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When it's the right time to build static defenses?

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4 years ago
Maybe build an earlier defenses against player with Jumpbots
or anything else?
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4 years ago
only minimal LLTs in beginning. It is cheaper and more effective to just put all your units on legs and intercept units.

static defenses should only be used to stop infiltration and in instances there is certainty in where an opponent will approach.
+0 / -0
Building frontline forts to support your mobile armies is useful, as long as you don't overdo it.

Outside of that, unless you know your enemy is planning a deep raid, you don't need a lot of defenses for your mexes/energy base. A light spread of llts will do the trick, and a razor in your energy base after a few minutes. Escalate as enemy attacks make it necessary.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
2 loose lines of solar collectors crossing from corner to center of the map (making a triangle)to connect to your front line mex is recommanded, as it will expose bypassing cloaked units. And isn't cost much more than the Energy Pylon.

By that mean you can extend the line of solar from there with a few Lotus behind them in case to cover your side's retreating army.

Lotus has decent HP/cost ratio.

I just started a thread about them.

Picket is more useful on cliff where enemy cannot fight back normally.

And you will also need some well placed Razors and Faradays, and 1 Thresher and 1 Chainsaw in the center of a map to limit Licko and casually

You will love merlin, any team shall have one almost any games. It can be used hold fire, you need it to start a combat - break shield and charge, or end a combat - bombard retreating enemy army or force them retreat.

Never use merlin alone consider it is a static
+0 / -0

4 years ago
The best time to build static defense is right before you need it. This is why scouting and radar is important. However, this requires a lot of idle constructors so you'll have to compromise. Build a Lotus next to each mex and a Stardust in spots away from your base that would be really inconvenient for raiders. Put a Stinger near the middle of the map as skirmishers will often want to pass through there. Make Lotus and Pickets if your commander is feeling fighty.
+0 / -0

if you are gonna use you com to expand, make sense to build a LLT near your fact
if enemy is scything, make sense to build faraway at fact too
it also make sense to build static at places that you unlikely to send your army to but likely enemy would raid with some units
as for building a fort of statics....depend on the map position

as for rushing to somewhere middle of map and build a static, that depends on the map size and number of players
it is easy to go around the early static and likewise take it out with arti

it is important to see static as a form of deterrence or buying time and if you are using it to buy time, you need gauge the amount of time you could buy to perform your objectives
+0 / -0
Be careful with making simcity of defences - nukes exist for a reason :P
Mobiles always(well, almost always) can run away with nux warning sound, statics can't

Also, enemy can always go around def or disable it(emp silo) and go right through it
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I have a theory that building a Cerberus is a strong predictor of defeat.
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4 years ago
Cerberus is pretty good, people are just newbs and build them in the wrong places.
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4 years ago
Cerberus is a giant sign for your opponents saying "PLEASE TACNUKE ME".

If the situation is such that you can manage that risk then it can be okay.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
why would anybody build cereb when you have SHOOOOGUN!!!
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Cerberus can be shielded, plus it takes the silo + 2 tacnukes to kill it (it just barely survives one), which costs almost as much as Cerberus itself.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
You can also put it in a deep pit and force them to make a quake as well.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Lobspot have very long frontline that no way to bypass to attack energy structures.
+0 / -0
Ye, in large games where each player gets a small frontline, you typically don't have to worry much about your energy base or individual mexes in the back getting raided, unless the enemy is using scythes or air attacks.

Putting Cerberus in a deep pit is an option, but then you can't use low angle shots anymore, so it gets a lot harder to hit units.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
2 merlins focus fire at the same time could usually break normal shields.
+0 / -0

Cerberus is a giant sign for your opponents saying "PLEASE TACNUKE ME".

If the situation is such that you can manage that risk then it can be okay.

I would argue that tacnuke is not effective against cerberus in lobster pot games
1. Hefty silo price
2. Each missile costs 600m and to kill unprotected cerb u need 2 - 1200m
3. Enemy may have shield - need 3 missiles, 1800m
4. Enemy may have funnel web - need 3 or 4 missiles(or can funnel tank 2 tacs? if so missile cost may be even higher), 1800m-2400m(tacnukes alone cost as much as cerberus)
5. Most importantly enemy gets to reclaim(recovering about 1/3 of the cost?)
6. If enemy has a limited intel about funnel web/shield the cost of cerberus destruction may double or even tripple, turning this idea into a metal sink

A much better idea would be to make some cloaked impalers/lances and work on enemy porc from first minutes instead of waiting for them to build an impenetrable drp worthy simcity

Fun thing about lobster pot games shields and funnels often come for free from allies and this shit is moving, so without having a LOS of cerb I'd think 10 times before making tacnuke...
+1 / -0
just a slight change to what you said fp.. making a tac nuke silo is not always a bad thing so take that away from cost.
but and then add the cost of failing and or having to go past a shield or repairs.. and yeah its hard to make cost with tacs.. but the fact it kills the enemy and you still have a forward tac silo after that can deny rebuild.. its still worth it imho

and those napalm missiles are not as bad as some say

i think your killing cerb with tac silo point is valid.. but tac silo itself is super good
+0 / -0
I hate lobsterpot building lines of shield porc... hmm I wish to vote disable shield factory and iris in lobster pot hah.

Napalm missile is the only Area effect attack do real damage by missile silo.

A shockley to disable shield and Inferno to reduce repairing.

You can try to use Missile silo to keep enemy metal extractors dead zone.
+0 / -0
to kill shields i find tremor nice but the range makes it hard to use vs some porc forts

i crunched numbers on all long range arty dps vs cost and BY FAR! racketeers have most
vs shields they can when at max range hit the edge of a shield and drain it much faster cost for cost then even merlin, tac nuke and tremmor

only ulti d-gun and that doesnt even hit shields.. and emp tac have better dps.. and emp tac is only better dps at first since racketeers can keep shooting
sadly racketeers have quite short range too

im not sure about napalm and it it applies fire damage all across shields

lance / emissary are also nice options vs shields but they are quite short range so its good to cloak them + aa and anti raiders / cloaks

ironically crab can get quite extreme range.. but this is not cost effective

ironically why ~ crabs don't know they are arty.."Armored Heavy Riot/Skirmish Spider" but they are one of the best area denial arty
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