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Mount the outlaw weapon to Detriment

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4 years ago
Please install 2 Disruptor Pulser on Detriment.

+4 / -0
4 years ago
To detect ultimatum's?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Not very good game design to make units with no counters.
+2 / -0
reward producing the heaviest robot, which shall be unstoppable via normal fighting method, so it won't be easily beaten by swarms of small units.

Allow 5 ulti surrounding it do the job is okay, 3 ulti shall not beat a Detriment.

+0 / -1
4 years ago
The solution to swarms is jump away.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Not very good game design to make units with no counters.

And yet we have Big Bertha. And all the superweapons.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
To be honest, at this point I am convinced Detriment is the developers joke aimed at the expense of noobs. It doesn't really have a usecase, everyone agrees that it sucks and the devs seem unwilling to change it.
+7 / -0

4 years ago
Not very good game design to make units with no counters.

No counter to detri except ultis? Lances? Merlins? Paladin? Big berthas?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
And yet we have Big Bertha. And all the superweapons.

Silo? Tacsub? Nuke? Unit swarm because enemy invested so much metal while they front failed? If you mean supwep rushes on map where long game with 1 fps is expected then it will not count. Its problem by map design not sup wep.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
It isnt that zkdev is keeping it as is for a joke. Its that nobody has mana for a niche unit that works when there's bugs to fix and features to add that are higher priority. As I've heard AUrankAdminGoogleFrog is open to suggestions, provided there are PRs.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
The problem with the super units is it makes lower teir units useless making the game more about teching up than actual skirmishes.

it seems like BA forked into 2 games

zero-k: units are ultra specialized, high M units not inherently more efficient.

metal factions: units ultra generalized, high M units most efficient. game is a T2 tech race.
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Detriment's jump has been implemented then? I thought those changes hadn't gone past the prototyping stage.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Theyre pr'd atm.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
The outlaw pulses should come out of the feet of the Detri everytime it takes a stride.
+4 / -0
I've experimented with that, the problem is that now you have to keep your det walking at all times

it certainly is a quick solution that doesn't require a re-model, but there's probably better ones.

and while we're at it, buff the unit in general (esp. the regen, no time for caretakers when you have to rush to the enemy starlight!)

In terms of buffs, I would suggest the following:
- 2x firerate for gauss gun
(it just feels more right that way)
- Give it AOE if swarms are a big problem
(it's the ultimate assault strider, not the big scythe strider)
- Homing, 2x damage and quake-level-anti-terraform on the missiles
- outlaw wave
- replace the aa laser with the (buffed?) slowbeam, would make it better at dealing with big striders and air units at the same time
- up regen to 69/s
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Partially joking: if you buff it (which will make it more desirable to be built), can you please please please make some huge annoying warning that pop-up every 30 seconds of so in case multiple detri-s are built at the same time by a team? TBH don't care that much about the buff-s but it's so annoying when you loose front after fighting 1 v many to realize there were 2 noobs in the back each with 50% detri built...
+0 / -0

4 years ago
This leads into the human problem: Why should I help X build detri and have fun when I Can build detri and have fun?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Right now the detri seems like a big noob trap/trolling in the big team games. If you want to build something to end the game it is a drp, although just watching as a spec it seems like getting ahead of the other team by a couple of singus seems to work pretty well. (Although I have a hard time telling if getting singus up is the result of winning or the cause of winning.) I definitely have been in games where we had more eco due to having a person spamming singus but having less territory and therefore mexes, but ended up winning because we could just out produce the enemy team.
+3 / -0
Singus are extremely cost efficient so long as your energy grid isn't already saturated. Probably a better investment than a Detriment 99% of the time.

Rushing them kinda works in large games in large maps, just because there's enough metal flying around to get them built quickly. Building them tends to suck if you try to do so with a tiny amount of metal and basically spend 10 minutes at it. If it takes a long time to build, that's a lot of time all that metal spends as essentially stored metal.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
The Detriment would be a dark lord's beast then.

Also counter Detriment with spammy Phantoms.
+0 / -0
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