was soft-removed a long time ago; at the price it had before its removal it wasn't really practical for anything. I consider its hard removal a subset of "sea rework".
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Afaik Gauss and Raven still have no sonar while being able to attack underwater targets.
+0 / -0
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