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That Religion Thread continued. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

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10 years ago
EErankAdminAnarchid, yeah just google all you find and there is the proof, you read in some weird part of the internet some weird things(that i dont think they are true) and you show this to me to explain the badness of some humans in Orthodoxy...

"and consequently killed there." seriously:))?

Google out more and you will find even what blood type of the killers and the killed, what they eated, what they drinked, theyr family and friends, and i even trust that you can friend them on facebook to ask them.Stop searching corners of the internet that are not sure and be more realistic.Is this the only thing you find out regarding the badness or Orthodoxy? or you struggle to find them?If yes then you can easily asume that information is easily falsified as you consider the things writtin in the Biblie.SAme thing i can declare to almost all the things you posted here.
+0 / -0
@MauranKilom people that broke up from Orthodoxy are considered heretics( and we dont have methods like Catcholic used to kill or to destroy them in a way).They were just pointed out as heretics and nothing more, and they were asked to come back from theyir herecy in the treatment sesions regarding faith and many more.So braking and changing things from Orthodoxy and trying to implement new things without the Holly Sinod agreement makes them heretics

The Holly Sinod is a gathering of High Priest from all that country and deal with situations mentioned above and other big things.They manly consists of Bishops, Patriarch and so on.

So people that broke up from Orthodoxy are not considered Orthodox annymore, and theyir actions have nothing to do with that faith.
+0 / -0
some weird part of the internet

1) It's from Russian Wikipedia. I didn't really have to google anything. And it has more. I most like the parts when they burn alive the servants of the accused, 15-20 people at once, and then institute burning alive as a systematic punishment for old faith.

If one really wanted, the source texts are also all there, it's not hard to find.

Funny how you counted your own posts from the really weird parts of the internet as fully legit, though.

Find me corpses, find me dead witches from that period and il belive you

2) You said that two posts back. Now, confronted with proof, you renounce.
You're a liar.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
WHat proof Anarchid? thats not enaught proof for me, to find things from wikipedia.DOes it sayis there that ORthodoxy agreed on killing those people?WHen you bring me exactly proof when a dogma sayis in my religion that killing infidels is not a sin just a path to heaven then i submit...and agree.In the time those acts that were done are not considered with the aproval of Holly Sinod so those actions are not related to what Orthodoxy principels are and thats why i denny it.Of course the clergy that were messed up with those actions are thrown away from the church and they are surly demanded never to make mass or annything regarding church's ceremonies.
+0 / -1
10 years ago
EErankAdminAnarchid: You are judging ROrankForever a lot. Have you thought about trying a different approach?
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Have you thought about trying a different approach?

I don't really care for ROrankForever. I'm not participating in this thread for the sake of his brainwashed mind.

WHen you bring me exactly proof when a dogma sayis in my religion that killing infidels is not a sin just a path to heaven then i submit

I guess that it wasn't written in the Bible to burn people alive in batches, that makes it okay to burn people in batches. Whatever.
+2 / -0
"sake of his brainwashed mind."

See this is what i mentioned regarding the code of conduct...no respect at all at least that i am a zero k player.He doesnt like this thread and still writes here.@[V]sheep was fairplay, he didnt liked my thread and i understood him, and he started a new thread where he can read something for his choice.Is it that haard for you EErankAdminAnarchid to leave this thread, i asked already a couple of times, and i wanted to kick you if i had the chance, cause i dont find it fair for the starter of the thread not beying able to kick the spammers.
+0 / -0

I had not noticed anyone was spamming. Anarchid certainly has not been spamming. If the thread started could block people from posting in the thread 99.9% of this thread would not be here because it is sinful/blasphemous/heresy. It would be entirely untrue to say that the pro-religion things written here are less offensive than the atheist writings so the CoC argument does not apply.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I feel like 3/4 of all posts in here were posted by ROrankForever and you, EErankAdminAnarchid. From what I can tell in most of yours you were talking to him in particular. If you don't care for him, then why post? Did you fill four pages with these discussions only to judge him?
+1 / -0
Boredom, and morbid interest in how much damage does religion do to one's brain.
+3 / -2

10 years ago
Thx Skasi for saying the truth regarding some things, I apreciate it.
+0 / -0
I think this thread is a good demonstration of what religion can do to people. The believers argue that their beliefs are true however much evidence there is to the contrary and that annoys the atheists who say things making them look bad. Meanwhile the sane normal believers are given a bad name because of the crazy people. Religion is incredibly divisive, when people take it too seriously it can cause a lot of trouble.
+4 / -0
The way I see it, ROrankForever has abandoned most logic and with it, the capacity of reason (I can provide a quote about 2 forum back from @forever himself if need be).

"since reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, applying logic, for establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information."

without reason we cannot make sense of anything and cannot verify any fact. in lieu of reason, all ideas that were mentioned were mere personal opinion.

so @forever , you can choose to abide by logic and have a discussion or you can throw away logic and keep your personal opinion.

to use reason, we must have agreed upon standards.

that is an agreed upon accepted source of information (I suggest wikipedia)

and also agreed upon definition of key concept (i.e. God, the Orthodox Church, the Bible (remember there are many versions of the Bible), etc...)

And a very important point, within reason, you can always be wrong. No human can be right all the time (unless you are God, which none of us are), the bible cannot be right all the time (remember there are many versions of the Bible each is slightly different). so when you see that you are wrong. please just accept it and move on to the next subject.
+0 / -0
I am just balancing reasoning with spiritual things AUrankSortale.I already posted that i denny the excess of reason wich leads to immorality.So i dont denny reason...
+0 / -0
In other words, you say:

"I'll keep reason when it is working for me, when it is working for my opponent, I'll throw it out the window and let it die."

am I correct?

Cuz you can't say that "I follow logic till this point and abandon it at that point."

I am not saying that you can't have personal opinions. all I am saying is any claim which does not based on logic will be regarded as personal opinion.

And you are entitled to non-harmful personal opinions (if you have harmful personal opinions to us, we have the right to persecute you, according to your logic).
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Curent logik that people explained to me here is against my spiritual understanding(its kind of a personal proof and will remain personal) and thats why i reject it.

First reason for this is because science always changes and whats available today wont be available tomorrow.From spiritual point of view whats available 2000 years ago its still available today.

So thats why i dont trust science, a long time ago people thought the earth was flat, now that God doesnt exist because of the big bang, how many more of these things will appear and make us lose time?
Thats why i refuse some part of the scientific understandings AUrankSortale.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
reason and logic is constant, the rules of reason and logic haven't change since they are established.

your church however changed, a lot, according to this.


and they are not minor changes, many changes was significant (some even affect the fundamental of the doctrine).

the idea that churches does not change is simply an illusion that you hold.

please do not make outsiders point out to you the obvious thing about your faith that you should have known.

all in all, if you doubt science and scientific methods please stop using healthcare, computer, phone, software, houses, cars, pens, paper, TV, camera,etc...

as they are the results of Science and scientific methods,

you do know that the Bible have several cures for leprosy? none of which would cure you. now imagine if you have leprosy, would you follow the Bible to your death or would you want modern healthcare to cure you.
+4 / -0
There is no excess logic. Simple as that. You can choose to argue in a logical fashion. If you do that, people will gladly pick up your ideas and have a meaningful discussion.

If, at any point, you choose not to argue logical, your entire argumentation will become illogical (principle of explosion). You either adhere to logic or you don't, there's no "i stop when my logically evaluated statements make me feel uncomfortable". Once you stop being logic, you stop making sense.

I'd like to repeat that once more: The moment you reject logic, this discussion is over.

Logic has nothing to do with science. Science (obviously) relies on logic, but there's no science about logic. Stop mixing those up.
+0 / -0
You dont understand sortale, things never changed, regarding the ORthodox religion.Some special people uncovered these facts and made dogmas on theyir foundations.

For example watch the moses movie and see that before he went to that mountain to recive from God those 10 Commandments people felt bad when they did certain things regarding the sins mentioned in the 10 commandments.So humans were concious in a way of those laws, cause the 10 laws were written in
theyr soul.So then God gave the 10 commandments writen on ston tablets and gave them to Moses.

So here you see how people with theyir own well in small steps uncover God that has infinite wisdom.This is how it was done in the middleages, and with the foundation of Christianity with the sacrifice God made for us.

Again the Sacrifice God made for us is another part where he uncovers himself to us because we wanted that.
So uncovering those dogmas AUrankSortale that you see in the history of orthodoxy is just the will of man that wants to learn more from God's wisdom and nothing else.They are not man made dogmas, they are influenced by God in 100% but untied with the will of humans.Most of the dogmas were made and installed in the moments of the 7ecumenical synods that took place.And there were Saints present there that made miracoles just to explain more the about the Creator.

So we have a kind of perception like science has, the one where people discover more in case they study and develop certain things and uncover new theories how the world was build from the fizical point of view.(and how it works of course)

With the will of man and the Creator we find out more about the Creator.

I am making this last message as a warning for EErankAdminAnarchid in case he will post here agian.He doesnt care about whats written here and he just trolls the thread.He doesnt want to leave so il report him soon as i find him write another post here.Thx for the understading.
+0 / -0
And i'm making this the last warning for ROrankForever to adhere to logic. If he makes another post about "excess logic", i'll demand this thread be locked for lack of reasonable discussion.

PS: It's PHYSICAL, not fizical or any other orthographic abomination.

PPS: The "latest post" link broke again when Forever's post was the last one on page, it again sent me to the next page (resulting in an index out of bounds error).
+0 / -0
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