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10 posts, 466 views
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2 years ago
for 10+ years we been stuck with this laggy piece of crap. Fix it, we dont need no fancy pantsy animation. Make Zero-K great again. #freefirenoob
+1 / -1
Slightly different idea, how about: If you have low graphics settings enabled, remove windgen animation, but if you have higher graphics settings enabled, keep windgen animation.
+4 / -0
2 years ago
+0 / -0
2 years ago
So in a intense game you just gonna pause, wait for people too lower the graphic because there are too many windgens. Goldfishes have enough trying to figure out how terraform a cerb in the back of the base.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Fully agreed!
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Do you have anything to back up such an angry thread?
  • Post an infolog.
  • Do '/luarules windanim' to toggle the windgen animation (with cheats enabled). Use this to test the difference in a laggy singleplayer game. Perhaps a late campaign mission would be good for this.

Complete both these tasks.
+1 / -0
In /debug, when I have about 500 wind generators on the screen and within draw distance, the Sim,Update,Draw time is somewhere between 30-100% difference. When not animated, it's around an average of 2.5, 90, 35.. when it is animated the same numbers are on average about 4.4, 120, 40. Eyeballed, but it was enough of a difference to notice a clear change. I tried turning on the frame rate logger to give you more accurate info, but the widget doesn't seem to write to any log in my ZK dir. Maybe I need to restart the match to have it take effect, but seriously -- it's a noticeable visual frame rate difference between turning the animations on vs off.

Btw, these are on absolute minimum graphics settings since the last engine update completely tanked performance.

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog I think it's fair to say my loose testing is enough for you to at least try it yourself. It's bad, man.
+0 / -0
If you really need an infolog let me know where I can send it. But man, please, please consider that SErankZnack and I aren't complaining just to complain. There was such a noticeable difference in perf between animated vs not that I can't blame SErankZnack for getting frustrated about this going on for ten years.
+0 / -0
On reflection, I don't want anything useful that may come out of this to by flavoured by the absolute shitpost that is the OP. I'm sitting here waiting for infologs, precise numbers, and steps to reproduce because I don't think I owe the OP anything more.

So I'm locking this. Someone with communication skills (such as chaplol) can open another.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Asylumed. If somebody makes another thread on this topic, leave out the caps rage title and the political memes.
+0 / -0