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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.11.11.6
Engine version: 105.1.1-1821-gaca6f20
Battle ID: 1769172
Started: 14 months ago
Duration: 27 minutes
Players: 25
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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14 months ago
While the previous update to the lance turrets helped, lances still kill likhos frequently. I think it was about 17:53 - maybe plus or minus a minute. Phantoms also have the same effect. I think it bugs me because it feels like a bug rather than a feature - I know it's not a bug, but it just feels a bit silly. I guess I could distract with a fighter first or something.

I wonder if making phantom/lance vertical aiming even slower might be a good fix. Maybe getting the likhos to fly higher as well? (or something similar)

Generally I've found likhos a lot harder to use since the update due to increased air defence, which I don't think people have responded to with more tac nukes.
+1 / -0
A bit past 60%, Stuey's likho flies to the north sea, apparently to hunt lances.

The lances retreat to a cloaking field and become invisible before the likho comes into range.

At that point, the likho has been seen by sea units and flies into lance range. The 3 lances shoot almost at the same time, killing the likho as it flies in at a slight angle and starts to turn.

There is other AA in the area shooting at the likho, but clearly the lances would have been sufficient.

I don't think the likho should survive 3000 metal worth of units designed around burst damage. For the homing and damage it has, likho is reasonably durable.

I think the reteated lances could only fire at the likho because sea units spotted it. Had the likho emerged from the fog of war, the lances would not have had the time to target.
+2 / -0
14 months ago
Thanks for having a look at that Galamesh, it's appreciated.

A few thoughts.

- That's a reasonable point about the metal and burst damage. I don't have a problem with other units like felons taking likhos out. For me, however, lances and phantoms feels like a different type of unit. It's an extremely powerful, but theoretically cumbersome unit - it shouldn't survive 3000 metal worth of damage from a unit designed to target it.
- Lances already are extremely powerful (if not overpowered) against land units. There is currently very little to counter well used lances, other than building walls and cloaking. (Merlins do okay I guess, but are very pricey)
- In most lob pot battles, units are frequently at least radar jammed if not cloaked and generally speaking, lances should be behind a solid screen of units. This means that whenever you are targeting them with air and the lances are fairly well used, it's dangerous.

- It is possible to come at the lances side on so they can't target the likho as quickly, but this I think is generally more possible early and not so much later.

Generally speaking, it just feels a little silly that it is lances (and phantoms) that are making air unusable in certain situations. If it's more of a feature than an unintended side effect I can deal with that, but it feels more like an unintended side effect.

I feel like I've had them take out likhos closer to the front line, but I'll try and post up some other examples of where this happens and see if I can find a case of them taking out units closer to the front rather than this situation where it was flying over.
+0 / -0