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Remove rez from Freaker

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13 years ago
The Freaker does not need a rez ability. It already jumps. We should either remove jump or move rezing to an athena-buildable builder, which it would get instead of the cloaky builder. We shouldn't remove it entirely, because it is useful when units are being suicided at you.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
>It already jumps

And this is a counter-argument how?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The Freaker already has one thing to make it different and more useful in certain situations. We don't need to give it too.
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13 years ago
It's there temporarily we're thinking of moving rez to amphib constructor.
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
amphibuous/AT rezz units?
buildable from Athena/Strider hub/specialist factory?

which factory would be ideal to have this unit?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
> why?

  • Amph constructor doesn't have a special ability (apart from being amph).
  • Rez is a fairly powerful method of retaking the sea.
  • Amph rez replicates the rez commander's otherwise unattainable sea role.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
>Amph constructor doesn't have a special ability (apart from being amph).

Freaker has no special ability (apart from jumping).
Weaver has no special ability (apart from crawling).
Hover con has no special ability (apart from floating).
Crane has no special ability (apart from flying).
Mason has no special ability (period).

For Freaker vs. Amph con: both are just fancy move types. One can go under water, one can go over hills. Makes for a poor argument, imo. Freaker being able to rez just FITS. It's a special ops unit that can sneak around and rez enemy units! How cool is that?!?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
>Amph rez replicates the rez commander's otherwise unattainable sea role.

Imo the biggest reason why I think amphrez is a good idea.

Sure, jumpcomm is still the only all-terrain rezzer, but regular rezbots can go to most places.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Freaker is also particularly fast, 9 bp.
Weaver, 9 bp.
Hover is the fastest.

I'm not really against Freaker rez but amph seems to fit better. There seems to be an arbitrary rule prohibiting 2 cons from rezzing.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I want some "Rez Specialist" in our specialist factory.

* long rez range to make it easier to use on surfboats.
* high cost+buildpower, because surfboats are expensive.
* jumping, bot no build options.
* maybe a weak medium sized shield to protect itself and the surfboat with it.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
As I think Lucky mentioned earlier, the jumplab already has a unit that does special tricks with corpses - the Puppy. I like the Amph having rez - if I wanted to give a second unit rez, I'd go with the spider.

For the Jump lab, its utility functions are more spread-out than other labs in the form of the Moderator and the Puppy. I'd rather some further experimenting with utility functions in the moderator lab rather than tacking rez onto the Freaker. For the freaker, I just want the thing to be fast.

USrankAntelope - the Mason used to be the best armor-for-cost of any con - Masons were uniquely qualified in that vein. Now that we've got shielded cons and the hovercon is a clone of the Mason, that's not the case anymore... but the Mason used to be special.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
how much HP/cost does Mason have in comparision to other cons?
900/140 = 6.41 HP/metal

1'900/250 = 7.4 HP/metal
Also can beat banshees 2v2 if you have at least 2 welders.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I'm fairly certain that ratio used to be worse back in CA. Either way, the idea of the mason was originally that it was the best con for working in hostile terrain, but now that's the Welder.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
wait do freaker have rez now?
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13 years ago
Yes. Con Artist (formerly necro) now has shield.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
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13 years ago
wait whats necros name now?
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13 years ago
>Yes. Con Artist (formerly necro) now has shield.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
i played game and necro had rez
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