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APM graphs please

15 posts, 967 views
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3 years ago
same as with metal produced, value killed etc.
+3 / -0

3 years ago
This comes up but is always hampered by the question "What is APM?" Once we're at the point where someone says exactly what should be measured, then the code itself is pretty easy.

  • The number of times the mouse is clicked and any key is presssed?
  • The above but filtering out modkeys (alt, shift, ctrl, space)?
  • What about selection boxes and control groups?
  • Something else somewhere between the above and "All commands sent to the server"?
+5 / -0

3 years ago
I'd go with:

The number of unit commands given, not counting commands that are duplicates of the previous command (with the same unit selection) within the same 1s.

Eg. pressing stop with unit selected is 1 command
pressing stop 2x in 1s with same unit selected is 1 command
pressing stop with one unit selected, then pressing stop with a different unit selected, within a 1s window, is 2 commands.

Clicks and key presses that do not issue a command are not actions. Giving a command that is almost identical to an existing command to the same unit selection in the same short timeframe (eg. a move command to a location within 5 elmo of existing move command) are not actions.

That way you only get meaningful readout. The stuff starcraft players do to boost APM like rapidly clicking a rock are sad.
+2 / -0

3 years ago
What about building queues?
If I queue 5 Ravagers with shift is 1 command or 5? I assume 1.
But now what if I click Ravager button 5 times without shift, is it now 5 commands?
What if I make a row of 10 windgens by dragging a line vs click 10 positions in a line manually?
+1 / -0

3 years ago
what if we dont bother?
+5 / -0

3 years ago

Eg. pressing stop with unit selected is 1 command
pressing stop 2x in 1s with same unit selected is 1 command
pressing stop with one unit selected, then pressing stop with a different unit selected, within a 1s window, is 2 commands.

So I have 10 glaives selected, they're currently moving and I order stop, is that 1 or is that 10 commands?

If I have nothing selected and I create a selection box that contains 10 glaives, is that 0, 1 or 10 "command(s)"?

If I have 10 glaives selected and I line order move to location 1, then still holding shift I line order to location 2 and then finally again line order to location 3, how many commands is that? Because that's legit and I do that ALL the time.
+0 / -1
3 years ago
Also what about changing states. I imagine this should be counted but some of this state stuff is a little fuzzy. Like adding and removing to autogroups mid game is something I do frequently enough and this isn't even sent to the server as far as I know. I am sure other people can com up with a bunch of other strange corner cases as well.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Whatever is consistent with other similar games/rts.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
IMO input speed is the only thing that can be measured, so is the only thing that should be measured. Keypresses and clicks, including modkeys.

If some people have insane apm when measured like this but they don't get high elo? Well, yes then maybe they need to spend their clicks better - but they have them available and perhaps this input speed is what you want to know.
+0 / -0
It's always nice to know which part of the game I didn't spend CTRL-Zing my way to graph victory.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
IIRC, the engine already tracks APM, and shows it in the default game end screen. I'm not sure which way the engine decided to resolve ambiguities.
+2 / -0

3 years ago
IIRC engine even tracks mouse pixels moved.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
In lieu of nothing, would it be possible/easy to have the default spring engine one implemented in some way?
+1 / -0

3 years ago
RUrankizirayd has already written / developed an AMP counter .

See: https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/31155

Is not at the end of the game in the graphics to find but still helpful if you are interested in it, works binding free for me :D
+1 / -0
3 years ago
Maybe just an extra tab on endgame stats that shows the apm, MC/m, mousemovment stuff that gets by the engine anyway.
+1 / -1