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Title: [A] Free For All
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.10.4.1
Engine version: 105.1.1-841-g099e9d0
Battle ID: 1360418
Started: 2 years ago
Duration: 40 minutes
Players: 9
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 0.1%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 0%

Team 3
Chance of victory: 0%

Team 4
Chance of victory: 5.2%

Team 5
Chance of victory: 3.2%

Team 6
Chance of victory: 25.1%

Team 7
Chance of victory: 28.3%

Team 8
Chance of victory: 38.1%

Team 9
Chance of victory: 0%


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Page of 2 (25 records)
2 years ago
Why the fuck doesn't self-d leave a body of detriment? And they also give 4.5k metal for reclaim, what is the logic?
+0 / -0

2 years ago
All Self-Destructs leave debris, not wrecks.
+2 / -0
2 years ago
Oh I can imagine the micro already

Anyway to shortened the self destruct timer?
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Why the fuck doesn't self-d leave a body of detriment? And they also give 4.5k metal for reclaim, what is the logic?

All Self-Destructs leave debris, not wrecks.

And debris is 20% of unit value.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Detriment is capable of dealing damage to 90% of its HP, which is insanely huge, and after that it explodes with a nuclear strike. And you want to say that the 20% of its value that will remain is logical? This is complete nonsense, 40% should remain and the ability to resurrect the detriment. The ability to resurrect detriment is an important game mechanic. In the current patch, the demetriment is a hard-to-kill unit, so its suicide rate should be 40% reclaim.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Singularity reactor is capable of producing energy to 90% of its HP, which is insanely huge, and after that it explodes with a nuclear strike. And you want to say that the 20% of its value that will remain is logical? This is complete nonsense, 40% should remain and the ability to resurrect the singularity. The ability to resurrect singularity is an important game mechanic. In the current patch, the singularity is a hard-to-kill unit, so its suicide rate should be 40% reclaim.
+5 / -0
2 years ago
Ah so when a singu explodes, the enemy team should each be given a caretaker next to the debris so they can get their rightful reclaim. /s
+1 / -0

Anyway to shortened the self destruct timer?

No. As far as I know it's specifically 5s or more on non-suicide units to prevent this from happening and to prevent the user from accidentally losing their units.

Detriment is capable of dealing damage to 90% of its HP

Max HP: 86.000
Death Explosion: Nuclear Missile (9.500 dmg)

In what world is 9.500 90% of 86.000? That's ~11%, not 90%.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Still, self D would make sense for post widow, scorp, shockley, or juggle events...or maybe if you screw up your grizz/crab/etc positioning or something.

Having the presence of mind to do this without srs tryharding is uh~
+0 / -0

Detriment is capable of dealing damage to 90% of its HP

Max HP: 86.000
Death Explosion: Nuclear Missile (9.500 dmg)

In what world is 9.500 90% of 86.000? That's ~11%, not 90%.

To be fair this assumes that there is only one target in range of the det's death explosion. You could also blow up your own stuff with it, so it's hard to tell what the expected outcome would be.

Maybe izi assumes, or takes it in the context of a moment in this game, that the det explodes within enemy base/army so it makes value on explosion on top of/combined with previously delt damage with weapons?
+1 / -0
Maybe izi assumes, or takes it in the context of a moment in this game, that the det explodes within enemy base/army so it makes value on explosion on top of/combined with previously delt damage with weapons?

My read on this is that Det is safe to exist at 10% because few things could just burst down 9k hp. So you can keep fighting until 10% and then go back to heal.
+0 / -0
My read on this is that Det is safe to exist at 10% because few things could just burst down 9k hp. So you can keep fighting until 10% and then go back to heal.

I'd agree that the statement is true, but it's not what he's saying. He's saying you can use det up to 10% hp remaining, then self D to leave only 20% of its value in reclaim and get a nuclear strike that bypasses anti. The counters I suppose are only stun/domi. Does disarm pause self d? Do transports pause self d?

Luckily, being low hp also means being more vulnerable to status effects. I don't think the burst 9k of health matters at all if the conext involves a self d det since it would die either way. In fact it's the opposite. If you could burst that 10% det you could get a wreck instead of debris.

What if I were to suggest that selfd generates a wreck if hp is below a threshold? I'm not saying that should be implemented or that's it's even a good idea, but it's what I think is in line with his statement.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Transports and successful capture stop self-destruction. Stunning pauses the self-destruction timer. Nothing else has an effect on self-d.
+0 / -0
Transports and successful capture stop self-destruction. Stunning pauses the self-destruction timer. Nothing else has an effect on self-d.

Disarm also blocks it i'm pretty sure.

🤔 Maybe slow should make the countdown slower, obedience is the correct behavior and all.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I thought I had tested it and disarm did nothing. I might be wrong... I remember thinking it made sense disarm doesn't stop self d because it's not a weapon.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I thought I had tested it and disarm did nothing. I might be wrong... I remember thinking it made sense disarm doesn't stop self d because it's not a weapon.

I am highly certain disarm prevents voluntary detonation of Limpets, for example.
+0 / -0
I just tested it again. 75 racketeers shooting a det, keeping it wobbling between 4 and 5 seconds disarmed continuously.

Self d still comes through and the det detonates.

Next I tried skuttle, limpet, imp, blastwing and snitch. They can ALL detonate while disarmed.

Interstingly enough, the skuttle cannot jump while disarmed, but it can D.
+2 / -0
2 years ago
Is this the decline of the gnat herc domi meta? :(
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Why the fuck doesn't self-d leave a body of detriment?


Also, I suspect resurrect is bad for FFA. But this is more to do with resurrecting your own superweapons than a Det.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Next I tried skuttle, limpet, imp, blastwing and snitch. They can ALL detonate while disarmed.

Stun prevents self-destruction and for these units the self-destruction is an attack, so i kinda feel that disarm should prevent selfd.
+0 / -0
Page of 2 (25 records)