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[18 June] 2v2 Future Wars Tournament

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Time2100 UTC
Date18 June 2022
FormatRound Robin

Greetings all, we're having the first future wars tournament (and maybe the first modded one?) on the 18th of June. Practice your cheese and prepare for an evening of epic battles! Balance not included. Dependent on signup count, there may be two matches per round.

Map poolNotes
Icy ShellFuture Wars Version
DrabFuture Wars Version
Indar v1 Future Wars Version
Lowland CrossingFuture Wars Version
Fields of IsisFuture Wars Version
Tangled Isthmus
Stradvar Valleys v1.0

Signup / results

Player name Attended


Round 1
Multiplayer B1390137 4 on Icy_Shell_v01
Multiplayer B1390132 4 on Icy_Shell_v01
Round 2
Multiplayer B1390153 4 on Indar v1
Multiplayer B1390156 4 on Indar v1
Round 3
Multiplayer B1390170 4 on Fields_Of_Isis
Multiplayer B1390171 4 on Fields_Of_Isis
Extra: Multiplayer B1390194 8 on SandCastles2




1.) In event of a game being unplayable due to luaerrors / etc, a rematch will be allowed.
2.) Balance not included. Go in expecting some fun, and cheese.
+6 / -0
2 years ago
Wow, this will be epic. Shame I will be away that day :/
+0 / -0
2 years ago
If I have time I'm in, looks promising. But I have no team yet.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
2100 UTC looks castable for me. I think casting would be interesting as it would have elements of a reaction video.
+3 / -0
2 years ago
Will you post it on Youtube afterwards AUrankAdminGoogleFrog ?
+1 / -0
I'll be on stream as well playing Future Wars Bingo.

+2 / -0

2 years ago
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Hey, I'll be joining in as a team with @Mudosaka, team name "Dawntreader".
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Count me in!
+0 / -0
I would join but need to ask @Chomolungma or DErankHoppili to team up :D.

Team Mean of course :D.

+0 / -0

2 years ago
It should be noted that balance changes will be frozen after 11 June until after the tournament to allow discovery / practice.
+0 / -0
Even if I really want to join, a tournament usually takes a few hours, especially in a "game mode where nobody has a clue".

||(Start-)Time 2100 UTC

Well, I already find 18:00 UTC exhausting, because Tournaments there partly take place until 02:00 AM (my time zone>UTC+2)).
And with 21:00 UTC it is impossible for me to get back into my sleep rhythm on sunday, maybe there are people who have a different one like e.g.

But i guess you just can not find the "best" start time, always (one) is disadvantaged/can't participate.

"I would join but need to ask @Chomolungma or DErankHoppili to team up :D."

Have already asked Chomolungma we will most likely not be able to participate accordingly.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Am I dumb, how do I sign up? Is it too late now?
+0 / -0
Just reply here and I'll add you. The final time to sign up is about 5 minutes before the tournament.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I'd like to join, no team yet.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Today is tournament day. Tournament is still on, despite me not being on the discord.

Due to low signup count, the tournament will have at least 2-3 games between teams. I estimate about 15minutes/match, and with 3 teams, there will be 2 rounds of 2-3matches = ~90±10mins runtime. If additional people show up, the match count will be adjusted accordingly such that the estimated run time is about 90 minutes.

Those without teams: if you are without a team at time of tournament, I'll be making teams out of the unsigned up players to try to give roughly even teams.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Ulti goes brr and the tournament comentator breaking the decibel limit.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Pootis and I would like to join as a team
+0 / -0
2 years ago
im in
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Well, at least we didn't come last.
+0 / -0
Page of 2 (24 records)