I'd like the FFA community to come together and decide what the ceasefire should do and their expectations from it. Input from

GoogleFrog and

Sprung would also be nice. Some major points to be discussed:
- Should ceasefires be announced?
- Should breaking ceasefire be announced?
- Should ceasefires be required to be mutual?
- Any other point of feedback you want to add.
Currently I am hunting down a nasty OOM plaguing fw (which is my usual testbed), but I am also looking for the next big project. I personally do not have any interest in FFA, so I thought I'd open this thread to get some feedback.
I'd also like to set the expectation here: the initial pr
will likely be barebones (ie: hey you can set a ceasefire, nothing fancy). A test mutator will be release at some point that has all the modified code that you can play on (likely will ask admins to set up an autohost for me with this).