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27/4 2v2 Anniversary Tournament

43 posts, 3443 views
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Page of 3 (43 records)
Date: Saturday, 27th of April
Time: 14:00 UTC
Format: 2v2 DE Bo3 (all rounds)

Map pool:

* Loser may select the next map according to the follow map pool.
* First map is selected by a team picked at random in each matchup.

Winner's Bracket (Except Semi/Final) Loser's Bracket Semis / Finale
Izki Channel v1.0 Aurelian v1.0 Temple Redux v1.2
Rogues River v1.2 Into Battle v4 Ravaged_v2
Badlands 2.1 Drab Battle for PlanetXVII-v01
FrozenPlanetV3 Icy run v2 Altair_Crossing_v3
Living Lands 4.1 Eye of Horus v13 Red Comet v1.3
Victoria Crater v2.1 Akilon Wastelands ZK v1 Vittra v2.1
Iced Coffee v4.3 Glacies 1.3 Bandit_Plains_v1
DesertCliffsV1 Avalanche-v2 Icy_Shell_v01
AlienDesert Fields_Of_Isis Adamantine Mountain 2
Barren 2 Energy Spire Plain Iceland_v1
Quicksilver 1.1 Insular Encounter 0.81 DunePatrol_wip_v03
Verdant v4 DWDeadDesert MoonQ10x


Da teams:
NamePlayer 1 Player 2
Langoustine DErankJxG USranko_o (Self Dropped)
Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz, Chrząszczyżewoszyce ATrankhokomoko CHrankAdminDeinFreund
FSP RUrankFerum @BigBadMeX611
Fat man and Little boy @VampireDuck GBrankEmlyn25
End Game Boss DErankManu12 @Sparkles
Throw In The Towel Bottom Corner EErankAdminAnarchid PLrankOrfelius
BM DErankrome2 DErankLord_Stronghold
Disciplines of Crabulon FIrankTimo GBrankLevity
??? CHrankMoo222225 ZArankmerck25
??? PLrankCatLady GBrankthe_green_squig

Signup list:


Qualifier 1:

Round 2:


Round 3:

Winner's Semi Finals:

Loser's 1

Loser's 2

Loser's 3

Loser's Semifinals

Loser's Finals


Bonus Round: Multiplayer B714685 4 on hotstepper
+9 / -0
5 years ago
Sign me up, yet I might not be able to come tho.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
If vauban gets added to the pool i might sign up.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I'm available to stream.
+6 / -0

5 years ago
I'll probably be streaming the event too.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I'll be available for streaming and playing.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
I'll play
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I'd like to join in.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I'm still looking for a teammate. Would be nice to have somebody to mumble with, otherwise it's a bit weird for the stream.
+0 / -0
DErankJxG and I, assuming im not banned at that particular date for my ingame protests against lobby mechanics
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Our team name is Langoustine
+2 / -0
5 years ago
How to register for the tournament?
+0 / -0
5 years ago
It's really early for me, but I'm up for it! Sign me up.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I'll need a team myself, but I'm not able to use voice.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
RUrankFerum I signed you up assuming you wanted to. Signing up is as easy as replying to this post. You're allotted up until 2-3 minutes before the tournament to find a team. Just message me on discord (ArchShaman#4549) or reply to this post if you find a second or change your mind.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I'm still looking for a teammate. Would be nice to have somebody to mumble with, otherwise it's a bit weird for the stream.

+8 / -0

5 years ago
there doesnt seem to be whr limits for teams?
+2 / -0

5 years ago
There aren't. Come as you are.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
_Shaman Can you set team "FSP" and add my friend BigBadMeX611
+0 / -0
5 years ago
sign me up, i am seriously bad at this game tho
+0 / -0
Page of 3 (43 records)